Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I love my friends X3!!!~

Fizzly duddly~~ i'm depressed again today X3!!!~

Hahaha, after recess was like so depressed ne!!! Could the "fight" with my friend be the cause of it??? Plus also i felt slightly neglected by my friends, its like, i there or not doesn't matter, if no one is there for them only they come to me 0_0... and when i'm in trouble or in need of someone, they just don't care... but when they are in trouble i need to care (Actually i kaypoh and want to care only, bleehhh XP!!!~)... wth...

But like Ah Theng jie said, i don't own them, so its up to them lar!!! Maybe i'm over sensitive??? Nah... i'm just OVER EMO AGAIN XD!!!~

Heee, but cincai dee ler!!! Most important thing is to be happy and happy X3!!!~ Sad doesn't make any condition better, it just makes it worst ^-~!!! So just smile and be happy ler, no point feeling sad or depressed nya!!!~

Besides, they are my friends and i love them lar!!! I don't want anyone to think that i don't need friends or whatever, wth!!! They are great people!!! And i'll just go with the flow, and most important, BE HAPPY!!!~ KYA XD!!!~

I seriously think i'm a typical Gemini, even though my birthdate is near to Cancer!!!
I have two sides, one is my cheery happy active noisy annoying friendly side, and the other my more personal side which most people won't see... and maybe because i always happy and noisy etc, so when i'm sad and need someone to teman they just don't give a damn, because they think i'll be happy back... or even when i'm sad, i'll smile and be happy in front of them!!!~ So wth... but haha, i need company when i'm sad nee lar, thats all. I maybe smiling but inside is sad, but when there's company i'll get back to normal ASAP!!! Nya, thats the beauty of being a Gemini!!!~ Gemini rocks!!! Futagoza banzai da XD!!!~

Ooh yeah, finally changed my Blog layout because the colour is not really clear, straining eyes etc, so hehe, temporary this one, until i find a better one!!! Though, i really love the Blog skin Auntie make for me X3!!!~ So beautiful, pinky and Jay XD!!!~ But... hehe, nvm ler... but wth, why only i can read it properly??? Maybe cause my eyes long time ago "strained" dee... wth!!!

Ok lar, i'll be honest with my speech usage here... its my Blog anyway!!! Not to be rude, but i REALLY wanted to use "wtf" instead of "wth"!!! It seriously emphazises on how pissed i am ne!!!
I'm not being rude or anything, and its not intended to anyone!!! Just to show how pissed or mad i am at something!!!

But being the polite Jo... i'll definately still continue say "wth" one, polite Jo mar XD!!!~

Wth, perasan punya budak 0_0...

See @_@???


Chotto... those feelings in these two days... maybe maybe... maybe i'm getting infected... by emonization... cause i'm so emo these days 0_0...
Oh no, i'm getting emo too XD!!!~ But hope it stops now, wtf...


Emo did this to me, help me, save me!!!~

~ And here concludes the emo girl's entry... before she continues the lameness and spreads more emo to everyone... hohoho, have a great day ^-~! ~

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