Friday, October 29, 2004

Graduation... Last day of school...

On 28th October 2004, it was the last day of high school life for the 2004 Form 5's of SMKDU.
Good and bad memories (And records) were made throughout our 11 years of education. Wearing our erm... "nice" school uniforms (Why can't they make it like Japan's?), creating havocs, being naughty and most important, being "us" (For now that is), teens!
But whether it is good or bad, the most important is the sweet memories. We might never get (Ok, we WILL never...) to experience it again.
That includes wearing uniforms (Unless you pursue a job which requires uniforms), being innocent and angelic (Ok, maybe not "that" for our year - We are noted by teacher as the "hardest-to-control-bunch"!), asking innocently to go to toilet, possessing handphones and illegal stuffs, finding a "safe-spot" for a place to hide that illegal stuff during spot-check - or to ponteng, bringing a heavyload of books everyday, getting scold by teachers, doing homeworks etc... and the occassional "run" from PC Chong, our disicpline teacher, should we be doing illegal stuffs like ponteng.
It might seem easier to "ponteng" during college, but theres no "lecturers" to hunt for you... therefore, kills all the fun and POINT of "ponteng"!
And of course, now we have to trouble and busy ourself everyday to find some clothes to wear so we do not get laughed at for wearing the same clothes everyday... ah, the fun of school life... time passes too fast... One minute, i was in F3, thinking, "Wah, still long road to F5! Still 'young'!"... Next minute... *sigh*... SPM... and worst, leaving school...
Of course, the joy is leaving "Add Maths" behind... Hehe...
Good friends were found... and some, enemies were made... The JOY!
I'll definately miss school and everything that goes with it (Except Add Maths... and SPM...)... but... oh well...
Theres still SPM... but i'm not looking forward to it...
Though, we're still wearing the same geeky uniform and going to school for it... than, it'll officially be out last...
School is fun. Appreciate it.

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