Whats the meaning of unappreciated? Whats the feeling of unappreciated?
Thats what i'm feeling this very instance!
If you're reading this, you might be mad, but i'm still gonna say (type) it out. Well, being me i guess. I don't want to go through it unspeaken of what i felt, how i felt!
First, calm down... Hehe, being mad like this is just not me? I'm more happy-go-lucky, ne?
People go through bad moods. But even if ones mood is not good, the other person to "receive" the outcome of the bad mood DOES NOT DESERVE IT! Especially if he/ she meant no harm!
Ok lar, i sometimes also like that. But i don't simply just "throw" it at anyone!
Today, i was reading the newspaper. I saw a news on a certain idol.
Being a huge "idol-fanatic" person, i know my friend loves her, and i understand how it feels to be left out on idol's stuffs, information...
Erm... maybe only me will feel like that lar, not everyone...
Neeways, i mar call my friend to tell about it lar.
How am i supposed to know she's having her mood swings than?
I speak normally lar, a little bit tad excited... and i expect that from her too.
But what came out wasn't just a normal straight line (I can accept a straight line better)... it went weeee~~~ down!
And what i hate the most came out from her mouth too. Acting like that person knows me alot.
God knows why i hate that lar (People acting they know me)...
But anyway, i mar tell her what i read lar. Read that idol's schedule too, where she's going and that all...
Started with she'll be in Malaysia from when to when.
Received: Not a very good response (From me friend), moody one.
Don't care, continue, ask her want me to read out all.
Received: Kinda moody voice, said those that she cannot go, the late ones.
So mar find the ones she mighta can go one lar. The ones in KL. I read chinese super bad. So mar quite broken, quite slow.
Received: Another thing i really hate (Explain why later), no response when i was reading it out, and after reading it too! I think i got add some words to avoid the "coldness"...
Than i just mentioned lar, "also got Johor and Melaka", like those words you just mumbled out which doesn't really meant a thing...
And the mood when "wee~~~" down there! She started shouting "do you think i can go anot" those stuffs.
Ok, she's kinda loud always. But because i just mumble only (No meaning meant), so felt kinda "snapped back"...
Than i got say the one in KL needs ticket...
Ah, here got the hotline to call to ask about the stuffs. Want me give you anot?
"I don't know i can go anot. I very busy these days... etc... (With shouts, bad mood too...)"
"But i thought you liked her alot."
"Do you think i like you meh,... etc etc..." <--- This stopped the conversation!
To be honest, i hate it when people tell me like this. Even though she always said it since last time, but i still hate it. This were the "words" that oftenly makes me go boiling, unless if i'm in good mood... =^-^=
It might meant no harm, but i still hate it. I'll clear that out later...
Than since i felt really unappreciated, i just went "Than ok lar, bye", really quickly...
Hey, this is totally unappreciative of what people do for you! The least you can do, even if bad mood, is a "thank you", but nope. Just got snapped back. Oh, how sweet, ne?
Well, used to it dee lar.
To be honest, things i do always went unappreciated. Even if i'm busy body only lar (Like seeing stuffs and tell a friend about it who i think might need the information lar). 10 times i see information, like i saw a book and tell friend where it is, only 1 time i get back a "thank you"!
Other times, its either "I know it dee", "Really ar?" etc...
When 10 times people tell me information, 8 times i say back "thank you", 1 times didn't say but will regret it (And i can go thinking "Sh*t! I didn't say thank you!"), another 1 time is cincai one.
I'm not saying that i'm some kinda angel or saint, but... you got what i mean lar...
Sometimes, like i saw some idols on mags/ tv, idols i don't even care of, but i'll just call and tell my friends about it. When my friends are in bad mood, the response is really insulting! Its like "Oh, really ar", "I know already..."...
... thats not what i wanted!
People might not be idol-fanatic (Unlike me... i can go crazy when someone tells me of idol information... hehe...), but still, for the troubles they went through, a "thank you" is all thats needed (Even if you're in a bad mood!). It'll make them feel the troubles worth it.
Even if the information you tell them ends with "Oh, really ar", "I know already", but than top it up at the end of the conversation with a "thank you" too is appreciated, ok and kinda polite too?
I should stop being so "information-feeding" and keep everything to myself lar. Since things can go unappreciated.
Some peoples don't hang "thank yous" around their mouth. Can say as no manners?
And, things i SUPERLY hate (To clear the thing above)...
- People acting like they know me...
These words are VERY likely to get on my nerves, even if it meant no harm... Unless if i'm in a super good mood, otherwise, i'll feel insulted.
"You thought i am you meh..."
"Knowing you, you sure like that..." (My friend asked me out, but i don't want, so apologize and say don't want lar... and she went that! Hate it!)
"You always like that one lar..."
.. and etc... cannot remember too much! Blood boiling dee! Hehehe!
And another thing i really dislike (To explain the thing above)...
Through phone, when you are talking to the certain person, i don't know what others might think about it, but i really appreciate if i get a response back, like "ahuh" or "um" to indicate that the person is listening...
But some people can go straight line! Totally NO RESPONSE! I don't know whether she got heard it anot. To be honest, i always feel insulted when people react like that on phone. Even if you don't want to hear what i'm saying (Or if its just stupid stuffs), the least you can do is "um", "um" (Or my favourite "Ahah", "ahah"...), to show the person that you are listening etc.
Another is what, oh yeah, you are talking halfway and the person interrupt, just to shut you up because what you're talking is nonsense or etc.
Hey, talking about manners here. Its really rude! Especially if the thing you use to interrupt is totally of different topic!
If you really don't want to listen because the thing is uninteresting or stupid, theres nothing you can do! Just listen it out! Its not like its going to kill you! You might hurt anothers feelings (If its an emotional person) and its RUDE! Plain R.U.D.E.!
And also, you end up a story you think its interesting, and the other person has no response to whatever you just said, and ask you something else...
Hello, another rude thing! Its like you totally didn't hear whatever she said.
At least an "Really?", or "Sou ka", those type of expression will be ok what. At least THAT won't make me feel insulted!
Another quite similiar one is you're talking halfway, the person on the other line thinks its boring and stupid, and will go "Eh, i gtg already..."... or you finish the topic, expecting a "Really ka?" or some better response, they go "Eh, i gtg already..."
Like they didn't hear whatever you said!
I understand that sometimes you really need to go, because urgent (Going out etc), but to just cut it out like that is rude! At least go "Really ka? Eh, sorry har, i need to go out now. Buhbye."...
Thats more easy on the ears!
I know sometimes things i said are stupid and uninteresting, boring etc... but its rude to do some of those stuffs i mentioned above! You know, i should stop being like that to people...
Again, i'm not saying that i'm an angel or saint...
But i do those, just expecting the same to come back to me (Being polite to others and expecting politeness in return etc...), but it doesn't...
I might be like those above at times, i apologize here for it, but still, i don't think i do that that often right?
I usually hear out whatever thing (Even if i'm not interested), and end with "Really ka?", right?
Should not care that much... its others business...
I tried not being like that... but i can't help it...
I guess i'm just... i don't know how to say lar...
Oh, i know i sometimes didn't hear finish whatever my friends are saying, than i add in my story dee (Same topic story)... hehe, paiseh ne! Because i got excited regarding the stuffs so... hehehe...
I'm not just heading all these stuffs to a certain person. Its more to a number of people.
Hmm... my this journal turns up to become a "shout-out" journal! Hehe! Majority things i'm really unpleased about regarding conversations is all shout out here. Hmm... felt a little better lar... but still... well...
I'm suspecting that i'm so mad, i'm gibbering everything out! Hehehe! My bad point! When i'm mad, or too happy, the things i type out and explain becomes very blur one! Oops! Hehehe!