Hehehe, i'm in my cous house using internet now (Because stupid house internet spoil T-T...) and gya, his cat Lazy is so cute XD!!!~ But getting fatter =P!!!~ And he really looks like Puss-in-Boots from Shrek 2 ne (Try looking at Lazy at night and you'll understand *v*!!!~)!!!~ Kawaii X3!!!~
And yeah, watch abit of Taeguki last night (Abit nya cause need to sleep =P!!!), Won Bin is so cute XD!!!~ But didn't watch finish so wait next time watch with Auntie ler (She got DVD!!!~), but i scare to watch because its war movie, surely very sad one T-T... and either is the bro Jang Dong Gun die, or Won Bin die 0_0... no, Bin Bin XD!!!~
And because yesterday very sien, so just finish watching my Gokusen 2 disc 2 ler!!!~ Hehe, Jin is quite hot inside too =P!!!~
Although from the J-mag Junon, they have a poll on Gokusen 2 inside last time, more Japanese girls prefer Kame's type of "cool" character than Jin's "hot" character; but personally, i prefer Jin's character ler XD!!!
Because not so troublesome trying to figure out what he is thinking =P!!!
As Kame's character is those cool, quiet and don't-talk-alot type of character, whereas Jin is hot-blooded, also cool, not talkative but will say out his feelings those type etc.. so yeah, you got what i mean ^^|||...
But you can't deny Kame's character IS attractive inside too ler, though i prefer Jin's ^^|||...
Wth, i'm talking about Johnny's in my Blog now dei @.@... Anyhow, lets stick to the fact that i'm a VF girl (And i love wFL XD!!!~) ne ^-~!!!~ Hehehe XD!!!~
Oh yeah, i found a new (Ok, not new, because this is the first ^^|||...) eye candy in college ne @v@!!! Guess who it is???
No, its not a fellow student, its an ICPU lecturer XP!!!
The Families class teacher Mr Graham @v@!!!~ He is hot XD!!!~
So regret didn't retake Families again this sem T_T... cannot, next sem must take some other subject he teaches =P!!!~
But knowing me, i don't really like foreigners, i prefer Asians, so he is just that "i-like-to-see-him" nya lar, nothing more (And i really mean it!!!)!!!~
BTW, some side info, Mr Graham has a real nice bod, and from what my Law classmate says, he has a nice ass too X3 (Guys with nice ass are attractive ok??? Looks at my Jay, Keita and Bi *v*!!!~ AH XD!!!~)!!!~
Well, he IS the physical education teacher back in Canada (If i'm not mistaken, swimming one @v@...), so naturally, he will have a nice bod right???
Ok, for this fact, lets just stick this fact to Mr Graham only, and no other male teachers i know, especially Malaysian PE male teachers -_-"...
Hehehe, next time i'll definately enter IB class late dee, cause will wait outside class D2 to ehem... spy +P???
Ok ok, i not that "bian tai" to that extend on some lecturer ok -_-"... if see ok, if not nvm ler, because i sound like some mad old woman @.@...
Yeah, i've stopped doing something i've always been doing after OS class and before IB class dee, because i'm trying to give up dee!!!
And its been awhile i didn't do dee (Forget to post here nya =P!!!~), so i'm really proud of myself =D!!!~
I don't want my happiness for the day to depend on that, and lets keep it that way ^-^!!!~
But you can't deny i am indeed missing it, but i'm better off without it!!!
Ganbatte eiko-chan!!! Aza aza fighting XD!!!~
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
The difference between TGV and GSC One Utama...
Ok, let me start this erm... "entry", with what i think about this two cinemas... in One Utama only, actually...
Why One Utama only???
#1 - I frequented OU so much its my second home, and greatly agreed by everyone who knows me well... Unless i'm disoriented that day, otherwise i can close my eyes and bring you around with absolutely no problem. Just tell me what you want i can even direct you easily to where you can get those items.
Though i'm not really good with shop names and i'm better with the Old Wing ^^|||...
#2 - Half of the movies i've watched in my whole entire life is most probably in TGV OU...
#3 - Its the ONLY shopping mall in Malaysia with two "super-huge-rival-cinemas" in it premise!!!
There is the Old Wing with TGV, and the New Wing with GSC!!!~
Which one i prefer???
Apart from the fact that half the movies i've watched in my entire life is there, the GSC seats are totally of no competition to TGV's!!!
Well, erm, ok ler, the GSC seats are new, bigger and more "comfy-er" than TGV's abit, and the gaps between the rows are quite wide, so theres no worries that you'll step on others feet when you try to get yourself to the middle seats...
But to people with bad habits like me and my wife, Loo Yee (And Amanda too if i'm not mistaken ^^|||...), we'll be happy to watch all the new movies in TGV OU...
Well, its the gap problem!!!
You see, TGV OU's gaps between rows are not narrow, but definately more narrow than GSC OU's, so you can happily relax your legs on top of the seat in front of you ^-^... provided that theres nobody in front or in the seat next to the one in front of you ler ^^|||...
Even if theres someone in front of you, its more comfortable because you'll STILL be able to relax your feet against the seat in front of you, and the guy in front won't probably feel anything unless if you keep kicking the seat ler...
In GSC OU, you can't do that cause the gaps are too wide, your legs feels like dropping down (Or falling off @.@...) every second you do so @o@...
And also, because the rows are build quite steep (I meant TGV OU's!!!~), even if you're seating in the second row from the screen, its still more bearable compared to GSC OUs!!!
And in GSC OU's, so far, the only seats i find comfortable to me liking is the rows around E!!! Others are erm... not really to my "taste", but still acceptable but erm... yeah, you got what i mean ^^|||...
BTW, the second row in GSC OU's is making me go headache @.@... yeah, i kena the other day...
Whereas in TGV OU, 5 rows from the screen and anywhere in the middle is to my liking dee ^-^!!!~ And its comfy too!!!~
So thats about it ler, yeah, TGV OU is MUCH BETTER than GSC OU!!!~
Though, when go watch movie still usually go for GSC OU one ^^|||, except if Wednesday or the time not matching....
Because ne, for TGV OU, everyday for student is RM7, whereas GSC OU is RM6; though for Wednesday, TGV OU is RM6 and GSC OU is RM7... so erm, you got what i'm trying to say ^^||| (Yeah, i want to save money so go for the cheaper although not as comfortable as the one which i need to pay extra RM1 one lar -o-|||... heee...)...
Though its obvious that GSC OU is trying real hard to compete with TGV OU, because even on normal days the ticket cost RM8 for GSC OU while TGV OU is RM9!!! But losing point is TGV for every day in the morning sure RM7, while GSC OU on weekend morning is RM10 @.@...
Conclusion, yeah, i'm a crazy movie-freak-who-loves-going-to-cinema-to-watch-movie ^^|||!!!~
BTW, my highest record is 5 movies for a week ^-^!!! Though my aim is to beat my dad's record, which is 7 movies for a week (Means one day one movie @.@...)!!! Must ganbatte =P!!!~ Hahaha XP!!!~
Aza aza fighting!!!~ Try going for 8 movies in a week, but there aren't so many new movies to watch these days har??? So unless i stop watching movies for a couple of weeks, and then finish all i didn't watch one in one week, otherwise my dad's record will be hard to beat =/!!!
Though, its hard to resist going to watch movie whenever a new movie comes out =P!!! Thats the only prevention thing XP!!!~ Muahaheeeee XD!!!~
Why One Utama only???
#1 - I frequented OU so much its my second home, and greatly agreed by everyone who knows me well... Unless i'm disoriented that day, otherwise i can close my eyes and bring you around with absolutely no problem. Just tell me what you want i can even direct you easily to where you can get those items.
Though i'm not really good with shop names and i'm better with the Old Wing ^^|||...
#2 - Half of the movies i've watched in my whole entire life is most probably in TGV OU...
#3 - Its the ONLY shopping mall in Malaysia with two "super-huge-rival-cinemas" in it premise!!!
There is the Old Wing with TGV, and the New Wing with GSC!!!~
Which one i prefer???
Apart from the fact that half the movies i've watched in my entire life is there, the GSC seats are totally of no competition to TGV's!!!
Well, erm, ok ler, the GSC seats are new, bigger and more "comfy-er" than TGV's abit, and the gaps between the rows are quite wide, so theres no worries that you'll step on others feet when you try to get yourself to the middle seats...
But to people with bad habits like me and my wife, Loo Yee (And Amanda too if i'm not mistaken ^^|||...), we'll be happy to watch all the new movies in TGV OU...
Well, its the gap problem!!!
You see, TGV OU's gaps between rows are not narrow, but definately more narrow than GSC OU's, so you can happily relax your legs on top of the seat in front of you ^-^... provided that theres nobody in front or in the seat next to the one in front of you ler ^^|||...
Even if theres someone in front of you, its more comfortable because you'll STILL be able to relax your feet against the seat in front of you, and the guy in front won't probably feel anything unless if you keep kicking the seat ler...
In GSC OU, you can't do that cause the gaps are too wide, your legs feels like dropping down (Or falling off @.@...) every second you do so @o@...
And also, because the rows are build quite steep (I meant TGV OU's!!!~), even if you're seating in the second row from the screen, its still more bearable compared to GSC OUs!!!
And in GSC OU's, so far, the only seats i find comfortable to me liking is the rows around E!!! Others are erm... not really to my "taste", but still acceptable but erm... yeah, you got what i mean ^^|||...
BTW, the second row in GSC OU's is making me go headache @.@... yeah, i kena the other day...
Whereas in TGV OU, 5 rows from the screen and anywhere in the middle is to my liking dee ^-^!!!~ And its comfy too!!!~
So thats about it ler, yeah, TGV OU is MUCH BETTER than GSC OU!!!~
Though, when go watch movie still usually go for GSC OU one ^^|||, except if Wednesday or the time not matching....
Because ne, for TGV OU, everyday for student is RM7, whereas GSC OU is RM6; though for Wednesday, TGV OU is RM6 and GSC OU is RM7... so erm, you got what i'm trying to say ^^||| (Yeah, i want to save money so go for the cheaper although not as comfortable as the one which i need to pay extra RM1 one lar -o-|||... heee...)...
Though its obvious that GSC OU is trying real hard to compete with TGV OU, because even on normal days the ticket cost RM8 for GSC OU while TGV OU is RM9!!! But losing point is TGV for every day in the morning sure RM7, while GSC OU on weekend morning is RM10 @.@...
Conclusion, yeah, i'm a crazy movie-freak-who-loves-going-to-cinema-to-watch-movie ^^|||!!!~
BTW, my highest record is 5 movies for a week ^-^!!! Though my aim is to beat my dad's record, which is 7 movies for a week (Means one day one movie @.@...)!!! Must ganbatte =P!!!~ Hahaha XP!!!~
Aza aza fighting!!!~ Try going for 8 movies in a week, but there aren't so many new movies to watch these days har??? So unless i stop watching movies for a couple of weeks, and then finish all i didn't watch one in one week, otherwise my dad's record will be hard to beat =/!!!
Though, its hard to resist going to watch movie whenever a new movie comes out =P!!! Thats the only prevention thing XP!!!~ Muahaheeeee XD!!!~
Sunday, August 28, 2005
eiko-chan is turning vulgar @.@...
Oh bloody hell man, these days i'm so turning vulgar @.@...
Few steps, f*ck..
Few moves, f*ck...
Few words, f*ck...
I swear its because of my bad luck these few days, plus the bloody IB, and especially the bloody losing streak i've been having...
But luckily today i won once ler =P!!! But its real pure luck, at least got slight improvement... and hehe, Loo2 is still beginner (But she's getting better!!!)...
And yeah, i seriously think losing streak is cause bloody hell i didn't take the time to aim!!! Next time must really AIM AIM AIM lar @.@... must ganbatte tomorrow!!! Must get back to 7-7!!! I shall not lose to you again SU YI XD!!!~
Hehehe =P!!!~
Yeah, i don't know why too ler, but these days always meet alot of assholes on the road ne!!! And bloody thing is i didn't honk, and i am the innocent one ne (Yeah right...)!!! Kena bully T_T... poor thing... haha =P...
Maybe thats the reason of the vulgarity, hmm... heee =P!!!~
Using internet in Starbucks now, because me bro haven't fix the stupid router at home T-T...
Neeways, loads of things to do!!! Got 2 exams tomorrow, need to finish watch Da Jang Geum ASAP (Because either today or next week is last episode dee @.@...)!!!~ Aiyar, everyday roll around somemore... aiyoyo @.@...
Ok ler, until here ler, don't know why i post this random Blog somemore... i guess i'm not in a Blogging mood now, thats why all the bullsh*ts =P!!!~ Hehehe!!!~
And theres alot of things i wanted to write in one, but forgot dee T-T... my bad memory... haih...
Ok ler, hope everyone have a good day; i'll try to put my vulgarity on hold ^^|||... hehehe =P!!!~
Ja XD!!!~
Few steps, f*ck..
Few moves, f*ck...
Few words, f*ck...
I swear its because of my bad luck these few days, plus the bloody IB, and especially the bloody losing streak i've been having...
But luckily today i won once ler =P!!! But its real pure luck, at least got slight improvement... and hehe, Loo2 is still beginner (But she's getting better!!!)...
And yeah, i seriously think losing streak is cause bloody hell i didn't take the time to aim!!! Next time must really AIM AIM AIM lar @.@... must ganbatte tomorrow!!! Must get back to 7-7!!! I shall not lose to you again SU YI XD!!!~
Hehehe =P!!!~
Yeah, i don't know why too ler, but these days always meet alot of assholes on the road ne!!! And bloody thing is i didn't honk, and i am the innocent one ne (Yeah right...)!!! Kena bully T_T... poor thing... haha =P...
Maybe thats the reason of the vulgarity, hmm... heee =P!!!~
Using internet in Starbucks now, because me bro haven't fix the stupid router at home T-T...
Neeways, loads of things to do!!! Got 2 exams tomorrow, need to finish watch Da Jang Geum ASAP (Because either today or next week is last episode dee @.@...)!!!~ Aiyar, everyday roll around somemore... aiyoyo @.@...
Ok ler, until here ler, don't know why i post this random Blog somemore... i guess i'm not in a Blogging mood now, thats why all the bullsh*ts =P!!!~ Hehehe!!!~
And theres alot of things i wanted to write in one, but forgot dee T-T... my bad memory... haih...
Ok ler, hope everyone have a good day; i'll try to put my vulgarity on hold ^^|||... hehehe =P!!!~
Ja XD!!!~
Thursday, August 25, 2005
F*cked up!!!
Why i am avoiding writing the full word??? I don't want my beautiful Blog to be block by the idiotic college ICT Dept. lar!!! No point going there and arguing about releasing another website, i lazy hear "Taylor's policy..." and all those sh*t ler (Check previous previous previous post for the succesful win of eiko-chan in releasing wFLforums from the bloody college authorities =)!!!~)!!!
Ok, so why f*cked up??? Bloody hell, i f*cked up my bloody IB (International Business...) case study!!! I just don't get a single bloody thing the bloody article is trying to tell me!!!
And bloody hell, starting around last month i've been in a losing streak; i've been losing in EVERY SINGLE pool game i played!!! Trust me, not a single win!!!
The last one with Su2 almost almost almost win one, but lost T_T... damn it!!!
Fine, not going to touch the bloody thing until i manage to confirm that I WILL WIN NEXT TIME!!! Ganbatte!!!
Back to the bloody IB...
And because i don't understand the bloody thing, i naturally doze off (ZzzZzzZzz...) and when i wake up, its almost time dee (First time sleep so long in class and taking no notice of the time pass @.@...) T_T... have to hand the bloody thing up and die @.@...
Maybe i need more sleep??? But i slept early last night ler!!!
Oh yeah, i forget that if i sleep early, i very tired next day; if i sleep late, i also very tired next day, but the odds are better that i will be more alert then tired... i don't know how my brains work ler @.@...
Luckily the bloody lecturer allowed us 10 minutes tomorrow morning to finish it up, but is 10 minutes enough to finish 6 bloody questions i don't even understand the heck of it???
Business is so not for me, i should've know it since the beginning of sem when i don't know how to do the bloody whatever-it-is-that-i-now-forget-dee-ler...
I was thinking of dropping it, but Auntie told me to fight with it!!! So yeah, i'll take Auntie's advice, NOT TO GIVE UP!!!
Why didn't i thought of it earlier??? Maybe i'm so emo after leaving class that this fact left my mind??? FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!
Hah, now lets see who die first =þ!!! Bloody IB!!! Knight in shining armour Keita with eiko-chan going to FIGHT YOU!!! Muahahahahahaha!!!
eiko-chan is confirmed, from emo to crazy now -o-|||...
Mind, her brain is not working well eversince the day her car broke down, don't know why @.@... hahaha...
So resolutions from now...
- Finish "Da Jang Geum"'s 6 episodes before the finale this weekend (Missed it so borrowed VCD from Mei jie to watch =P!!!)!!!~
- Make bloody sure that i'll at least bloody crap bloody stuffs into the case study tomorrow morning; hey, if i'm going to get Zero for it, at least i crapped and give the bloody lecturer a bloody headache right???
At least he'll shake his head so much it may help him to exersice his neck; see, i'm so thoughtful =D!!!~
- Study study study!!! LAW OS IB!!! GANBATTE!!! AZA AZA FIGHTING!!!
- Throw the bloody lecturer all the way to Antartica and let him freeze there!!!
- Finish OS Case study 2 (At least this one is better and easier to do, although it is sorta business related too!!!)!!!
- Go see cous bro's beautiful baby darling cat Lazy =3!!!~
- Make sure i get my daily dosage of Jay, Keita and Bi (I suspect i'm lacking these necessities, which is so important in my life, that thats why i'm so f*cked up these days @.@...!!!)
- Return to college with a big smile, and be back the cheerful eiko-chan tomorrow; using "Ganbatte" and "Aza aza FIGHTING" to be my motto from now on ^-^!!!~
Smile everyone ^-^!!!~
p/s: Ooh, another resolution to add...
Later going to GSC OU watch the Japanese movie, "All About Dog"!!!~ Yeah XD!!!~
And of course, the movie is about dogs (Like duh ^^|||...)... and knowing eiko-chan, since there'll be so many dogs there, she'll DEFINATELY be crying her heart out then... whether its happy for the dog, or sad, she'll definately cry one T-T (Typical of me XP!!!~)...
So resolution...
- Try best not to cry ^-^!!!~ Hehehe!!!~
Wth, just cry ler, i missed crying T-T... and this is for a good purpose XD!!!~
Ok, so why f*cked up??? Bloody hell, i f*cked up my bloody IB (International Business...) case study!!! I just don't get a single bloody thing the bloody article is trying to tell me!!!
And bloody hell, starting around last month i've been in a losing streak; i've been losing in EVERY SINGLE pool game i played!!! Trust me, not a single win!!!
The last one with Su2 almost almost almost win one, but lost T_T... damn it!!!
Fine, not going to touch the bloody thing until i manage to confirm that I WILL WIN NEXT TIME!!! Ganbatte!!!
Back to the bloody IB...
And because i don't understand the bloody thing, i naturally doze off (ZzzZzzZzz...) and when i wake up, its almost time dee (First time sleep so long in class and taking no notice of the time pass @.@...) T_T... have to hand the bloody thing up and die @.@...
Maybe i need more sleep??? But i slept early last night ler!!!
Oh yeah, i forget that if i sleep early, i very tired next day; if i sleep late, i also very tired next day, but the odds are better that i will be more alert then tired... i don't know how my brains work ler @.@...
Luckily the bloody lecturer allowed us 10 minutes tomorrow morning to finish it up, but is 10 minutes enough to finish 6 bloody questions i don't even understand the heck of it???
Business is so not for me, i should've know it since the beginning of sem when i don't know how to do the bloody whatever-it-is-that-i-now-forget-dee-ler...
I was thinking of dropping it, but Auntie told me to fight with it!!! So yeah, i'll take Auntie's advice, NOT TO GIVE UP!!!
Why didn't i thought of it earlier??? Maybe i'm so emo after leaving class that this fact left my mind??? FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!
Hah, now lets see who die first =þ!!! Bloody IB!!! Knight in shining armour Keita with eiko-chan going to FIGHT YOU!!! Muahahahahahaha!!!
eiko-chan is confirmed, from emo to crazy now -o-|||...
Mind, her brain is not working well eversince the day her car broke down, don't know why @.@... hahaha...
So resolutions from now...
- Finish "Da Jang Geum"'s 6 episodes before the finale this weekend (Missed it so borrowed VCD from Mei jie to watch =P!!!)!!!~
- Make bloody sure that i'll at least bloody crap bloody stuffs into the case study tomorrow morning; hey, if i'm going to get Zero for it, at least i crapped and give the bloody lecturer a bloody headache right???
At least he'll shake his head so much it may help him to exersice his neck; see, i'm so thoughtful =D!!!~
- Study study study!!! LAW OS IB!!! GANBATTE!!! AZA AZA FIGHTING!!!
- Finish OS Case study 2 (At least this one is better and easier to do, although it is sorta business related too!!!)!!!
- Go see cous bro's beautiful baby darling cat Lazy =3!!!~
- Make sure i get my daily dosage of Jay, Keita and Bi (I suspect i'm lacking these necessities, which is so important in my life, that thats why i'm so f*cked up these days @.@...!!!)
- Return to college with a big smile, and be back the cheerful eiko-chan tomorrow; using "Ganbatte" and "Aza aza FIGHTING" to be my motto from now on ^-^!!!~
Smile everyone ^-^!!!~
p/s: Ooh, another resolution to add...
Later going to GSC OU watch the Japanese movie, "All About Dog"!!!~ Yeah XD!!!~
And of course, the movie is about dogs (Like duh ^^|||...)... and knowing eiko-chan, since there'll be so many dogs there, she'll DEFINATELY be crying her heart out then... whether its happy for the dog, or sad, she'll definately cry one T-T (Typical of me XP!!!~)...
So resolution...
- Try best not to cry ^-^!!!~ Hehehe!!!~
Wth, just cry ler, i missed crying T-T... and this is for a good purpose XD!!!~
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
10 things i enjoy while driving...
(Hey, it sounds like "10 things i hate about you" XD!!! One of my favourite movies!!!~ Just that this one is "10 things i enjoy while driving" ^-^!!!~)
Positions below can be read as from least enjoy to most enjoy, or any way you like lar XP!!!~
10 thing i enjoy while driving...
#1 - Speed like mad woman at straight road, and not alot of other cars around.
#2 - Drinking the delicious Pearl Milk Tea which cost RM2.50 from OU, or the tasty Honeydew Sago which cost RM2.60 from the car stall thing near college, while driving (=9!!!~).
#3 - Eating McD's vanilla sundae cone while driving (=9!!!~).
#4 - Occasionally, eating McD fries dipped in McD chilli sauce (X9!!!~) while driving. Ooh, and sometimes the Cream Puff which cost RM1.80 each from OU (Love it but the cream always drip everywhere one @.@...).
#5 - Not letting those people who did not want to line up to cut my line, resulting in almost kissing each other (As my cous said...), on the road... while driving (I don't really know how to explain this to be honest, i think i explain it better face-to-face =P!!!).
#6 - Parking purr-fectly and not stop going forward and reversing until it really is parked purr-fectly ^-^!!!~
#7 - Singinglike a mad woman along to songs from the radio/ CD player.
#8 - Singing madly to w-inds.'s ageha while driving and doing Keita's actions as he did in the PV... while driving ^-^...
#9 - Left hand opening the storage thing in between the front seats and right hand keeping the parking ticket for parking near college into the storage thing, or something similiar... while driving.
#10 - Dancing the Shin-chan dance (The "hula-hula" Hawaiian dance, but in Shin-chan style...), doing the Ultraman sign, or some hiphop style the hand sign thing, or just some random funny hand signals (Or eiko-chan's "dance", you may call it ^-^!!!~) with both hands... while driving.
eiko-chan's one bloody hell crazy driver ^-^!!!~
Positions below can be read as from least enjoy to most enjoy, or any way you like lar XP!!!~
10 thing i enjoy while driving...
#1 - Speed like mad woman at straight road, and not alot of other cars around.
#2 - Drinking the delicious Pearl Milk Tea which cost RM2.50 from OU, or the tasty Honeydew Sago which cost RM2.60 from the car stall thing near college, while driving (=9!!!~).
#3 - Eating McD's vanilla sundae cone while driving (=9!!!~).
#4 - Occasionally, eating McD fries dipped in McD chilli sauce (X9!!!~) while driving. Ooh, and sometimes the Cream Puff which cost RM1.80 each from OU (Love it but the cream always drip everywhere one @.@...).
#5 - Not letting those people who did not want to line up to cut my line, resulting in almost kissing each other (As my cous said...), on the road... while driving (I don't really know how to explain this to be honest, i think i explain it better face-to-face =P!!!).
#6 - Parking purr-fectly and not stop going forward and reversing until it really is parked purr-fectly ^-^!!!~
#7 - Singing
#8 - Singing madly to w-inds.'s ageha while driving and doing Keita's actions as he did in the PV... while driving ^-^...
#9 - Left hand opening the storage thing in between the front seats and right hand keeping the parking ticket for parking near college into the storage thing, or something similiar... while driving.
#10 - Dancing the Shin-chan dance (The "hula-hula" Hawaiian dance, but in Shin-chan style...), doing the Ultraman sign, or some hiphop style the hand sign thing, or just some random funny hand signals (Or eiko-chan's "dance", you may call it ^-^!!!~) with both hands... while driving.
eiko-chan's one bloody hell crazy driver ^-^!!!~
I am a Japanese School Teacher...
Oh yeah, this is a diary site about a big Black American man who went to Japan to be a High School English teacher. And it is hilarious XD!!!~
You seriously don't expect all those kinda stuffs from the "reserved-goody-goody-shy" Japanese ne!!! Well, don't judge a book by its cover!!!~ You can know more about the Japanese culture, from his point-of-view, there too!!!~
I really admire the way he writes it, really cracks me up!!! Funny XD!!!~
Go check it out when free!!!
WARNING: Quite long (His there for like 2 years dee???), and there are some stuffs inside not everyone can accept. You've been warned, so don't say i didn't warn you you kena warned punya person!!!
Hehehe =P!!! Enjoy XD!!!~
You seriously don't expect all those kinda stuffs from the "reserved-goody-goody-shy" Japanese ne!!! Well, don't judge a book by its cover!!!~ You can know more about the Japanese culture, from his point-of-view, there too!!!~
I really admire the way he writes it, really cracks me up!!! Funny XD!!!~
Go check it out when free!!!
WARNING: Quite long (His there for like 2 years dee???), and there are some stuffs inside not everyone can accept. You've been warned, so don't say i didn't warn you you kena warned punya person!!!
Hehehe =P!!! Enjoy XD!!!~
Tralatralatrala XD!!!~
Phew, luckily can enter via college internet to post dee ne X3!!!~
Hehe, just now just post in chatterbox pula =P!!! Now can dee nyo!!!~
Last few days cannot enter Blogger, don't know why, and even my own Blog (Yesterday nya lar...), and also my favourite wFLforums T_T...
Ok, Blogger they may block (I don't know why i can accept this fact -o-|||...) but wFLforums??? NO WAY!!! Totally N.O. NO!!!
So what do eiko-chan do???
Knowing eiko-chan, she'll rush to the ICT Department, and start reasoning with the guy WHY THEY BLOCK MY BELOVED WEBSITE!!!
At first the guy refuses, he probably thought what the page is it ("Its Taylor's policy..." he says... wth, what bloody policy is that???"); though i was persistent, and i suspected my voice was kinda raised abit and after a short while of giving the same reasons (eiko-chan: "Its just a forum, i got my homework information from there." to "Its a fangirl Japanese boyband website, but we got talk about our homework and i got my Law assignment information from them..."), he finally asks for the website address and releases it =D!!!~ It means no block dee, can access dah XD!!!~
Banzai to the bloody persistant personality of eiko-chan XD!!!~
BTW, the reason they give for blocking the page is because of pornography -o-|||... Hey, wFLforums is a fangirly website, but totally no pornography ok???
Ok, theres a Hentai Forum... but no pornography too ok??? The mods promote that, and we follow!!! Strictly just our fangirly hentainess =P!!!
Yeah, and after solving that "issue" in the ICT Department, i printed out a picture of w-inds. from the mag Arena. The pic's theme is their latest single, "Izayoi no Tsuki"!!! So nice XD!!!~ w-inds.!!!~ Moon!!!~ Keita *v*!!!~
Muahaheeeeeeeee XD!!!~
Alot of stuffs lar these few days, and loads of pics i have yet to post @.@... but lazy and internet kionk, so erm... hehehe *bright smile (Always brush your teeth to achieve this award-winning smile of eiko-chan +D!!!~... Yeah right -o-|||...)*!!!~
Oh yeah, i'm stuck in The Web doing my Law assignment... well, erm... not exactly doing it now =P... hehe... long time no online dee, let me enjoy awhile first!!! Neeways, have to stay until 3pm anyway T-T...
Actually supposedly stay back till 3pm because want to discuss Law assignment with the group, but cause after lesson in Law class we group together and around 10 minutes we finish discuss dee -o-||| (We'll do our own stuffs, and send everything to someone for final...)... so no need stayback dee lor ^^|||...
But my parking ticket i put until 3pm, i kiamsiap one, i don't want waste the money i paid, so just use until 3pm ler =P!!!
Besides house internet spoil, use now mar purr-fect right??? Right???
Lame -o-|||...
Trala~~, maybe when house internet ok dee (Router problem, as my bro said...), i'll post a couple of post with piccus (Either here or at my Multiply...); all the piccus i took are waiting to be published, but eiko-chan yet to publish yet @.@... the oldest one is dated 6th August 2005 =P... hahaha, typical XP!!!
Ok ler ok ler, really go do Law assignment first lar, otherwise must really stay up late??? Aiyoyo @.@...
Ja, everyone genki da yo ne XD!!!~
Hehe, just now just post in chatterbox pula =P!!! Now can dee nyo!!!~
Last few days cannot enter Blogger, don't know why, and even my own Blog (Yesterday nya lar...), and also my favourite wFLforums T_T...
Ok, Blogger they may block (I don't know why i can accept this fact -o-|||...) but wFLforums??? NO WAY!!! Totally N.O. NO!!!
So what do eiko-chan do???
Knowing eiko-chan, she'll rush to the ICT Department, and start reasoning with the guy WHY THEY BLOCK MY BELOVED WEBSITE!!!
At first the guy refuses, he probably thought what the page is it ("Its Taylor's policy..." he says... wth, what bloody policy is that???"); though i was persistent, and i suspected my voice was kinda raised abit and after a short while of giving the same reasons (eiko-chan: "Its just a forum, i got my homework information from there." to "Its a fangirl Japanese boyband website, but we got talk about our homework and i got my Law assignment information from them..."), he finally asks for the website address and releases it =D!!!~ It means no block dee, can access dah XD!!!~
Banzai to the bloody persistant personality of eiko-chan XD!!!~
BTW, the reason they give for blocking the page is because of pornography -o-|||... Hey, wFLforums is a fangirly website, but totally no pornography ok???
Ok, theres a Hentai Forum... but no pornography too ok??? The mods promote that, and we follow!!! Strictly just our fangirly hentainess =P!!!
Yeah, and after solving that "issue" in the ICT Department, i printed out a picture of w-inds. from the mag Arena. The pic's theme is their latest single, "Izayoi no Tsuki"!!! So nice XD!!!~ w-inds.!!!~ Moon!!!~ Keita *v*!!!~
Muahaheeeeeeeee XD!!!~
Alot of stuffs lar these few days, and loads of pics i have yet to post @.@... but lazy and internet kionk, so erm... hehehe *bright smile (Always brush your teeth to achieve this award-winning smile of eiko-chan +D!!!~... Yeah right -o-|||...)*!!!~
Oh yeah, i'm stuck in The Web doing my Law assignment... well, erm... not exactly doing it now =P... hehe... long time no online dee, let me enjoy awhile first!!! Neeways, have to stay until 3pm anyway T-T...
Actually supposedly stay back till 3pm because want to discuss Law assignment with the group, but cause after lesson in Law class we group together and around 10 minutes we finish discuss dee -o-||| (We'll do our own stuffs, and send everything to someone for final...)... so no need stayback dee lor ^^|||...
But my parking ticket i put until 3pm, i kiamsiap one, i don't want waste the money i paid, so just use until 3pm ler =P!!!
Besides house internet spoil, use now mar purr-fect right??? Right???
Lame -o-|||...
Trala~~, maybe when house internet ok dee (Router problem, as my bro said...), i'll post a couple of post with piccus (Either here or at my Multiply...); all the piccus i took are waiting to be published, but eiko-chan yet to publish yet @.@... the oldest one is dated 6th August 2005 =P... hahaha, typical XP!!!
Ok ler ok ler, really go do Law assignment first lar, otherwise must really stay up late??? Aiyoyo @.@...
Ja, everyone genki da yo ne XD!!!~
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
These days very unlucky >.
Aramak, these days very unlucky @.@!!!~
Monday when go to school, car overheated and broke down (My baby ar T_T!!!~), but lucky thing is the car went in the parking place dee; though the butt half out cause side parking, before i can fully park properly (Which includes reverse, turn steering wheel, go straight all those...) cannot move dee T-T... then faster call mom, dad, bro...
Finally woke bro up and he call the mechanic then baru ok ler; though skipped first class lor T-T... Law somemore... cannot skip first classes again cause 3 times dee @.@ (=P!!!)... aiyoyo...
Then in classes all those stuffs... but hehe, i forgot dee =P!!! But i know in class that time i manage to count all the stuffs lor, now forgot dee @.@...
And aiyar, the remaining one don't want to talk about it anymore ler... saddest of saddest thanks to those idiotic irresponsible assholes!!!
Concludes up, i'm getting fatter dee too @.@... eat too much over weekend and yesterday like siao only (During break, one and half cup of Maggie cup noodles [For free, cause they came to school give FOC XP!!!], then one piece Roti Planta [More like 3/4, cause got share share with friends...] and then 4 person share Roti Planta, Roti Bom and Roti Tisu @v@...)!!! Today somemore eat one plate Chicken Rice and half Roti Planta @o@... Really must ganbatte "kiampui", otherwise Ah Leng jie jie wedding dinner not nice dee @o@...
Somemore these days very very sensitive and emo @.@... must ganbatte "wui fuk cheng seong" aka "back to normal" otherwise when i emo, i eat more 0_0...
Hehehe, and don't know why, but eversince that day after car spoil, i very siao dee @v@... i think the broke down really make me siao XD!!!~ I start talking about how i want to go Japan to see Keita and etc etc to me cous who teman me when waiting for the mechanic, and then during break (For this three days...), like siao char bo like that, sing like mad woman always and always siao, and yeah, like mad woman nya XD!!!~ Heeee X3!!!~
Maybe its cause i finally let go of that thing dee??? Freedom??? Wahahahahahaha XD!!!~
Ooh yeah, yesterday went to watch Herbie with 3 of me cous sis!!! Its so nice!!!~ Herbie so cute (But hah Herbie, you face SUPER ULTRA TOUGH competition with my AE86!!! Which is the cutest of 'em all XD!!!)!!!~ So feel like rewatching the old one ler!!!~ Hope Disney Channel will show XD!!!~
Oh yeah, that day my law assignment finally finish dee *v*!!! Spend until like erm... 2am only sleep!!! Thanks alot to Daddy too, otherwise i think i that night no need sleep dee ler @.@!!!~ Hehehe!!!~ Finish in the nick of time =P!!! Next time must not last minute dee (Though i say so, the next few entries will see me complaining haven't finish assignment =P!!! Bad habits never change XP!!!~)!!!~
Ok ler, better ciao first!!! Must finish all stuffs early and go sleep early, otherwise tomorrow sure @.@ one!!!~ Today also don't know why, although yesterday not very late, but tired like siao like that @o@... hehehe!!!~
Ja!!!~ Hope everyone have a great days ahead ne ^-^!!!~
Monday when go to school, car overheated and broke down (My baby ar T_T!!!~), but lucky thing is the car went in the parking place dee; though the butt half out cause side parking, before i can fully park properly (Which includes reverse, turn steering wheel, go straight all those...) cannot move dee T-T... then faster call mom, dad, bro...
Finally woke bro up and he call the mechanic then baru ok ler; though skipped first class lor T-T... Law somemore... cannot skip first classes again cause 3 times dee @.@ (=P!!!)... aiyoyo...
Then in classes all those stuffs... but hehe, i forgot dee =P!!! But i know in class that time i manage to count all the stuffs lor, now forgot dee @.@...
And aiyar, the remaining one don't want to talk about it anymore ler... saddest of saddest thanks to those idiotic irresponsible assholes!!!
Concludes up, i'm getting fatter dee too @.@... eat too much over weekend and yesterday like siao only (During break, one and half cup of Maggie cup noodles [For free, cause they came to school give FOC XP!!!], then one piece Roti Planta [More like 3/4, cause got share share with friends...] and then 4 person share Roti Planta, Roti Bom and Roti Tisu @v@...)!!! Today somemore eat one plate Chicken Rice and half Roti Planta @o@... Really must ganbatte "kiampui", otherwise Ah Leng jie jie wedding dinner not nice dee @o@...
Somemore these days very very sensitive and emo @.@... must ganbatte "wui fuk cheng seong" aka "back to normal" otherwise when i emo, i eat more 0_0...
Hehehe, and don't know why, but eversince that day after car spoil, i very siao dee @v@... i think the broke down really make me siao XD!!!~ I start talking about how i want to go Japan to see Keita and etc etc to me cous who teman me when waiting for the mechanic, and then during break (For this three days...), like siao char bo like that, sing like mad woman always and always siao, and yeah, like mad woman nya XD!!!~ Heeee X3!!!~
Maybe its cause i finally let go of that thing dee??? Freedom??? Wahahahahahaha XD!!!~
Ooh yeah, yesterday went to watch Herbie with 3 of me cous sis!!! Its so nice!!!~ Herbie so cute (But hah Herbie, you face SUPER ULTRA TOUGH competition with my AE86!!! Which is the cutest of 'em all XD!!!)!!!~ So feel like rewatching the old one ler!!!~ Hope Disney Channel will show XD!!!~
Oh yeah, that day my law assignment finally finish dee *v*!!! Spend until like erm... 2am only sleep!!! Thanks alot to Daddy too, otherwise i think i that night no need sleep dee ler @.@!!!~ Hehehe!!!~ Finish in the nick of time =P!!! Next time must not last minute dee (Though i say so, the next few entries will see me complaining haven't finish assignment =P!!! Bad habits never change XP!!!~)!!!~
Ok ler, better ciao first!!! Must finish all stuffs early and go sleep early, otherwise tomorrow sure @.@ one!!!~ Today also don't know why, although yesterday not very late, but tired like siao like that @o@... hehehe!!!~
Ja!!!~ Hope everyone have a great days ahead ne ^-^!!!~
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Will be edited later =P... and edit dee yo =D...
Today haze is alot better (But blow all the way weeee~~~ to Penang Island dee @.@... my Aunties Uncles, my cute nephew and Penang food T_T...), so it means going back to college tomorrow T-T... why, why like that =P...???
Hahaha, shop like mad during the weekend @v@... but edit this post with moreboring and lame story next time, have to go sleep dee @-@ (More like go room finish OS assignment first =P!!!)!!! If daddy sees me here after 11.30pm, its byebye Baby Creative T_T...
So later/ next time/ tomorrow ne, ja XD!!!~
p/s: Damn sensitive and easily pissed off this days @.@!!! Watch out =P???
Hehehe, no problem one ler!!! See me getting pissed off soon or getting emo, give me my dosage of Jay Chou, Keita, Bi, ice-cream or the yummy Octopus Takoyaki (All are delicious and yummy X9!!!~), then OK dee one for sure XD!!!~ Muaheheeeeee X3!!!~
Edit on Monday 15/ 8/ 05 8.26pm:
Went shopping on Sat and Sun with me cous, and guess how long we spend in the shopping mall on these two days???
More than FIVE HOURS each!!! Scary ler =P!!!
Though, surprisingly didn't really buy alot ler, i guess we spend too much time window shopping??? Hehehe!!! But the outcome of it was quite satisfying for the OU trip, bought a pair of army pants (Finally buy dee XD!!!~)!!! Really love it, though, need hehe, on diet abit ler @v@... the down part not really nice, but not obvious too though... haha...
And yeah, regardless, i really need to on diet dee @.@... these days go out with me cous always eat "side dishes" ALOT @o@... must stop eating the yummy and delicious takoyaki dee @.@... the yummy delicious Ichiban Pearl Milk Tea (X9!!!) can still drink ler, that one really cannot... hehehe XP!!!~
Ooh, i really like my outfit today ne!!! White top, the army pants with a pink cardigan typey... NICE XD!!!~ Pink and army pattern really nice ne @v@!!!~ Thanks to the Taiwanese artist Lee Wei for showing me this style (He wore this pattern, though his army pants long one ler!!!) in one of his MVs!!! After seeing it i've been dying to try it out, though got the pink cardigan dee (Yeah XD!!!~) but still no suitable army pants, but now... YEAH XD!!!~
Ooh ooh ooh, my Bi's "Full House" start dee, until next entry, ja XD!!!~
Hahaha, shop like mad during the weekend @v@... but edit this post with more
So later/ next time/ tomorrow ne, ja XD!!!~
p/s: Damn sensitive and easily pissed off this days @.@!!! Watch out =P???
Hehehe, no problem one ler!!! See me getting pissed off soon or getting emo, give me my dosage of Jay Chou, Keita, Bi, ice-cream or the yummy Octopus Takoyaki (All are delicious and yummy X9!!!~), then OK dee one for sure XD!!!~ Muaheheeeeee X3!!!~
Edit on Monday 15/ 8/ 05 8.26pm:
Went shopping on Sat and Sun with me cous, and guess how long we spend in the shopping mall on these two days???
More than FIVE HOURS each!!! Scary ler =P!!!
Though, surprisingly didn't really buy alot ler, i guess we spend too much time window shopping??? Hehehe!!! But the outcome of it was quite satisfying for the OU trip, bought a pair of army pants (Finally buy dee XD!!!~)!!! Really love it, though, need hehe, on diet abit ler @v@... the down part not really nice, but not obvious too though... haha...
And yeah, regardless, i really need to on diet dee @.@... these days go out with me cous always eat "side dishes" ALOT @o@... must stop eating the yummy and delicious takoyaki dee @.@... the yummy delicious Ichiban Pearl Milk Tea (X9!!!) can still drink ler, that one really cannot... hehehe XP!!!~
Ooh, i really like my outfit today ne!!! White top, the army pants with a pink cardigan typey... NICE XD!!!~ Pink and army pattern really nice ne @v@!!!~ Thanks to the Taiwanese artist Lee Wei for showing me this style (He wore this pattern, though his army pants long one ler!!!) in one of his MVs!!! After seeing it i've been dying to try it out, though got the pink cardigan dee (Yeah XD!!!~) but still no suitable army pants, but now... YEAH XD!!!~
Ooh ooh ooh, my Bi's "Full House" start dee, until next entry, ja XD!!!~
Friday, August 12, 2005
Almost got rob yesterday... and i know who cares about me.
Yeah, yesterday when i went for dinner at KFC TTDI with my cous sister, my wallet and her handphone almost got stollen!!!
And btw, i knew who cared about me dee.
We were sitting downstairs at a table by the window ler, and i placed my wallet and her handphone on the table next to the window (Yes stupid. But then its next to the window ler so didn't really think too much of it =P!!!).
Having dinner happily halfway this two Indian man came and asked my cousin sister to come out from her seat. We felt strange and he keep on pointing at the balloon decoration and window, we thought it was some staff wanting to take out the decoration or clean window etc (He was holding a plastic bag at that time, so i guessed it has something to do with the decorations...).
Anyway my cous sis got out and he walked into her seat ler (You know those family restaurants by the window seats, its not those movable ones, hope you get it @.@...) and put this flowery pillow case he was holding ON TOP OF OUR WALLET AND HANDPHONE!
When he was about to do that, my cousin said "Wallet..." in mandarin, so i became more alert and try to push our stuffs to more side there ler. Then he cover it dee, he was like trying to sell the stuffs ler, and i said "Tak payah..." repeatly, and was thinking "Gosh, selling stuffs. Are this allowed inside KFC???" and also wondering whether he will leave anot because he seemed quite persistent.
Though he didn't fully cover the handphone, i can still see it abit, and he took this bag and tried to cover on top of the handphone.
His intentions was clear at that time and i held out my hand want to take our stuffs or push it more away ler (I thought it could be quite insulting to him if i acted as if he was a thief and he wasn't one...) while repeatly saying "Tak payah...", and then when he tried to take up the pillow case, can see his hand like trying to grab my wallet with the pillow cover. Luckily i was like helding my hands out want to take our stuffs already, only he didn't manage it and they quickly left.
Stupid thing is i said thank you to him!!! I seriously thought he was trying to sell stuffs although got suspect abit ler. Only after they left my cousin and i started discussing and both of us saw his hand trying to take our stuffs!!!
New tactic huh??? But to be honest, what he did was quite amateur, i mean, who would ask someone to go out from their seat when they are trying to sell stuffs; they could just stand next to our table and promote right??? And why did he take the pillow cover to cover our wallet and handphone when there is an empty space next to our stuffs??? He could just put it there!
Its kinda our fault too for putting our stuffs on the table; its like attracting people to steal, somemore my cous handphone was kinda expensive type one.
It happened pretty quick, it was only until they left and my cous and i start discussing that we became pretty alert and all.
And the idiot KFC TTDI manager was more worried about his outlet's image then the safety of the customers!!! Typical!!! But even so, at least he could just some reassuring words to make us feel more convinced???
He didn't even really say anything to what we said; i wonder how he became the manager and somemore for so long dee!!! Really idiotic!!!
Now i felt quite unsafe going there if alone dee, although i grew up knowing that area well! I was thinking maybe i should go file a report, to alert the police of what had happened and maybe they could like patrol that area more or something! Ask mom's advice see how ler.
I live near there, i grew up knowing there and i like it there, so i really hope it won't turn into some crime areas etc. It'll be damn scary otherwise and i don't want to see it turn into some scary place!
And after the incident, i think i know who my friends are, or at least i meant, people who really care about me and don't take me for granted.
I'm not being grandma or something, wanting people care about me etc. But if i can care for my friends, why can't they care for me? If i can listen to them, why can't they listen to me? When they got trouble, i tried helping them (But usually they take my words and throw it into the dustbin.) or listening to them even if i'm sick of it and don't even want to care about what happened again; but when i got trouble, they don't even bother to care a single bit.
What my "friends-who-care" will do?
They'll listen to me or if not on phone, read what i wrote in MSN line to line (Although i may be very fussy, but i tried write little dee, but some people might also think i'm so fussy they don't bother reading everything or even replying to what i asked...) and not being so self-centered in wanting to tell me more about what happened to them than reading what i said. Hah, just sickening.
Or they will be a little bit more concern about what happened to me than some TV series; because i know even if i am watching some TV series i love alot with Jay, w-inds. or Bi inside, if my friend were to SMS me about something similiar, even though i will concentrate on the TV series, i will still concentrate on what going on with them and if they are ok, because i really care if something bad had happened to them! Not just "What happened? We talk later online ok?", and then ending up didn't online until late abit, and didn't even bother to ask "How are you?" or just "Hey wassup..." etc...
Thanks to Jing and Anna jie jie for their concern ^-^!!! Jing immediately called and ask what happened after i smsed her, although she was on prepaid and 016 to 012 is much more costly!!! Thanks dear!!!~ At least better than someone who was on 012 postpaid and lazy to reply back to enquire further so want to talk online instead but forgot about it when she's online. Sickening!
Though, just now i was telling Jing about what happened between me and that someone "who-is-more-worried-about-the-TV-series", and i think she got tired and then just don't want care and stop listening dee. You know what, maybe i should try doing that to her next time, see how she feels? And also to my that other friend. But i know i'm too "soft-hearted" to do it; i keep on saying i'll do this to them next time, or that, but ended up not doing it. Even if i want to argue, i'll think of all the stuffs in my head but when argue, i'll forget what to say (Mental note to oneself, write it down or force yourself to remember. If like that how to study Law???).
I'm very sure should an argument sparks up, they'll have tons of bad stuffs they think about me throwing against me; but me, i already forgot all the bad stuffs they did to me and ends up having nothing to retaliate back (Not wanting to be kind or anything, i'm just forgetful. Besides, i'm easily touched and whats the point of remembering all the bad things??? Tire yourself nya!!!). Bloody f*ck!!!
Yeah, but maybe i'm just such a biatch that i don't deserve it (A friend who cares...)??? But i think it also means that my THOSE friends don't deserve me as well, because i tried my best to care about them, but i'm being treated for granted more... who knows, maybe to them i'm also like them in my own eyes... hah, sickening!
Humans are self-centered anyway. They care more about telling people about themself then listening to what happen to someone, regardless whether the matter is big or small.
I guess i better stop, i'm turning more emo now @.@... and a good prove, i mumble and ramble in my own language with my own grammar and style while very "emo"!!! But one good thing for today is the DVD i ordered arrive dee XD!!!~
Actually, my friend's response after this incident also make me think of something... what if something more serious happen next time, will they response the same as to this incident or will at least show they care more abit? Hmm, i wonder...
p/s: My that friend who cared more about the TV series one, i blew off the cover with her dee but i don't think she got the reason for my angerness or emoness. But anyway, i think i should blow off the cover with another instead, not the TV series one although she should kena too (=P!); but forget about it, i'm just sick of all of them at this very moment!
And yes, i'll try not to care for them the next time they needed "an ear" etc. I know i'll definately fail, but i'll try! Good luck!
pp/s: I'll go "What this time?" when they started blurting out their problems, and when they talk i'll look everywhere because i won't be listening, and then interupt them just like Jing did when i was telling her my problems.
It seems i take people's problems like my own, but they treat mine as mines not theirs. Another sickening "quote-of-the-day" =)!!! Hah!!!
See, i told you this is getting emo, i don't even know what i'm talking about @.@...
Yes, i admit lar. I need people to care about me ok? Unless if i don't bother to care about them like real seriously, then that person has the very right not to care about me like super serious too! Capish? Good, at least you have better brains to understand what this term means then those people. Hahaha!
And btw, i knew who cared about me dee.
We were sitting downstairs at a table by the window ler, and i placed my wallet and her handphone on the table next to the window (Yes stupid. But then its next to the window ler so didn't really think too much of it =P!!!).
Having dinner happily halfway this two Indian man came and asked my cousin sister to come out from her seat. We felt strange and he keep on pointing at the balloon decoration and window, we thought it was some staff wanting to take out the decoration or clean window etc (He was holding a plastic bag at that time, so i guessed it has something to do with the decorations...).
Anyway my cous sis got out and he walked into her seat ler (You know those family restaurants by the window seats, its not those movable ones, hope you get it @.@...) and put this flowery pillow case he was holding ON TOP OF OUR WALLET AND HANDPHONE!
When he was about to do that, my cousin said "Wallet..." in mandarin, so i became more alert and try to push our stuffs to more side there ler. Then he cover it dee, he was like trying to sell the stuffs ler, and i said "Tak payah..." repeatly, and was thinking "Gosh, selling stuffs. Are this allowed inside KFC???" and also wondering whether he will leave anot because he seemed quite persistent.
Though he didn't fully cover the handphone, i can still see it abit, and he took this bag and tried to cover on top of the handphone.
His intentions was clear at that time and i held out my hand want to take our stuffs or push it more away ler (I thought it could be quite insulting to him if i acted as if he was a thief and he wasn't one...) while repeatly saying "Tak payah...", and then when he tried to take up the pillow case, can see his hand like trying to grab my wallet with the pillow cover. Luckily i was like helding my hands out want to take our stuffs already, only he didn't manage it and they quickly left.
Stupid thing is i said thank you to him!!! I seriously thought he was trying to sell stuffs although got suspect abit ler. Only after they left my cousin and i started discussing and both of us saw his hand trying to take our stuffs!!!
New tactic huh??? But to be honest, what he did was quite amateur, i mean, who would ask someone to go out from their seat when they are trying to sell stuffs; they could just stand next to our table and promote right??? And why did he take the pillow cover to cover our wallet and handphone when there is an empty space next to our stuffs??? He could just put it there!
Its kinda our fault too for putting our stuffs on the table; its like attracting people to steal, somemore my cous handphone was kinda expensive type one.
It happened pretty quick, it was only until they left and my cous and i start discussing that we became pretty alert and all.
And the idiot KFC TTDI manager was more worried about his outlet's image then the safety of the customers!!! Typical!!! But even so, at least he could just some reassuring words to make us feel more convinced???
He didn't even really say anything to what we said; i wonder how he became the manager and somemore for so long dee!!! Really idiotic!!!
Now i felt quite unsafe going there if alone dee, although i grew up knowing that area well! I was thinking maybe i should go file a report, to alert the police of what had happened and maybe they could like patrol that area more or something! Ask mom's advice see how ler.
I live near there, i grew up knowing there and i like it there, so i really hope it won't turn into some crime areas etc. It'll be damn scary otherwise and i don't want to see it turn into some scary place!
And after the incident, i think i know who my friends are, or at least i meant, people who really care about me and don't take me for granted.
I'm not being grandma or something, wanting people care about me etc. But if i can care for my friends, why can't they care for me? If i can listen to them, why can't they listen to me? When they got trouble, i tried helping them (But usually they take my words and throw it into the dustbin.) or listening to them even if i'm sick of it and don't even want to care about what happened again; but when i got trouble, they don't even bother to care a single bit.
What my "friends-who-care" will do?
They'll listen to me or if not on phone, read what i wrote in MSN line to line (Although i may be very fussy, but i tried write little dee, but some people might also think i'm so fussy they don't bother reading everything or even replying to what i asked...) and not being so self-centered in wanting to tell me more about what happened to them than reading what i said. Hah, just sickening.
Or they will be a little bit more concern about what happened to me than some TV series; because i know even if i am watching some TV series i love alot with Jay, w-inds. or Bi inside, if my friend were to SMS me about something similiar, even though i will concentrate on the TV series, i will still concentrate on what going on with them and if they are ok, because i really care if something bad had happened to them! Not just "What happened? We talk later online ok?", and then ending up didn't online until late abit, and didn't even bother to ask "How are you?" or just "Hey wassup..." etc...
Thanks to Jing and Anna jie jie for their concern ^-^!!! Jing immediately called and ask what happened after i smsed her, although she was on prepaid and 016 to 012 is much more costly!!! Thanks dear!!!~ At least better than someone who was on 012 postpaid and lazy to reply back to enquire further so want to talk online instead but forgot about it when she's online. Sickening!
Though, just now i was telling Jing about what happened between me and that someone "who-is-more-worried-about-the-TV-series", and i think she got tired and then just don't want care and stop listening dee. You know what, maybe i should try doing that to her next time, see how she feels? And also to my that other friend. But i know i'm too "soft-hearted" to do it; i keep on saying i'll do this to them next time, or that, but ended up not doing it. Even if i want to argue, i'll think of all the stuffs in my head but when argue, i'll forget what to say (Mental note to oneself, write it down or force yourself to remember. If like that how to study Law???).
I'm very sure should an argument sparks up, they'll have tons of bad stuffs they think about me throwing against me; but me, i already forgot all the bad stuffs they did to me and ends up having nothing to retaliate back (Not wanting to be kind or anything, i'm just forgetful. Besides, i'm easily touched and whats the point of remembering all the bad things??? Tire yourself nya!!!). Bloody f*ck!!!
Yeah, but maybe i'm just such a biatch that i don't deserve it (A friend who cares...)??? But i think it also means that my THOSE friends don't deserve me as well, because i tried my best to care about them, but i'm being treated for granted more... who knows, maybe to them i'm also like them in my own eyes... hah, sickening!
Humans are self-centered anyway. They care more about telling people about themself then listening to what happen to someone, regardless whether the matter is big or small.
I guess i better stop, i'm turning more emo now @.@... and a good prove, i mumble and ramble in my own language with my own grammar and style while very "emo"!!! But one good thing for today is the DVD i ordered arrive dee XD!!!~
Actually, my friend's response after this incident also make me think of something... what if something more serious happen next time, will they response the same as to this incident or will at least show they care more abit? Hmm, i wonder...
p/s: My that friend who cared more about the TV series one, i blew off the cover with her dee but i don't think she got the reason for my angerness or emoness. But anyway, i think i should blow off the cover with another instead, not the TV series one although she should kena too (=P!); but forget about it, i'm just sick of all of them at this very moment!
And yes, i'll try not to care for them the next time they needed "an ear" etc. I know i'll definately fail, but i'll try! Good luck!
pp/s: I'll go "What this time?" when they started blurting out their problems, and when they talk i'll look everywhere because i won't be listening, and then interupt them just like Jing did when i was telling her my problems.
It seems i take people's problems like my own, but they treat mine as mines not theirs. Another sickening "quote-of-the-day" =)!!! Hah!!!
See, i told you this is getting emo, i don't even know what i'm talking about @.@...
Yes, i admit lar. I need people to care about me ok? Unless if i don't bother to care about them like real seriously, then that person has the very right not to care about me like super serious too! Capish? Good, at least you have better brains to understand what this term means then those people. Hahaha!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Random pics caught on eiko-chan's camera =3!!!~
Muahaheee, this are pics eiko-chan caught on her baby#2, her camera XD!!!~
Beware, you might've been caught on eiko-chan's camera!!! Muahahahahahaha!!!~

eiko-chan's all time "famous" panda, pan-chan ^-^!!!~

Seriously, most of pan-chan's times are wasted by doing either:
#10 = Take pics...
# 9 = Act cute...
#8 = Teasing or disturbing me (Which is his all time favourite, and also hobby...)
#7 = Act cute...
#6 = Laughing at me...
#5 = Act cute...
#4 = Taking pics again...
#3 = Listen to my emo ramblings and mumblings and talkings...
#2 = Act cute... again...
and the all time champion reason...
#1 = Act cute -o-...

It may seem like any normal pics with his back facing camera, but let me tell you, this panda is acting cute here -o-... he always thinks his cute anyway, the "zi-lian-kuang" git...

eiko-chan's Simba!!! Ain't he cute XD!!!~
pan-chan: "No!!! I CUTER!!! HMPH!!!"

eiko-chan's Pooh Pooh and Chocobo aka XXX (Not triple X, just that his "other name"'s initial is not really suitable to be written here ^^...)!!!~

eiko-chan's beloved Stitchy XD!!!~

Gamba and Stitchy!!!~

Gamba looks like his drunk @.@...

Bestest buddies XD!!!~ Me BD and Simba X3!!!~

The 3 flavour ice-cream XD!!!~
Vanilla (BD!!!), Strawberry (Usagi-chan!!!) and Chocolate (Simba!!!) XD!!!~ Yummmmmmm X9!!!~
On the way to OU that day for lunch with Auntie; its a Sat so as usual OU is pack jammed on the way there at the junction @.@...


Some idiotic Malaysian driver's car cutting lanes without signalling... how i HATE them (Though i'm a Malaysian, i stick to my principal of signalling whenever changing lanes etc!!!)!!!

Green light dee but still not moving... whats the problem???

My kitty XD!!!~
Totally attractive among other male cats; they all love her, but then she's too young to be interested ler =P!!!~
She's a stray, but i consider myself and Ah Mei jie jie her owner ler!!! A real darling!!! Everytime me and Mei jie come home she'll sure come running in want makan one, and she loves rubbing her head on our head XD!!!~ Thats why we love her =3!!!~
Named her "Baby" btw XD!!!~

Another runaway victim, or can i say another "stupid-cat-to-runaway-from-prosperous-life-for-stray-wild-no-food-and-hungry-life"!!!
Should be a well-bred cat, not any stray-cat bred; and he was owned because still got collar one!!!
Well, not sure if he lived a "prosperous" life (Means was fed and sayang-ed and taken care off by his owners...) before running to my house area ler, but then if yes he sure is silly, like my ex-neighbour's cat Ash!!! Got good and happy family also want to runaway to some place where there isn't alot of food and always fight etc... but its his life ler, who am i to say anything???
This is the Ash i'm talking about!!! He ran to my area there wut, to live a "wild-life"??? Hehehe, like the Lead's song "Get Wild Life" nya XD!!!~

Coincidentally, both this "posh" and of well-breed (?) male cats are so into and interested into my Baby Girl X3!!!~
But she's not ler, anyway, she's too young ler!!!~
Pics below quite dark, because its smaller version. The larger version alot brighter!!! Just bear with it =P!!!~

The necklace i bought that day with Auntie in Teddy Tales =3!!!~
The length of the necklace is just purr-fect, and i like the pendant alot too XD!!!~

The beautiful bracelet Auntie made for me for my birthday present XD (Or rather, i say "My birthday present ar *v*???" and she went "Oh yeah hor, also can hor XD!!!", and i went "-o-..."... but i really love it XD!!!~ Always wear it one X3!!!~)!!!~

The car me and my cous sis love alot *v*!!!~
Personally, i prefer this car in this colour, black, pink or yellow!!! Blue and silver not bad??? Nice ne this car *v*!!!~
And the last pic to end this long long post @.@...

YOU'RE CAUGHT ON eiko-chan's CAMERA XD!!!~
Hehehe, my cousin knocked on my room door and i open it and snapped my camera at her XD!!!~ She of course quickly turn away ler!!!~
SURPRISE =3??? Muahahahahaha!!!~
See you soon, ooh, btw, will add more entry with piccus soon =3!!!~ Wait ne!!!~
Beware, you might've been caught on eiko-chan's camera!!! Muahahahahahaha!!!~

eiko-chan's all time "famous" panda, pan-chan ^-^!!!~

Seriously, most of pan-chan's times are wasted by doing either:
#10 = Take pics...
# 9 = Act cute...
#8 = Teasing or disturbing me (Which is his all time favourite, and also hobby...)
#7 = Act cute...
#6 = Laughing at me...
#5 = Act cute...
#4 = Taking pics again...
#3 = Listen to my emo ramblings and mumblings and talkings...
#2 = Act cute... again...
and the all time champion reason...
#1 = Act cute -o-...

It may seem like any normal pics with his back facing camera, but let me tell you, this panda is acting cute here -o-... he always thinks his cute anyway, the "zi-lian-kuang" git...

eiko-chan's Simba!!! Ain't he cute XD!!!~
pan-chan: "No!!! I CUTER!!! HMPH!!!"

eiko-chan's Pooh Pooh and Chocobo aka XXX (Not triple X, just that his "other name"'s initial is not really suitable to be written here ^^...)!!!~

eiko-chan's beloved Stitchy XD!!!~

Gamba and Stitchy!!!~

Gamba looks like his drunk @.@...

Bestest buddies XD!!!~ Me BD and Simba X3!!!~

The 3 flavour ice-cream XD!!!~
Vanilla (BD!!!), Strawberry (Usagi-chan!!!) and Chocolate (Simba!!!) XD!!!~ Yummmmmmm X9!!!~
On the way to OU that day for lunch with Auntie; its a Sat so as usual OU is pack jammed on the way there at the junction @.@...


Some idiotic Malaysian driver's car cutting lanes without signalling... how i HATE them (Though i'm a Malaysian, i stick to my principal of signalling whenever changing lanes etc!!!)!!!

Green light dee but still not moving... whats the problem???

My kitty XD!!!~
Totally attractive among other male cats; they all love her, but then she's too young to be interested ler =P!!!~
She's a stray, but i consider myself and Ah Mei jie jie her owner ler!!! A real darling!!! Everytime me and Mei jie come home she'll sure come running in want makan one, and she loves rubbing her head on our head XD!!!~ Thats why we love her =3!!!~
Named her "Baby" btw XD!!!~

Another runaway victim, or can i say another "stupid-cat-to-runaway-from-prosperous-life-for-stray-wild-no-food-and-hungry-life"!!!
Should be a well-bred cat, not any stray-cat bred; and he was owned because still got collar one!!!
Well, not sure if he lived a "prosperous" life (Means was fed and sayang-ed and taken care off by his owners...) before running to my house area ler, but then if yes he sure is silly, like my ex-neighbour's cat Ash!!! Got good and happy family also want to runaway to some place where there isn't alot of food and always fight etc... but its his life ler, who am i to say anything???
This is the Ash i'm talking about!!! He ran to my area there wut, to live a "wild-life"??? Hehehe, like the Lead's song "Get Wild Life" nya XD!!!~

Coincidentally, both this "posh" and of well-breed (?) male cats are so into and interested into my Baby Girl X3!!!~
But she's not ler, anyway, she's too young ler!!!~
Pics below quite dark, because its smaller version. The larger version alot brighter!!! Just bear with it =P!!!~

The necklace i bought that day with Auntie in Teddy Tales =3!!!~
The length of the necklace is just purr-fect, and i like the pendant alot too XD!!!~

The beautiful bracelet Auntie made for me for my birthday present XD (Or rather, i say "My birthday present ar *v*???" and she went "Oh yeah hor, also can hor XD!!!", and i went "-o-..."... but i really love it XD!!!~ Always wear it one X3!!!~)!!!~

The car me and my cous sis love alot *v*!!!~
Personally, i prefer this car in this colour, black, pink or yellow!!! Blue and silver not bad??? Nice ne this car *v*!!!~
And the last pic to end this long long post @.@...

YOU'RE CAUGHT ON eiko-chan's CAMERA XD!!!~
Hehehe, my cousin knocked on my room door and i open it and snapped my camera at her XD!!!~ She of course quickly turn away ler!!!~
SURPRISE =3??? Muahahahahaha!!!~
See you soon, ooh, btw, will add more entry with piccus soon =3!!!~ Wait ne!!!~
Bad weather pollution thingy @o@...
Omg, today's haze condition gotten worst dee ne @.@...
Hehe, forgot to bring me camera to college so use me cous' handphone, but need infrared only can transfer photos so i guess you guys have to wait ^^|||...
Everywhere also blur @-@... morning still ok but a lil' bit bad from yesterday, in the afternoon.. wowza, can only see within 100-200m nya @_@... Klang worst; my friend who live there say you can only see within 100m... this is getting bad 0_0...
But erm... not to feel happy amongst this "bad-pollution-condition" but then erm... college tomorrow's canceled XD!!!~
Really know shouldn't feel happy, but then erm... hehe, =P...
Actually by right today also no need to go dee one; other government schools classes also canceled from what the radio say; but then i guess cause Subang Jaya was not that bad in the morning??? It went more horrible in the afternoon so then only they decide??? There was a petition thing yesterday to cancel college classes but i think they failed??? Neeways quite alot of people absent today ler (Except my lecturers T_T...)...
Ok, to the pics!!! After i got home, bath etc, then took pics from parent's room of the back, bro's room, upstairs and main door the window there ler... here are the pics!!!
From me parent's room the window there...

The pic of the mountain behind... no no, its not the highlands, its not Genting either (Which is the highlands...), and no its not after the rain (Not even cold...), its just the haze...

The other side of the room... no no, its not the highlands or the rain you dimm (eiko-chan's language of saying "silly", but in a cuter way =P???), its just the bloody haze @.@...
Bro's room...

From the window of me bro's room, can almost see same scenery one ler, just that this is a different room ^^|||???
From upstairs the balcony...

Front view...

Right side...

Left side...

A pics taken from the same angle as one pic from yesterday, so can compare =)... aww, ain't i sensitive =P???

The back window of the upstairs, at the jungle... NO, how many times do i have to say!!! Its NOT the highlands and its NOT after the rain either, ITS HAZE!!!

Erm... this should be from the hall on second floor...
From main door the window there...

@.@... and the construction workers are still working outside... poor thing...

Another photo using zoom, but then hehe, too dark dee =P???
Ooh, the haze also getting into our house @.@... upstairs you see also abit blur blur!!! Bro ask me go close my room door but hehe, lazy walk upstairs again =P... later ler!!!
Ooh, AND CAN SMELL IT TOO @o@... this is bad...
Hope get better X0!!!
Hehe, forgot to bring me camera to college so use me cous' handphone, but need infrared only can transfer photos so i guess you guys have to wait ^^|||...
Everywhere also blur @-@... morning still ok but a lil' bit bad from yesterday, in the afternoon.. wowza, can only see within 100-200m nya @_@... Klang worst; my friend who live there say you can only see within 100m... this is getting bad 0_0...
But erm... not to feel happy amongst this "bad-pollution-condition" but then erm... college tomorrow's canceled XD!!!~
Really know shouldn't feel happy, but then erm... hehe, =P...
Actually by right today also no need to go dee one; other government schools classes also canceled from what the radio say; but then i guess cause Subang Jaya was not that bad in the morning??? It went more horrible in the afternoon so then only they decide??? There was a petition thing yesterday to cancel college classes but i think they failed??? Neeways quite alot of people absent today ler (Except my lecturers T_T...)...
Ok, to the pics!!! After i got home, bath etc, then took pics from parent's room of the back, bro's room, upstairs and main door the window there ler... here are the pics!!!
From me parent's room the window there...

The pic of the mountain behind... no no, its not the highlands, its not Genting either (Which is the highlands...), and no its not after the rain (Not even cold...), its just the haze...

The other side of the room... no no, its not the highlands or the rain you dimm (eiko-chan's language of saying "silly", but in a cuter way =P???), its just the bloody haze @.@...
Bro's room...

From the window of me bro's room, can almost see same scenery one ler, just that this is a different room ^^|||???
From upstairs the balcony...

Front view...

Right side...

Left side...

A pics taken from the same angle as one pic from yesterday, so can compare =)... aww, ain't i sensitive =P???

The back window of the upstairs, at the jungle... NO, how many times do i have to say!!! Its NOT the highlands and its NOT after the rain either, ITS HAZE!!!

Erm... this should be from the hall on second floor...
From main door the window there...

@.@... and the construction workers are still working outside... poor thing...

Another photo using zoom, but then hehe, too dark dee =P???
Ooh, the haze also getting into our house @.@... upstairs you see also abit blur blur!!! Bro ask me go close my room door but hehe, lazy walk upstairs again =P... later ler!!!
Ooh, AND CAN SMELL IT TOO @o@... this is bad...
Hope get better X0!!!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Hazey hazey Kuala Lumpur @.@...
Take good care of your own health k, those living in Malaysia especially Kuala Lumpur (Because i stay there ^^|||...)!!! Haze attack again @.@!!!
And hehehe, eiko-chan has beensweet observant enough to take pictures of hazey KL, eversince last erm... Saturday!!! Aren't i nice =3???
Ok ok, eiko-chan has got her beloved camera and is just bored and lame and nosy, so she took pictures of everything -o-|||... hehe, my next post will prove this "point" ^^|||...
So check it out, especially to deary Anna jie jie who is all the way in US now (Aren't you glad you tak balik at this time =/???) @.@!!!~
The haze started round from 6th of August 2005, Sat (I think the forest fire started then??? Don't ask eiko-chan, she hasn't been reading alot of newspaper lately; except the TV Guide, Movie guide and comics ^^|||...).

Was sending my cous sis to Pyramid, so on the way nothing do, so take pics... of everything ^^||| (Post the other pics next time =P!!!)...
The same day, but at night...

I was leaving house that time and i notice that it was getting bad... not very clear from the cam, but if you are there at that time, you really can notice it 0_0...
And the following pic...

... oops, hehehe, this is a pic of me cous bro's cute little cat Lazy ^^|||... hehe, put wrong pic =P, but ain't he cute X3!!!~ Just love him, such a cute darling and playful little dude X3!!!~
Then the following day (7th August 2005, Sunday...), when on our way in me bro's car to KLCC for the Pikom PC Fair (To get me darling beloved baby#3, my CREATIVE baby XD!!!~); notice the erm... what issit, Mr KL Tower (Mr 0_o???) gone??? And the Twin Tower almost missing too 0_0...

Some random pics of hazey KL... thats my bro's hand ^^|||, took pic from car...

Mr KL Tower is there... but you can't see him 0_0...

Twin Tower almost missing 0_0... at least can see Mr KL Tower ler...

Another random one...
On Monday (8th August 2005...), i can notice from my room that my view is like, disappearing ler (Only see haze, can still see houses but not very clear...), but didn't take pic =P... and on Tues (9th August 2005...)...
I send my friend home in Tropicana, and on the way back just randomly take pics of the hazey haze place...

Looks like ghost city nya 0_0... as i always tell my cous sis =P... hehehe!!!~
Another pic...

And on same day, at the junction outside Bumiputera and TTDI Esso, near the TTDI Police Station, Villa Flora and Pasaraya Tmn Tun, see... erm... can't see ne ^^|||...
The houses in TTDI Hills are hardly visible dee @.@... like kena telan by the hazey haze dee @o@...

Like nothing there nya...

No TTDI Hills @.@...


AND TODAY (10th August 2005, Wednesday...)... THE WORST!!!
I woke up in the morning, and was wondering whether to take hanky go college anot (Because yesterday quite hazey dee, so thinking if bring hanky can cover my nose abit...), and i open my room's curtains...
Well, ok erm, thats a bit over-expressed ler ^^|||...
What i mean it is, i can see the houses infront, but very blur; as for the view where the houses, Villa Flora etc are... GONE!!!
All really like kena makan by the scary haze ler!!! At least yesterday can still see shape, but today... NOTHING!!!
When drive to school also blur blur (Haze everywhere...), in classroom dark dark one, walk to other class also dark dark blur blur, walk to makan also blur blur, the view from Asia Club also blur blur, walk back and drive back that time also blur blur @o@... and from what my friend say, inside the library also like got haze masuk, cause blur blur abit also @-@...
And in the afternoon, it became worst!!!
Here are some pics i took from my room and upstairs after college around erm... i think 2pm-3pm???

Got what i mean @.@???

The view nearer to HS's room one... now you see it, now you don't (What do you think this is, Chipsmore advertisment -o-|||... hehehe =P!!!)!!!~

Are we in Genting now @v@???

From upstairs... aiyoyo...
Scary huh (Really like ghost city too right =P??? CHOY!!! I meant the one in "Twins Effect 2" ler!!!)??? And while driving, walking outside, really felt like we're in Genting ne, when the fogs real thick; however, its not cold at old!!! On the contrary, i felt hotBecause i'm hot =P!!!!!!
Hehe, and before i took the pics, after i got home, i think inhale abit just now and cough; luckily now ok dee!!! Phew!!! Touchwood touchwood!!!~
Remember drink more water ne people!!! Take good care of health!!! Hehe, sound like old lady now @v@...
Just take care everyone!!! Hope it'll be better soon =)!!!~
p/s: Just a note, tomorrow bringing mask to school; hold hanky against nose very troublesome, cause it means one hand not free dee (Cause have to hold the hanky...), but at least can wipe sweat ler ^^|||... can see people start wearing mask in school dee, cause its real bad!!!
BTW, its really dark always, because sun also kena block dee (Where is the beautiful sun??? Although you make me hot, but where are you??? Where art thou???... -o-||| eiko-chan can never be Shakespeare... Shakeys Pizza can ler ^^|||...)!!!
No rain these days, sun always shining like mad, but i prefer hot hot sun!!! Because got sun i sweat, no sun i also sweat like gila; so rather got sun because at least not polluted air!!!
Pray pray everything will be clear soon X0!!!~
And hehehe, eiko-chan has been
Ok ok, eiko-chan has got her beloved camera and is just bored and lame and nosy, so she took pictures of everything -o-|||... hehe, my next post will prove this "point" ^^|||...
So check it out, especially to deary Anna jie jie who is all the way in US now (Aren't you glad you tak balik at this time =/???) @.@!!!~
The haze started round from 6th of August 2005, Sat (I think the forest fire started then??? Don't ask eiko-chan, she hasn't been reading alot of newspaper lately; except the TV Guide, Movie guide and comics ^^|||...).

Was sending my cous sis to Pyramid, so on the way nothing do, so take pics... of everything ^^||| (Post the other pics next time =P!!!)...
The same day, but at night...

I was leaving house that time and i notice that it was getting bad... not very clear from the cam, but if you are there at that time, you really can notice it 0_0...
And the following pic...

... oops, hehehe, this is a pic of me cous bro's cute little cat Lazy ^^|||... hehe, put wrong pic =P, but ain't he cute X3!!!~ Just love him, such a cute darling and playful little dude X3!!!~
Then the following day (7th August 2005, Sunday...), when on our way in me bro's car to KLCC for the Pikom PC Fair (To get me darling beloved baby#3, my CREATIVE baby XD!!!~); notice the erm... what issit, Mr KL Tower (Mr 0_o???) gone??? And the Twin Tower almost missing too 0_0...

Some random pics of hazey KL... thats my bro's hand ^^|||, took pic from car...

Mr KL Tower is there... but you can't see him 0_0...

Twin Tower almost missing 0_0... at least can see Mr KL Tower ler...

Another random one...
On Monday (8th August 2005...), i can notice from my room that my view is like, disappearing ler (Only see haze, can still see houses but not very clear...), but didn't take pic =P... and on Tues (9th August 2005...)...
I send my friend home in Tropicana, and on the way back just randomly take pics of the hazey haze place...

Looks like ghost city nya 0_0... as i always tell my cous sis =P... hehehe!!!~
Another pic...

And on same day, at the junction outside Bumiputera and TTDI Esso, near the TTDI Police Station, Villa Flora and Pasaraya Tmn Tun, see... erm... can't see ne ^^|||...
The houses in TTDI Hills are hardly visible dee @.@... like kena telan by the hazey haze dee @o@...

Like nothing there nya...

No TTDI Hills @.@...


AND TODAY (10th August 2005, Wednesday...)... THE WORST!!!
I woke up in the morning, and was wondering whether to take hanky go college anot (Because yesterday quite hazey dee, so thinking if bring hanky can cover my nose abit...), and i open my room's curtains...
Well, ok erm, thats a bit over-expressed ler ^^|||...
What i mean it is, i can see the houses infront, but very blur; as for the view where the houses, Villa Flora etc are... GONE!!!
All really like kena makan by the scary haze ler!!! At least yesterday can still see shape, but today... NOTHING!!!
When drive to school also blur blur (Haze everywhere...), in classroom dark dark one, walk to other class also dark dark blur blur, walk to makan also blur blur, the view from Asia Club also blur blur, walk back and drive back that time also blur blur @o@... and from what my friend say, inside the library also like got haze masuk, cause blur blur abit also @-@...
And in the afternoon, it became worst!!!
Here are some pics i took from my room and upstairs after college around erm... i think 2pm-3pm???

Got what i mean @.@???

The view nearer to HS's room one... now you see it, now you don't (What do you think this is, Chipsmore advertisment -o-|||... hehehe =P!!!)!!!~

Are we in Genting now @v@???

From upstairs... aiyoyo...
Scary huh (Really like ghost city too right =P??? CHOY!!! I meant the one in "Twins Effect 2" ler!!!)??? And while driving, walking outside, really felt like we're in Genting ne, when the fogs real thick; however, its not cold at old!!! On the contrary, i felt hot
Hehe, and before i took the pics, after i got home, i think inhale abit just now and cough; luckily now ok dee!!! Phew!!! Touchwood touchwood!!!~
Remember drink more water ne people!!! Take good care of health!!! Hehe, sound like old lady now @v@...
Just take care everyone!!! Hope it'll be better soon =)!!!~
p/s: Just a note, tomorrow bringing mask to school; hold hanky against nose very troublesome, cause it means one hand not free dee (Cause have to hold the hanky...), but at least can wipe sweat ler ^^|||... can see people start wearing mask in school dee, cause its real bad!!!
BTW, its really dark always, because sun also kena block dee (Where is the beautiful sun??? Although you make me hot, but where are you??? Where art thou???... -o-||| eiko-chan can never be Shakespeare... Shakeys Pizza can ler ^^|||...)!!!
No rain these days, sun always shining like mad, but i prefer hot hot sun!!! Because got sun i sweat, no sun i also sweat like gila; so rather got sun because at least not polluted air!!!
Pray pray everything will be clear soon X0!!!~
Monday, August 08, 2005
Another short entry...
Hehehe, now in "The Web" using internet again; staying back again to finish up some IB stuffs and also later going to "Pasar Seni" aka "Central Market" to meet someone who'll help me to buy the latest w-inds. single ler!!! Hope get poster XD!!!~
Don't talk about that first, talk about another sad point... my house internet spoil T_T...
Bro say the modem spoil dee, don't know why, but hope can fix ASAP ler; i can't stand the agony of not using internet at home when i want to, although i seldom use now dee -o-|||...
And now got the IB stuffs, somemore i think must get it done by tomorrow ne 0_0!!! Last resort, if i can't find everything i need by now (And what am i doing now typing this -o-|||...), later going to borrow me cous Ya Ya's laptop and go Starbucks finish it up!!! Ganbatte ne XD!!!~
Ooh, on a happier note, although internet spoil dee, yesterday i went to the PIKOM PC Fair in KLCC (Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, but near KLCC and the Mandarin Oriental Hotel neeways!!!) with me bro and cous, and i bought my MP3 dee XD!!!~ And also a new 80GB harddisk XD!!!~
Its Creative MuVo 200 Chameleon; i think limited edition??? Neeways the part there can change colour one ler (Going to put the pic up soon too!!!~)!!! So happy ne X3!!!~ I think quite a good bargain also (Not exactly bargain, just go, enquire and buy dee; so fast until now i still @v@ of happiness XD!!!~)!!!~
Heeee, another "Baby" XD!!!~
But sadly... today second day of using nya... dropped twice dee T-T... but luckily not very high ler, pray pray hope hope no problem X0!!! I so sakit hati see my baby fall down ToT...
Hoooo, now got 3 main babies dee =3!!!~ Let me add my list of "babies" here first!!!~
#1 - My car (Well, owned by me bro, but i guess i can call it MINE =P!!!~) named AE86 XD!!!~
#2 - My new camera with no name XD!!!~
#3 - My new CREATIVE MP3 XD!!!~
Muahaheeeeeee XD!!!~
Ooh, better add the Initial D band thingy to my MP3 to avoid any future accidents (Choy!)!!! At least got the thing can hang onto my hand safetier???
Although i don't feel like using the Initial D band thingy (Want to simpan nice nice X3!!!~), but what to do, for my beautiful baby XD!!!~
Its worth it nya ^-^!!!~
Hmm... not exactly short nya this one @.@... hehehe...
Don't talk about that first, talk about another sad point... my house internet spoil T_T...
Bro say the modem spoil dee, don't know why, but hope can fix ASAP ler; i can't stand the agony of not using internet at home when i want to, although i seldom use now dee -o-|||...
And now got the IB stuffs, somemore i think must get it done by tomorrow ne 0_0!!! Last resort, if i can't find everything i need by now (And what am i doing now typing this -o-|||...), later going to borrow me cous Ya Ya's laptop and go Starbucks finish it up!!! Ganbatte ne XD!!!~
Ooh, on a happier note, although internet spoil dee, yesterday i went to the PIKOM PC Fair in KLCC (Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, but near KLCC and the Mandarin Oriental Hotel neeways!!!) with me bro and cous, and i bought my MP3 dee XD!!!~ And also a new 80GB harddisk XD!!!~
Its Creative MuVo 200 Chameleon; i think limited edition??? Neeways the part there can change colour one ler (Going to put the pic up soon too!!!~)!!! So happy ne X3!!!~ I think quite a good bargain also (Not exactly bargain, just go, enquire and buy dee; so fast until now i still @v@ of happiness XD!!!~)!!!~
Heeee, another "Baby" XD!!!~
But sadly... today second day of using nya... dropped twice dee T-T... but luckily not very high ler, pray pray hope hope no problem X0!!! I so sakit hati see my baby fall down ToT...
Hoooo, now got 3 main babies dee =3!!!~ Let me add my list of "babies" here first!!!~
#1 - My car (Well, owned by me bro, but i guess i can call it MINE =P!!!~) named AE86 XD!!!~
#2 - My new camera with no name XD!!!~
#3 - My new CREATIVE MP3 XD!!!~
Muahaheeeeeee XD!!!~
Ooh, better add the Initial D band thingy to my MP3 to avoid any future accidents (Choy!)!!! At least got the thing can hang onto my hand safetier???
Although i don't feel like using the Initial D band thingy (Want to simpan nice nice X3!!!~), but what to do, for my beautiful baby XD!!!~
Its worth it nya ^-^!!!~
Hmm... not exactly short nya this one @.@... hehehe...
Thursday, August 04, 2005
eiko-chan's unlucky day T-T...
Yeah, after that short entry i posted up at my college's "The Web", my cous sis has still not finish her printing stuffs, and since the bloody parking ticket thingy's time is up, i thought might as well get to the car first and wait her there, then pick her up when she's finish.
Why go car first? So in any case i could just leave when the "Saman Guy" come and prevent him from "samaning" my baby...
Well whaddya know, the first thing i see when i reach my baby... a beautiful "ngao yuk kon" aka "dried meat" (You have to understand Cantonese and have a long history of watching HK dramas and movies to understand this term...) on my baby's windscreen...
Though i had been expecting that... no, its not because the times up but its because the place has no parking line one T_T...
Well, we're quite running late when we reach there in the morning, and there isn't anywhere else, so she told me there can park one, and remembering what my other friend said before ("Can park anywhere and as long as it won't obstruct the traffic and you pay the ticket, they won't saman one..."), cincai ler, just park there ler...
What a terrible mistake T-T...
It turns out i misunderstood my friend's sentence... yes, can park anywhere; at certain places nya lar but... aiyoyo...
And guess how much it is??? RM80 T-T...
Last time my old-schoolmate punya car kena saman also only RM40 (Because times up dee and she didn't pay...), mine... T-T...
Then called mom, Mei jie (Lazy say what we said ler =P...) and faster go pay the bill (Mei jie said pay fast an get discount =D!!!~) after picking me cous up lor... i thought the place was nearby... but it turns out... i mistaken the "Mahkamah Majistret thingy-thing" for the MPSJ "kasi-duit-punya-tempat" T_T... the MPSJ is in USJ5 one 0_0...
Then i notice another of those "saman-saman" guy, so faster run to him and ask him where is the USJ5 place; i forgot to ask him if he was the one who summon meso i could whack him and throw him to Antartica...; neeways, he told me the this er... place near McD near my college also can pay there one, and now got "promotion", RM30 nya!!! So happy when i heard that XD (Although i heard earlier Mei jie say pay early can get cheaper one, hers too...)!!!~ Mar faster go look for that place ler...
And i mistaken that place at the shoplot, so run up and down, thru and fro looking for the shop, then finally realise just go ask at the MPSJ the place where they pull you car away if you cincai park that place ler (eiko-chan's english getting worst T_T...)... and it turned out, yeap, thats the place... and i've been running around like a mad idiot -_-*!!!
Finish pay dee (Yeah, remember to collect abit from my friend -_-*!!! Me cous also heard she say "CAN PARK" one -_-**********!!!), buy McD ice-cream, ciao and get my glasses then dee lor... haih, so saddening man, but aiyar, cincai dee ler, don't want think dee...
Ooh, btw, today is ICPU student council's election day!!! I want to go so can vote for Amanda one, but then i lazy stay back until so late or go back home then go back college again =P (So far ler...); so didn't go, so sorry T_T... hope she gets the place ler =3!!!~
Ooh, and another thing, after reading people, please don't give me advice on the parking stuffs dee; i know its a mistake from the beginning, but i'm too messed up in my head because of certain events and i'm late for my Law class to think properly... haih...
On a happier note, this morning while driving to college, because i scare massive jam like yesterday which caused the "Smart Tag" place to jam up, so i use "Touch n' Go" instead (When its jam, "Touch n' Go" move faster than "Smart Tag"; don't ask me, me no know...)...
And hahaha, while i was behind this car leaving the 2nd toll dee ler, the guy in the blue Satria in front opened his car door to touch the card on the sensor thingy, and i noticed his hair from back quite nice ne XD (Although i only saw like less than half more than quarter of the back of his head...), maybe lengcai =3???
So operation "go-chase-that-Satria-to-see-if-lengcai-anot" take off XD!!!~
Then me and my that friend discuss how and how, and how if he is not really to our taste mar very sad ler (Because sometimes people are to your taste from back instead of front...)... erm... somemore because i've been chasing the car like a bloody fool XD!!!~
Yeah, his a student btw we guessed... got a beautiful red "P" there =P... and we're right ya know XD!!!~ Either Taylor's, Inti or Metropoliton!!!~
Hehehe, i did all the stuffs i normally won't while driving (I'm not a Malaysian driver, although i'm a Malaysian ^-^!!! I signal when i cut lanes, i stay to the appropriate line when i want to turn and i don't go cutting from the next lane which is going straight so i can skip the queue which is to turn and i'm not an idiot!!! Don't understand the second and third reason??? Good, cause me neither =P... hahaha, actions sometimes are better than words =D!!!~); such as...
# Although i'm supposed to keep in the right hand side of the road after toll, so easier to cut to the main road thingy place, but i followed the Satria and went whenever he went instead =P...
# He bad boy go drive in Emergency lane to skip queue and whaddya know, i usually won't when in long line (Except when the idiotic car infront is too slow...), but i did... today =P...
# I cut queue instead of lining up from the other lanes in the road XP!!! Because busy following the car XD!!!~
# I thought he won't turn the place i turn, so thinking just follow him there ler, but then he turned, and theres a car behind him, and i stop at the side of the car behind him, cut that car's line, and follow him to the place where i turn one (Don't understand??? Another goody, me no know how explain either =P...!!!)...
But unfortunately, haih, he turn into Subang Square T_T... though, he IS quite good looking... i think =P... manage to get a glimpse of him but my friend saw him (Hey, i was driving!!!) and said she knew him; his a guy from S.A.M. (Yes, from Taylor's!!!) and our friend's friend too!!!~ Haih...
Though, all the chase was fun =D; but not everyday, please... i don't want to go crazy every morning chasing people, its dangerous and i don't want to be a Malaysian driver, although i am Malaysian ^-^... hehehe XD!!!~
She say she'll show me next time, because i didn't really get a good glimpse actually, hehe =P!!! Hope lengcai ler, so won't waste the effort??? Stupid XD!!!~
Hmm... an eventful day lar can say??? =P!!!~
Why go car first? So in any case i could just leave when the "Saman Guy" come and prevent him from "samaning" my baby...
Well whaddya know, the first thing i see when i reach my baby... a beautiful "ngao yuk kon" aka "dried meat" (You have to understand Cantonese and have a long history of watching HK dramas and movies to understand this term...) on my baby's windscreen...
Though i had been expecting that... no, its not because the times up but its because the place has no parking line one T_T...
Well, we're quite running late when we reach there in the morning, and there isn't anywhere else, so she told me there can park one, and remembering what my other friend said before ("Can park anywhere and as long as it won't obstruct the traffic and you pay the ticket, they won't saman one..."), cincai ler, just park there ler...
What a terrible mistake T-T...
It turns out i misunderstood my friend's sentence... yes, can park anywhere; at certain places nya lar but... aiyoyo...
And guess how much it is??? RM80 T-T...
Last time my old-schoolmate punya car kena saman also only RM40 (Because times up dee and she didn't pay...), mine... T-T...
Then called mom, Mei jie (Lazy say what we said ler =P...) and faster go pay the bill (Mei jie said pay fast an get discount =D!!!~) after picking me cous up lor... i thought the place was nearby... but it turns out... i mistaken the "Mahkamah Majistret thingy-thing" for the MPSJ "kasi-duit-punya-tempat" T_T... the MPSJ is in USJ5 one 0_0...
Then i notice another of those "saman-saman" guy, so faster run to him and ask him where is the USJ5 place; i forgot to ask him if he was the one who summon me
And i mistaken that place at the shoplot, so run up and down, thru and fro looking for the shop, then finally realise just go ask at the MPSJ the place where they pull you car away if you cincai park that place ler (eiko-chan's english getting worst T_T...)... and it turned out, yeap, thats the place... and i've been running around like a mad idiot -_-*!!!
Finish pay dee (Yeah, remember to collect abit from my friend -_-*!!! Me cous also heard she say "CAN PARK" one -_-**********!!!), buy McD ice-cream, ciao and get my glasses then dee lor... haih, so saddening man, but aiyar, cincai dee ler, don't want think dee...
Ooh, btw, today is ICPU student council's election day!!! I want to go so can vote for Amanda one, but then i lazy stay back until so late or go back home then go back college again =P (So far ler...); so didn't go, so sorry T_T... hope she gets the place ler =3!!!~
Ooh, and another thing, after reading people, please don't give me advice on the parking stuffs dee; i know its a mistake from the beginning, but i'm too messed up in my head because of certain events and i'm late for my Law class to think properly... haih...
On a happier note, this morning while driving to college, because i scare massive jam like yesterday which caused the "Smart Tag" place to jam up, so i use "Touch n' Go" instead (When its jam, "Touch n' Go" move faster than "Smart Tag"; don't ask me, me no know...)...
And hahaha, while i was behind this car leaving the 2nd toll dee ler, the guy in the blue Satria in front opened his car door to touch the card on the sensor thingy, and i noticed his hair from back quite nice ne XD (Although i only saw like less than half more than quarter of the back of his head...), maybe lengcai =3???
So operation "go-chase-that-Satria-to-see-if-lengcai-anot" take off XD!!!~
Then me and my that friend discuss how and how, and how if he is not really to our taste mar very sad ler (Because sometimes people are to your taste from back instead of front...)... erm... somemore because i've been chasing the car like a bloody fool XD!!!~
Yeah, his a student btw we guessed... got a beautiful red "P" there =P... and we're right ya know XD!!!~ Either Taylor's, Inti or Metropoliton!!!~
Hehehe, i did all the stuffs i normally won't while driving (I'm not a Malaysian driver, although i'm a Malaysian ^-^!!! I signal when i cut lanes, i stay to the appropriate line when i want to turn and i don't go cutting from the next lane which is going straight so i can skip the queue which is to turn and i'm not an idiot!!! Don't understand the second and third reason??? Good, cause me neither =P... hahaha, actions sometimes are better than words =D!!!~); such as...
# Although i'm supposed to keep in the right hand side of the road after toll, so easier to cut to the main road thingy place, but i followed the Satria and went whenever he went instead =P...
# He bad boy go drive in Emergency lane to skip queue and whaddya know, i usually won't when in long line (Except when the idiotic car infront is too slow...), but i did... today =P...
# I cut queue instead of lining up from the other lanes in the road XP!!! Because busy following the car XD!!!~
# I thought he won't turn the place i turn, so thinking just follow him there ler, but then he turned, and theres a car behind him, and i stop at the side of the car behind him, cut that car's line, and follow him to the place where i turn one (Don't understand??? Another goody, me no know how explain either =P...!!!)...
But unfortunately, haih, he turn into Subang Square T_T... though, he IS quite good looking... i think =P... manage to get a glimpse of him but my friend saw him (Hey, i was driving!!!) and said she knew him; his a guy from S.A.M. (Yes, from Taylor's!!!) and our friend's friend too!!!~ Haih...
Though, all the chase was fun =D; but not everyday, please... i don't want to go crazy every morning chasing people, its dangerous and i don't want to be a Malaysian driver, although i am Malaysian ^-^... hehehe XD!!!~
She say she'll show me next time, because i didn't really get a good glimpse actually, hehe =P!!! Hope lengcai ler, so won't waste the effort??? Stupid XD!!!~
Hmm... an eventful day lar can say??? =P!!!~
Just a short entry...
Hehehe, long time no Blog dee ne X3!!!~
Well, just a short entry lar this time!!! I'll be updating more stuffs later, with piccus XD!!!~
Because now in The Web mar, and later go home upload pics into com, then can update new entry dee (Or maybe i'll do it tomorrow, depends, you know me =P!!! Hehehe!!!~)!!!~ Got loads of stuffs eiko-chan want to share X3!!!~
So later nya, ja XD!!!~
Well, just a short entry lar this time!!! I'll be updating more stuffs later, with piccus XD!!!~
Because now in The Web mar, and later go home upload pics into com, then can update new entry dee (Or maybe i'll do it tomorrow, depends, you know me =P!!! Hehehe!!!~)!!!~ Got loads of stuffs eiko-chan want to share X3!!!~
So later nya, ja XD!!!~
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