Sunday, July 31, 2005


w-inds. 16th Maxi Single

PCCA.70123 ¥1,113(税込)
(2) アンケートハガキ(抽選でw-inds.グッズプレゼント)

M-1 「十六夜の月」:作詞:shungo. 作曲:松本良喜 編曲:華原大輔
M-2「ジレンマ」作詞:shungo. 作曲:Jos Jorgensen,Andy Love  編曲:Koma2 Kaz

w-inds.のニューシングルは夏の終わりから秋の始まりにかけての男女の情感を、切ないミディアムバラードに乗せた楽曲となってます。満月から一夜明け、ちょっと欠けている様子を十六夜(いざよい)の月と言い、男女の恋愛の情感を月の満ち欠けに見立てた素敵な内容となってます。w-inds.16 thシングルです。


w-inds. 16th single, titled 「十六夜(いざよい)の月」...

Why do i change my Blog's theme today??? Well, new month, new Blog theme and new feel...

w-inds. updated their Official Website just yesterday with the new single information anyway, and since the date today sort of co-relates with full moon, or moon, as the song is about, why not today nya ^-^???

Besides, this Blue colour totally suits 「十六夜(いざよい)の月」 and the feel right??? Muaheeeeeeeee ^-^!!!~

Thursday, July 28, 2005

eiko-chan is stupid...

As above...

eiko-chan is stupid, baka, dumb dumb, sekai ichiban baka na hito, babo... just... stupid...

Stupid fool...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Normal to hyper to emoness...

(This entry contains eiko-chan's typical rambling of her day, in "story" form!!!

To skip her ramblings - as its either confusing or boring - go down to see some pics eiko-chan just uploaded ^-^!!!~ Its at the bottom of this entry because hehe, i lazy go split it to two =P!!!~ Hehehe!!!

Ooh, or its either you're really good you understand ne XD!!!~



eiko-chan start off the day as normal. Very normal and neutral.

Well, slightly bad tempered on the way to college because she met a bloody b*tch. It was eiko-chan's fault BIG TIME but the lady was too idiotic to forgive and possibly too thick in the head to notice that eiko-chan had to do so. Maybe she thought she rule the world because her car is much bigger than eiko-chan's (But hah! Too bad your car not famous and "laoyia"!!! eiko-chan's baby car WAS "Car-of-the-Year" ler XD!!!~)... wow, such idiot still exist in the world; well, at least they make a good laugh =D!!!~

BTW, how eiko-chan wish that they had met a roadblock or something, because the lady would then be in such deep tahi, hahaha!!!
Though, eiko-chan had wished that she had stopped infront of the b*tch and got out and scold her, because the lady was far too overboard dee (Which explains why she's a bloody b*tch with a thick skull...)!!!

The b*tch tailed eiko-chan all the while behind, but eiko-chan suspect she's too thick to follow close to eiko-chan; "Car-of-the-Year" is better than "laoyia-car-belonging-to-a-b*tch"... well, the car is good lar but the car's mad donkey driver... haha, what a great laugh!

Anyways, the lady was to busy tailing eiko-chan when eiko-chan sped and turn left, only the lady realise if she were to continue tail eiko-chan, she would be in the wrong way thus she quickly turn right and go straight... too bad there were no cars on her way =P... hahaha, mean eiko-chan XD!!!~

eiko-chan reaches college, parks car, waits awhile then goes for her Law class, on the way emotion gets better X3, and because today's Law class is a library period (Yeah XD!!!~), no need to study XD!!!

So her emotion turned better =3...

And also, her OS class teacher turns out sick (=(...), but erm... so no OS class (YEAH XD!!!~ But pray pray Ms. Rowena gets better soon ^-^!!!~)... so eiko-chan runs to join her friend's Families class =)!!!~

Luckily her friend's Families class is also eiko-chan's last sem's Families teacher, so she allowed eiko-chan to join her class for the day and they watch the tv series "Friends" together!!! Yeah XD!!!~

Stupid blue shirt in class too but then eiko-chan too =^-^= to turn around @-@...

Anyhow, emotion go up up two notches XD!!!~

Then after her "Families class" finish, but too bad, her IB teacher is back, so she can't join her friend's LAN class like yesterday T_T (She became an illegal immigrant yesterday because her IB teacher was absent, so she joined her friend's LAN class =P...)... and she fell alseep in IB class... again T_T...

eiko-chan also realise she have to buy her IB textbook original hand (Cost RM100 T_T...) because all secondhand books are bought so T_T... emotion goes down abit...

But then waiting for her friends to go break... emotion up XD!!!~

She became like a ridiculuous mad woman, putting her jacket on her head like tudung and tied her hair to one side and walking to teman her friend buy food (The hairstyle was ridiculuous!!! No wonder people were starring T_T...)... alot of hyper stuffs, and screamings and shoutings and talking rubbish was involved too...

But due to certain reasons, maybe because she's too tired, she lost in pool to her friend T.T (At least now the score is 4-2 with eiko-chan leading XD!!!~)...

Then it strikes...

The ever dangerous emoness (I suspect i got it from my friend, who was Emo today too...) strikes her!!! Although she met a friend of hers she haven't seen for a long long time dee, and also she drank Honeydew Sago; but then while driving back that time, she did some crazy stuffs, but still very emo and tired dee all of a sudden... at least there's Keita's lovely and beautiful voice to teman her ^-^!!!~ Lucky XD!!!~

So that concludes how eiko-chan from normal, to hyper and to emoness T-T...

p/s: Ugh... hahaha, lame story -o-... hehehe, but rough description nya... very tired and emo now T_T... but ahah, at least will have Bi and Jay later =3!!!~

Yeah XD!!!~



Wanted to show off one, but that day forgot =P...

eiko-chan w-inds. ageha album XD!!!~
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The back of the album... Kei-chan, Ryo-chan and Ryu-chan X3!!!~
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The inside part of the album...
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The table next to her bed where the album currently resides ^-^!!!~
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Even BD and Simba promotes the album, because its really good XD!!!~
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And never forget to add this pic i really love =3!!!~

~~ The End ^-^ ~~

Monday, July 25, 2005

What happens when eiko-chan is bored, and has a camera in her hands...

Hmm... i wonder...

#1 - Definately, start taking pics of everything XD!!!~

#2 - Snap away like a mad woman X3!!!~

#3 - As aboves, become a crazy woman XD!!!~

Heee!!! Was a little bored just now, so er... photo time =3!!!~

p/s: Updated previous post date 24/ 7/ 05 with a full HAPPY FAMILY picture XD!!!~


eiko-chan photo gallery XD

eiko-chan is Haegen Dazz member, so for me birthday, they send me a discount voucher =9!!!~
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Mom put it on top of me CPU, and since nothing to do and waiting for bro to teach me how to remove ink cartridge from printer (I've accidentally lost the instruction manual =P...), so just cincai find stuffs to take ler!!! And because i really like the effect made by the flash, so kept this pic =3!!!~

Hon Shen's Porin from RO XD!!!~
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I just love this ne XD!!!~ But HS don't want give me T-T...
But hmm... since SOMEON'sE in Aussie now... hehehe *grin sheepishly*...

The printer which can't scan because no black ink dee T-T...
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Erm... doesn't it 0-O??? I don't know T_T...
And bro forgot the way to take the cartridge out, so have to go look for the manual ler T_T...

~~ Full House pics ~~

And then eiko-chan is still bored, so she took pics of the magazine which she wanted to scan last night one -o-|||...

*Please don't mind, some pics i forgot rotate and also quite dark!!! Sumimasen XP!!!*

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Full House, a real nice Korean drama eiko-chan's watching, and really crazy about, now XD!!!~
eiko-chan: "BI X3!!!~... *melts*..."

Image hosted by Bi ^-^!!!~

Image hosted by KYA XD!!!~

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Ok, this one really needs your imagination!!!
First things first, remove Song Hae Gyo from the image...
... and replace it with eiko-chan's face doing the same expression towards Bi...
... the rest is up to your MY imagination XD!!!~

Image hosted by Bi XD!!!~
Hehe, forgot to rotate it =P... exercise your neck for awhile lar XD!!!~

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Bi crying T-T..


Thats about it ler, hehehe XD!!!~

Sunday, July 24, 2005

eiko-chan's new camera ¥(≧∀≦)/ !!!~

Yatta XD!!!~

After months of waiting, eiko-chan finally got a new camera XD!!!~

Its a Casio EX-Film EX-Z750, and 7.2 Megapixels 0_0 (Whoa XD!!!~)!!!~

Regardless, i just love my new baby X3 (eiko-chan's other baby is her AE86 (Erm... actually its just her car which she named "AE86" ^^...), so do her rabbits, collections, stuffs etc ^^...)!!!~

Bought it on Sunday night, 17th July 2005, not sure good deal or not, but can say quite alot of goodies???
Though, the 512MB SD card was only took last Friday 22 June 2005 -_-... from Mon, drag to Wed and finally Fri only dapat... ish...

Oh well, at least got the free protective sticker thingy, hehehe!!!~

So lets just go to the piccus XD!!!~

eiko-chan has gone crazy dee XD!!!~

eiko-chan's piccus

First things first, my two most precious, most adorable, most "bao bei" little babies XD!!!~
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BD and Simba XD!!!~
Hehehe, the pics looks as if BD was the one taking the piccu X3!!!~

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BD's solo photoshoot!!! I've had him since i was what, 3 years old+ like that 0_o??? Me kumama bought him for me XD!!!~

Not to forget the two "husband and wife" ^-^...
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Usagi and pan-chan XD!!!~
My two other babies ^-^!!!~
Of course, theres also my Stitch, Gamba, Pooh and Chocobo, but hehehe, forgot take, next time only put ler =P...

Happy Family!!!
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... Well, half ler ^^... Stitch, Gamba, Pooh and Chocobo also not there... yet...
Hehehe, pan-chan biting his wife's ear -o-... hahaha ^^...

Edit 25/7/05:
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The full HAPPY FAMILY XD!!!~
Gamba looks like his having BD for dinner 0-O... hehehe XD!!!~

And the book everyone been long waiting for...
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Just that this is mine ler, not everyones and definately NOT FOR SALE ^^...

I went to pre-order it on the 18th June 2005 (Bday present from me mom yo =3... or issit me dad =P...???), so when i went to collect it, naturally got goodies ler X3!!!~
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The bag which came with the book when i went to collect it...
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The goodies inside the back =3!!!~
Theres a can of Vanilla Coke (Ugh, why don't they give me just Coke or better yet, Pepsi XD!!!), a pack of Kit-Kat bites, Chronicles of Narnia's bookmark (To promote the movie i suppose...), a pen (Good one XD!!!~) and a metal ruler =3!!!~
Hehehe, i just took this pic this morning (Round 9am+...). Hee, haven't indulge in my goodies yet ^^... Book first, care about the goodies later (Though, i finish the book early dee, still haven't touch the bag until today ^^...)...

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An "extract" from my copy of Harry Potter and THBP!!!~ When i first got the camera, this page was the few of the first pics i take (Using internal memory, as the bloody card haven't get yet T_T...)... but cause the lighting was bad, i deleted everything and forgot to take again until, hehe, this morning ^^...
Kinda marks something ne, for this chapter!!! As in title wise ^-^!!!~


But i don't really like the title of this book... ugh, its related to Snape!!! YUCKY XP!!!

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Kissy kissy muaks muaks XD!!!~


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The handphone i borrow to use from me bro, Sony Ericsson!!!~ Jay as wallpaper XD!!!~

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And Po-Lin dear as screensaver X3!!!~
Too bad when i went to see Po-Lin last 15th July 2005, still haven't get camera, otherwise would probably be able to take better looking pics ne??? This one is taken using the handphone's camera, resolution not very good T_T... but still better than nothing =3!!!~
And yes, its taken terbalik, its on purpose and for the convenient of my hand ^-^!!!~

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The cam also have the continuous zoom thingy, i lazy explain what it is ler =P; but one things for sure, without it, this kinda pic would probably be blurry because have to take the pic very close to the handphone surface, and even with the normal zoom, it won't be clear one yo!!!~

And of course, how can i ever not to show-off my most precious and proudest collection =3!!!~

Though, hehe, i'm still new ler so not exactly very "glamour" compare to older collectors ^^... but i'm still very proud of it XD!!!
You can see me eyes shining whenever i introduce it to me family and friends X3!!!~

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Tada, my beloved softdrink cans XD!!!~
Note the Jay Chou there X3!!!~ Also got Edison, Sammi, Stephanie and Lee Hom (But Steph and Lee Hom not Pepsi lar, they'res is the lemon tea and lemon water respectively!!!~)!!! But not viewable because at the back, kena block dee ^^...

This two below is me favourite from the lot ne =3!!!~
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Japan Coca-Cola and Japan Pepsi Twist XD!!!

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BTW, this two also have special meanings ne!!!~

Coke = My first ever collection XD (Don't count the Jay Chou one i had before this, as i bought it for Jay mar X3!!!~)!!!
This is the one which spark off my interest to start collecting!!! I bought it the minute i saw it because i just love it and i knew i must have it XD!!!~ Also me mommie bought for me one yo this one X3!!!
Pepsi = The same as above; saw it, love it, knew must have it, so buy it X3!!!~ And i think its the first i purchase from Isetan ne (The Coke is the first i purchase from Jusco yo!!!~)!!!
Also another one which me mommie bought for me XD!!!~

Erm... actually, most also mommie buy for me one ler ^^... hehehe ¥(≧∀≦)/ !!!~

And all also i tak minum one, all still unopen and pretty pretty and keeping it yo (Hehehe, eiko-chan treat it as "red wine" XD!!!~)!!!~

The new cam's BS mode has loads of new scenes, and "Cross" is one of it. It makes shiny places has the "X" kinda shine... erm... don't know how to explain, you see then you know dee ler ^^...

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The tablelamp next to my bed... see the light shiny thing around the light???

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The bottle of water on the table next to my bed, taken just now (Around 9am+???)... See the glimmery effects???

Though, too much of it (The effects...) just makes the whole thing look weird and unnatural ^^... hehehe...

Thats about it ler, hehehee X3... for now XD!!!~

Oh yeah, i went shopping yesterday for something which i love and really want to buy (XD!!!~), but haven't take the pic yet so its not here ler, hehehe =P...

Though, i'll will update soon ler nya XD!!!~

So tired yesterday ler @_@... but shopping rocks XD (Megasale start dee btw XD!!!~)!!!~

Have a good day everyone!!!~ eiko-chan signing off here ^-^!!!~

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Life also sucks when...

... when the bloody informations you really needed to finish the assignments are not available everywhere...

... when you just realise the internet is bloody useless sometimes...

... when the information on every bloody page is the same as every other bloody page which just doesn't have the bloody information which you want...

... when you're still stuck in college finding some bloody information on the internet God knows whether it really is available at the internet...

... when you cry silently because of the fact that your school library has very kindly manage to fail you alot alot ALOT of times when Hermoine's school's library doesn't at all (Probably once or twice, but not as much as mine...) T-T...

... when you realise you have another bloody assignment to finish for OS (Because you want to help another friend who has Data assignment... and you totally forgot and underastimate the time the bloody law assignment needs...) and you know your that bloody friend will complain how much she have done when in reality you've done more than her...

I need to go home now otherwise i'll go bonkers @_@... but i can't yet T_T...

Life sucks when...

... when your bloody friend didn't save a seat next to hers because she wants to sit next to this cute guy and does the "I don't know, he sat there himself..." kinda expression...

... when your friend refuses to go with you to the toilet, because she just came out of it...

... when you realise something interesting about someone and rushes to tell your friend but she just took no particular interest because she treats whatever tahi you say as not serious, nothing of upmost importance and don't take you seriously... ever... unless when shes in need of it... even though someone is of highly interest...

... when you walk too slow, or took too much time to leave for the next class that the class next to the classroom you're having your class at has already left..

... when you are talking halfway, still very natural, and you notice some bloody idiot with a brown cap, and you went all bonkers...

... when you don't understand whatever your teacher says when he tells jokes to you...

... when you don't pay attention in class because you're busy floating in dreamland...

... when you rush down from the library and stand under the hot sun waiting for your friends, only to realise you should've stand under the shade which is just a couple of steps behind you...

... when you yell like a mad woman to one of your friend who was on 2nd floor because you noticed the stupid idiot with the brown cap coming into the school compound...

... when you fly towards the staircase and know that the brown cap is walking towards the staircase too, only to realise when you are up on the first floor, the brown cap has yet to reach yet...

... when your friend told you to go down wait for awhile, only to realise that brown cap is only coming up then and you went bonkers and run towards the opposite direction...

... when you realise your friend's lunch is tastier than you, yum =9!!!~

... when you rush to find the bloody Physics Lab 4 to pass something to your friend and called another friend who is in charge of finding you an IB textbook, only to realise that that @sshole totally forgot about it and didn't even bother to help you find when he promises you for a few days dee...

... when you knock on the the door to pass something to a friend and get shove right on the face from the teacher with a "No" because you are interupting her lessons...

... when you are sweating from hair to neck (And you get neckaches easily...) and rush to the library to finish some bloody assignment which is due tomorrow....

... when you realise you're gonna missed seeing someone who you call .. and is your .. T_T...

... when you realise your parking meter's up, and your parking place is at faraway land...

... when the security is to stringent on the rules and won't let you park your car in school compound until 3.30pm...

... when you rush towards your car, only to realise you forgot to bring your car keys and you're halfway between your car and your school...

... when you realise that you should've just put enough money for one whole day instead of rushing there now. And you put insufficient money into the meter because of wanting to see some bloody fool only to realise the bloody fool's already gone...

... when you rush back and rush to finish the bloody assignment which is due tomorrow...

... when you rush back to the library, thinking you'll finish the remaining at home when the parking meter finishes...

... when you realise you CAN'T finish the remaining at home and when its already 4pm, you still can't go home because of the f*cking assignmnet and you have to rush back to faraway land to drive your car back to school to park there (At least you won't need to walk back...)...

... when you got f*ck up by the bloody friend who shows no compassion that you still can't go home so late and last time when she's AT HOME finishing some bloody assignment you show her your compassion...

... when you got honk because you can't move your car out and are blocking the damn road...

... when you ought to finish the bloody assignment but you are typing this bloody entry now...

So you realise now why life sucks??? Especially when you rush to north pole for no apparent reason, and realise you're too late and bloody hell why is the fool of a brown cap so punctual...

But life's good when...

... You won thrice at pool (First round is 3 games, second and third round 1 game each...) and won foosball twice, with today's results a 9-all =3!!!~

Muahahahahahahahaha XD!!!~

Time to finish the bloody assignment T_T... i doubt i'll be able to go home by 6pm T-T...

Monday, July 18, 2005

Harry Potter and the Quarter-Blood Princess...

Hehehe, what Quarter-Blood Princess 0_o???

It means me ler =P... last time i've always thought i was Pure Blood, or as i put it last time, "Pure Breed" =P!!! Heeee!!! In a sense that i'm "pure hokkien", but i just found out some time ago, my dear beloved paternal grandmama is cantonese, which makes dad Half Blood, and mom's Pure Blood, so i'm Quarter Blood...

Confusing??? Ok ok, i'll go back to muggle language...

My dear paternal grandmama is cantonese, which makes my dad half hokkien half cantonese (Being my paternal grandpapa is hokkien...); mom's a pure hokkien, so it turns out, i'm 3/4 hokkien, 1/4 cantonese T-T...

But i'm proud to be sharing "1/4" bloody with my dear grandmama, so no complains ^-^!!!~

Princess??? Hehehe, i always refer to myself as Princess =P...

So there you have it, Harry Potter and the Quarter-Blood Princess XD!!!~

Yes, and you may rise...

Wth XD!!!~

Hehehe, enough of my silly ramblings =P, now to the main point!!!

Last Sat, 16th July 2005, was the worldwide release of Harry Potter's book six, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" (Currently in "Chapter 18" ^-^!!!~ Faster than the previous book five ler XD!!!~)!!!~

Of course, eiko-chan has pre-order it earlier (As present from me daddy and mommie ^-^!!!~)!!!~ On the 18th of June 2005, mom reckon i should've pre-order on 20th June, so its the same as my birthday, but since we went there that day, might as well just get over with it!!!~ I've been delaying to go pre-order it neeways and i know i can't wait any longer XD!!!~

It was just GREAT!!! Stayed up late last night reading it (And became real sleepy in class this morning =P...), and can't wait to read more!!! Lets hope it'll be tomorrow when i finish the book??? But i'm sure i'll re-read, being the big Harry Potter fan i am ^-^!!!~

Besides, all the previous five books together, i must've re-read those like hundreds and hundreds of time!!! Its just magical!!!

Once you pick it up, you can never put it down ^-^!!!~

Ah, and i really owe J.K. Rowling big time!!!

Refering to my previous post, well, something similiar about influencing...

Harry Potter did not influence me in accent or anything (Except the movie =P... its just so nice immitating Hermoine sometimes XD!!!~), but in word usage and my currently favourite word "bloody"!!!

Its a British thing, Brits love using it and i love it too, wth XD!!!~
Its not a bad word or anything, just an emphasize on some stuffs whether good or bad =)!!!~
Harry Potter has loads of this words inside (Book or movie, with Ron contributing a whole lot of it... plus "gits" too ^-^!!!~ But "gits" are too beautiful of a word for me to use on other worthless idiots, so i only use "gits" on my beloved second brother ^-^!!!~ XP!!!~)

Neeways, i was just mentioning J.K. Rowling because i'm really thankful to her HP series, otherwise, my English O-Levels wouldn't have probably get "A1" ler!!!

I use alot of phrases from her book, or as i like to refer to it, "bombastic words", and thus, i think it adds huge marks to my SPM results, both marked by local teacher and foreign teacher!!!~

Hehehe, i used so many phrases from the Harry Potter series, those words make up for my bad grammar =D!!!~ Yeah XD!!!~

Ooh, i think i better get going now to read more Harry Potter, and finish my assignments first T-T... i'll read Harry after my assignments =P... hehe, won't say anything about it now until i finish the whole thing, so prepare for spoilers the next time i talk about it =3!!!~ Muaheeeeeeee XD!!!~

eiko-chan's New Resolutions for this Bloody Month...

#1: Try not to speak bloody english with bloody fake "British-accent", or "guai guai dei".

#2: Try to strike conversation with this bloody ABC who you have the feeling that he hated you for God-knows w-at-the-heck-are-his-problems (Don't care about conversation or even him liking you as a friend etc, just make sure he don't hate you because you know you hate that feeling, even if it comes from a pure stranger...).

#3: Try NOT TO speak bloody english with bloody fake "British-accent" or "guai guai dei", again.

#4: Try NOT EVER TO speak bloody english with bloody fake "British-accent", or "guai guai dei", again again.

#5: Wth, just try bloody hard not to speak bloody english with bloody fake "British-accent" OR "guai guai dei" again again and again; and so do chinese, don't speak with a bloody accent as well.

New resolutions for the month, seems to make my point clear, TRY REALLY BLOODY HARD NOT TO SPEAK WITH BLOODY FAKE "BRITISH-ACCENT" or "guai guai dei"... EVER!!!

Though, i swear its not my fault!!! Its not on purpose, it just comes out like that!!!

Who to thank??? Those bloody ABC and "CBC" artist eiko-chan really fancies...

Let me explain, in case anyone got confused...

eiko-chan recently has been speaking english with really fake "British-accent" or just an "ang mo" accent, or very "guai guai dei"!!!

Though its not on purpose, the whole damn reason is because she is easily influenced, and are always under the influence of ABC artist such as the Taiwanese boyband, "Tension" (All members grew up in the states... exception of Jimmy who grew up in Canada.) and "CBC" (Being Canadian born chinese...) Hongkie actor "Edison Chen"... theres also ABC singer "Lee Hom", and bloody hell, the bloody market is so full of "guai guai dei" artist its hard not to get influence!!! Especially with easily influence people like me!!!

Heck!!! They "influence" me even without me noticing!!! I just went "guai guai dei" like that, zap!!!

But hmm... Theng jie last time got say before i speak chinese also very "guai guai dei" one, as i learn chinese (Mandarin and canto...) after english... and with my hots for Western artistes last time...

My mandarin is getting better now, but i like to immitate Tension and Edison Chen speaking chinese at times, especially to my lao po Loo2, but not like to "impress" people, but more like a comedic thing to make people laugh (Though i don't think anyone did...)... but its mostly towards Loo2 only... wth... what is happening...

I'm just blabbering now, the main point is i just go natural, but the bloody "guai guai dei" just came out, wtf...

** Main point below...

Why suddenly pay attention to this fact??? I mean, nobody complaint last time right, at least not my close friends and everyone else (Maybe they did??? But i've never heard of it etc!!!)!!! Hell, i didn't even feel anybody have any thing against it, wth, i don't know what i'm talking about now, hope you get what i'm trying to say...

My friend's friend, this new guy who is in fact ABC, joined our group for lunch and i just have a feeling he hates me. I don't know, probably i'm sensitive, but my senses are probably right you know.

Main thing is probably because of my "so-called-fake" "guai guai dei"??? Maybe that bloody hell just think i'm talking like that to impress him or immitate him??? Bloody hell, i don't even care whether he exist or not!!! I just went naturally, though some people may not think so...

I don't care if we are friends, but most importantly, i don't like people hating me, even if we're not friends; so resolution, make sure he doesn't hate me... dislike is better than hate anyday.

Because of him, hanging out with me pals for lunch is not as fun as before... bloody hell...

Friday, July 15, 2005

Chasing stars, Po-Lin and Isabella XD!!!~

Hehehe, today genius eiko-chan skipped IB class nyo (Period 3, 10.30am-11.35am!!!)!!! And being the good student i am (The one who falls asleep in class unless she's talking nonstop or disturbing someone or once in a blue moon, busy writing notes or reading books...), hehe, went to look for my IB teacher ask what we are doing etc, luckily library period, so shouldn't be alot of notes, i hope @.@ *gulp*...

Heeee... why i skip???

Because last night, while i was on my AE86 (Not my baby, the one in my room - Me frequent fellow Bloggers and family and friends should understand this very term =3!!!~) almost drifting to meet Jay (XD!!!~), suddenly, the silly handphone of mine (Well, the sim card's mine, but the phone belong to me older bro. Hehe, borrow use mar =P...) rang.

It was an SMS. The SMS i've been waiting for patiently since yesterday evening round 5pm++. The SMS contains the answer to a competition i've joined earlier that day.

The SMS says...
"Congratulation! U've won yourself 2 passes to meet Isabella & Po Lin @ Espanda, 15th July 12nn & stand a chance to win Palm Phone!"

My immediate reaction was... 0_0... and XD... then it went @.@...

Tomorrow noon, although i've planned that if i've won the contest, i'll have to skip IB, but then what i HAVE NOT plan, is... is...


So immediate callings and SMSes to friends asking them to teman me and one working, one got test, one don't like Po Lin (And she no class one T-T...), one didn't reply (Unless you count calling me in the middle of the night without saying anything because she accidentally called my number due to some reasons and called me like loads of times... by accident... and she didn't know it...), and one switched of her handphone T-T...

Aiyar, tak tahan dee, go sleep first, tomorrow morning only see how!!! Worst is go alone ler =P... hehehe...

And luckily, tomorrow morning my ex-schoolmate and sorta collegemate (Same college, different course!!!) sms me and after one sms back tell her stuffs... SHE TEMAN ME XD!!!~

Then after my OS class (Period 2, 9.15am-10.30am...), luckily Ms Rowena let us off early, went to look for Mr Reynolds, then ciao deee XD!!!~

And something silly of me happen, but not saying anything here ler ^^|||... hehehe...

Drove to KL, went pump petrol first (RM15 flyaway!!!~)... then fly like mad woman all the way to Espada, park car (Another RM4 flyaway!!!~) and then go inside, register all those stuffs and... wait *drop dead*...

Wait awhile dee, luckily got serve food and drinks otherwise i sure dying of hunger dee @.@... and after awhile, THEY ARE HERE XD!!!~

Po-Lin is like so cute X3!!!~ Isabella also very pretty XD!!!~

Po-Lin is just downright cute ler XD!!!~ Together with his "capelak" and "not smooth" cantonese... CUTE XD!!!~

Wowza, Isabella is SOOOOOOOOO beautiful ne!!! Her features are very bright, she's real fair (Not pale fair but pinkish fair fair!!!~) and big eyes, real pretty!!!~

Take piccus and all, and some stuffs i don't want to mention about it anymore ler, hehe, lazy dee so i just summarise in point form ler =P...

- They went off to rest for awhile, and i manage to shake hands with Po-Lin XD!!!~
- Afterwards, take piccu time and manage to shake hands with Isabella =D!!!~
- Then finish dee run to the back and then wait for them, but they took quite awhile before leaving, because they eating -o-|||...

- Isabella came out first, and cannot take pics because they rushing (But then Isabella agreed to take one you know!!! Just that those stupid management company don't let!!! Hmph -_-*!!!), and like those other fans there are so "for Po-Lin nya"... although it is a good thing, but then will hurt Isabella's feelings wut!!!
- Isabella walk away then i shouted, "You must ganbatte" in cantonese and she looked back, but at the same time, this idiotic b*tch next to me also yell, so maybe she thought the girl yelled that instead of me??? But my voice so much sweeter than that girl, hopefully she heard correctly ler =P... hehehe...
- Proves another point, Isabella is real friendly to look back ne =3!!!~

- Then Po-Lin came, those other fans (Wearing school uniforms -o-|||... they wear baju kurung, but change top, so look real weird =P...) shouted like mad, and i was quite near him XD!!!~
- Pass by then bye bye, too bad cannot take pics =(... but then my friend said Isabella actually can take pics one because she just sat in car waiting for Po-Lin for awhile ne!!! Mean!!! But also cause we waiting at the stairs but not at car, so cannot say anything ler =P...
- They ciao dee we also ciao, but because our car is in the same direction they went, hehe, so we walk pass their car and wave at them, like friends nya, hehehe XD!!!~
- Should've parked my car at the nearer place, although more expensive!!! Then can follow their car and make them happy right??? Because the fans reaction are quite cold, most of the crazier ones are students and obviously no car ne???
- Then after that we've decided to go to 988 (Talk with my friend, discuss and all, and finally, yeah, we're in the same road as them, and i found my way to 988 XD!!!~), where they will be ler for interview (Ask a staff...)...
- When we reach there, THEY ARE REALLY THERE XD!!!~ Because the car they sat in is there!!!
- Waited for awhile, then because i needed the toilet badly (Hehehe, drank too much soft drinks in Espada ^^|||...), so i go in the 988 building borrow toilet ^^|||...
- I also went upstairs to the 988 office, pretended i want take the Alex To tickets one, and then saw them there XD!!!~
- Got say hi to Po-Lin again, and because only me fan there (But pretending not, later they throw me outta the office =P...), hehe, anyway, he turned and wave, CUTE XD!!!~
- But he seems to forget me dee T_T...

What happens afterwards is kinda an awkward situation and stuffs, and real regretful stuffs, again, so i don't want to say anything dee ler, hehehe =P...

And later we chased their car XD!!!~ But then they didn't notice T_T...

And almost went to KLIA cause busy following the car and didn't take note of the turnings and stuffs, luckily got U-Turn, otherwise =P...

If we've been more "passionate", they would probably be happier ne, but too bad, didn't do so, hope next time when they come again will be like that and it will cheer them up ler ^-^!!!~

Just don't overdo it, otherwise scare them away =P... hehehe XD!!!~

Monday, July 11, 2005

Boredom strikes Part 1 (Feat Keita =3!!!~)

eiko-chan rolls around "The Web", doing totally nothing and only knows how to mutter one word...

"I'm bored @.@..."

Ok, its 2 words, but anyway, she's bored, and like, real real real bored...

Luckily theres music to accompany her, otherwise she'll be more bored...

Then Keita comes in and saw eiko-chan rolling around "The Web", so he squat down next to her and ask...

"What are you doing 0_o???"

"I'm bored @.@..."

"Ok... erm, then go do something, rolling around will not make it any better ^^|||..." said Keita gently, poking eiko-chan's cheeks with his finger.

"But i'm still bored... Anyway, i roll around when i'm bored =)..."

"Oh yeah, i forgot that fact ^^|||..."

"I'm bored @.@..." eiko-chan continues her boredom.

"Want me to get you anything???" asked Keita with his trademark grin (Oh my God, Keita's so cute X3!!!~).

"Yes," eiko-chan jumped up with her eyes shinning, looking at Keita *v*. "Can you bring me to your ageha tour concert??? I want to buy the special ageha tour CD and get you guys autograph which comes with it when you buy the CD!!! Pretty please *v*!!!"

"Ok, but erm, why not i just sign it for you ^^|||???" asked Keita in total disbelief that he is standing infront of eiko-chan, but she didn't ask THAT from him.

"But it'll be much fun if i get it from buying the CD!!! It'll support you guys and i'll see my luck, see who i'll get =3!!!~" eiko-chan's eyes continue shinning.

"Ok sure," Keita smiled happily at such a supportive ... (Hehehe, i won't fill in the blanks, let you all guess what it is written there!!! Surely you all won't guess its "baby girl" or "pink monkey" one!!! Muahahaha!!! Hold on, i just gave away the answers XD!!!~).

Heee, just for info, eiko-chan is Keita's pink monkey, and Keita is eiko-chan's baby boy yo ^-^!!!~

"YATTA XD!!!~" eiko-chan jumps around screaming in joy.

"I'll get you the front row stands!" said Keita kindly, smilling at the girl who just now was rolling around because she was bored, and now her eyes are all shinning (And now jumping like his pink monkey, which she is ^-^!!!~). Surely she won't get bored anymore (Anyhow, Keita thinks its always fun with eiko-chan around, so he won't mind ^-^, but he wants to make eiko-chan happy =3!!!~ Kei-chan's so sweet X3!!!~)???

"Yeah, lets go XD!!!~" eiko-chan does the "Superman" pose when Superman attempts to fly up to the sky.

"Let me call to book tickets," Keita took out his handphone, smilling now that eiko-chan's no longer bored.

"Book tickets 0_o??? What tickets???" eiko-chan asks, puzzled.

"Tickets for the aeroplane to Japan. Surely you're not thinking of flying there (As in not by plane, but more like Superman ^^|||...)???" Keita looks back at eiko-chan, smilling with a slight grin at eiko-chan's blurness.

"Well, i WAS thinking we're gonna fly there, but not by plane!!!" eiko-chan clears out what she was thinking about all the time.

"How do you expect us to fly there if not by aeroplane ^^|||???" Keita smiled, slightly sweating.

"Oh yeah..." eiko-chan finally thinks properly and logically. Clearly, boredom is killing her brain cells everything unlogic will seem logic to her. "So, how long will the flight be???"

"Let me see... round 5-7hours..." said Keita as he dails the numbers.

"What 0_o??? X.X..." eiko-chan dies of boredom...

"eiko-chan, what happened XD???" Although so, Keita couldn't resist laughing at eiko-chan's blurness and ignorance of logic... when she's bored ^^|||...

"Oh well, at least i can roll around in the plane ^-^!!!~" eiko-chan jumps back up and sings cheerfully as she hop towards "The Web"'s door to leave to go to Japan.

"^^|||..." <--- Keita's expression at eiko-chan's "resurrection"... hehehe...


AHHHHH, i'm so bored XD!!!~

And the above "story" is a good proof =3!!!~ I simply create it up because... i'm just so bored T-T... hehehe!!!

Hope you enjoy it, no??? Hahaha XD!!!~

Sunday, July 10, 2005

A day of eiko-chan's life ^-^...

Today ne, after sending Ah Kim to KLIA, came home, watch the "Guess 3x" show where Andy aka my gor, and Luo Zhi Xiang aka my papa, ate RABBIT PUPU XD!!!~ Hehehe, it was so funny ne =3!!!~

Then went to Auntie's house makan (Steal =P...) her potato salad!!! It was YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY NE X3!!!~

She made one big bowl and when i came, around half left ler... and... hehehe...

She watching tee-vee, and when she turn around to look at me/ to eat the potato salad she made, erm... heeee... all gone dah =P...

To where??? eiko-chan's stomach XD!!!~

It was just so delicious!!! Plus the yummy onions, so "bu zhi bu jue zhong", i finish everything ler!!! Hehehe!!! Yummy X9!!!~

Got recipe from Auntie dee, going to try to make soon ^-^!!!~

And whaddya know, the yummy potato salad also bought me good luck ne =3!!!~

Afterwards i send Auntie to work (Hahaha, like BF send GF to work nya =P...), 988 broadcasting w-inds.'s "Colour Me"!!! The competition to give away the w-inds. ageha giant imported poster will be up soon, so i stop the car aside to listen to radio ler!!! Then after the song, the DJ give the questions dee, and so sad... i don't know the answer to the first two questions T-T...

But neeways, i just send ler, hehe, and continue driving while listening to radio. And the radio announce the winners, and my w-inds. fan friend won ne XD!!!~

And i hehehe, SMSed to her while driving ^^||| (Good kids don't follow what eiko-chan does ^^|||...)... congrats her and ask her win for me next week =P... hahaha!!!

I used Penchala Link and halfway nearby this house, I SAW A GROUP OF DOGS BULLYING A POOR HUGE MONITOR LIZARD!!!

I quickly stop and honk ler, but then the dogs still biting the poor lizard's tail, and trying to pull it towards inside, and the lizard use his tail to er... whack the dogs, snap at them, and bare his huge jaw!!!

I was quite a distance from them, so i reverse nearer and continue honking, then the dogs finally leave, and i sat inside the car, replying my friend but also use the rear mirror to keep an eye on the poor scared-to-death lizard ler. I was worried if i left, the dogs will come back to attack him!!!

And i didn't leave my car, because well, it is a wild animal, and i know better not to disturb them, especially since his scare, he might've attacked me!!! So do the dogs!!!

Then quite alot of cars stop, the first is this Kancil who stopped and like driving so near to it let his children see, and i quickly honk and try to shoo them away from my car because it might've scared the lizard!!! Then the guy came out from the car 0_o!!! My God, not scare lizard might attack you meh???

I also got out and ask what he trying to do, and ask him to leave the lizard because he (The lizard...) is scare, then the lizard crawl under his car for safety XD!!!~

When he entered his car, he still put his legs outside, so near the poor lizard 0_0... but he is daring ler, and alot of other cars also stop to see the lizard. I pity the lizard, here he is, scared to death and others are looking at him as if they haven't seen a lizard (Which they really probably haven't...) or he is some sort of specimen etc!!!

I entered my car, continue smsing friend and thinking what i should do. The Kancil drove off safely, luckily didn't kena the lizard (Because the lizard crawled under his car mar...) and this guy in van still there trying to shoo the lizard back inside, although everyone else left dee.

First he use cloth and shoo him, but lizard still don't want, finally he use the ladder and push the lizard aside. Must be to avoid the lizard kena langgar ler, really nice of him =)!!! But the poor lizard don't know and still frightened, he use his tail to attack the guy ler, but its normal instinct ler!!!

I was inside the car thinking should i call WWF or someone, but i don't know number T_T... but really lucky the lizard is safe ^-^!!!~

And oh yeah, when i entered the car after confronting the Kancil and lizard (Yeah, the lizard is a real pretty one yo =3!!!~), someone called me... guess who it is... 988 XD!!!

I totally did not expect ler!!! I saw the first few numbers and it seemed familiar, wonder who it is, issit Auntie or who??? And i got a wild guess "Haha, maybe 988, hey it does seem like 988 0_0!!!" and answer at the same moment!!! Below is the conversation...

eiko-chan: "Hello..."
Simon-san: (The DJ...): "Hello, is it Jo Jo?"
eiko-chan: "Yes?"
Simon-san: "Yes erm, when can you come take the poster???"

I went 0_0... and i was like i can go there anytime, mon or tues, and he say mon-fri from 9am-6pm or something can, and i went thank you loads of times and almost cried!!! SO HAPPY X3!!!~

Which also means... I WON THE w-inds. ageha GIANT IMPORTED POSTER XD!!!~

I really superly totally did not expect to win because my first 2 answer is wrong (Which also meant that i didn't listen to the radio at the beginning =P...)!!! I guess because those who won are suppose to call him, but they didn't, so Simon-san just randomly call those who had SMSed to pick winner ler!!! Lucky XD!!!~

Why i won??? I really have no idea because my first 2 answers are wrong, and Simon-san got say he received hundreds of SMS ler!!!
Either is he random pick and picked me, or maybe because i wrote w-inds.'s song title as "Kawariyuku Sora" instead of its chinese title, even though the answer for that song wrong =P!!! Tonikaku HAPPY XD!!!~

Really really really happy ler!!! Sort of help save a poor lizard, and got a beautiful and precious poster i've always wanted ^-^!!! Ureshii XD!!!~

Hmmm... tomorrow going to college dee, hmm... hehe, going to school as "hiphop-style" yo XD!!!~ Hopefully won't be weird ler =P!!! Hehehe!!!~ Good luck XD!!!~

Ok ler, i'm off to drift to dreamland to see my darling Jay first ler, hehe, nite nite, ja XD!!!~

p/s: My car, Honda Accord, has a new name apart from "Baby", and that is "AE86" or "86" XD!!!~

My bed also named "86" X3!!!~ Hehehe!!! Thats why i said "drift" to dreamland to meet Jay, hehehe XD!!!~

And those 3 by the same name (Which is "86"...) are my babies X3!!!~ Muahaheeeeee XD!!!~

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Malaysian drivers rule (Yeah right...)!!!

Malaysian drivers rule (Yeah right...)!!!

Why??? Read below...

#1 - KL drivers drive like mad cows running (Or flying...) away from the slaughtering factories (Weird comparison, but i guess it'll do ^^|||...)...

#2 - KL drivers aged 100 and above love driving like a mad cow with truckload of kids away from slaughtering factories using an old, worn off, Malaysian-made car (Should be the first version somemore...), and guess what, those kids are not even seatbelted, and one of them even has his legs kicking against the window behind the driver's...

#3 - KL drivers (And some PJ drivers...) loves cutting across your line without signals, and some even just cut over when your car is just like an inch away from his, and no signal...

#4 - KL drivers loves driving like mad chickens fleeing from KFC...

and the #5 and most champion reason why Malaysian drivers rule...

#5# - KL drivers are old cows who cut like mad cows, drive like mad chickens, cut across with no signal, driving truckload of mad goats regardless, and are on the verge of getting stop by the good looking but overweight with a big belly disiplinary officer holding a nice book and preparing to check your little card with your beautiful face on it, which you get it from another big belly examiner by paying him "kopi duit" RM200 or more (If you didn't, you're a mad human!!!)...


And another top 5 reasons why Malaysian drivers suck (Yeah wrong XD!!!~)!!!

#1 - PJ drivers don't drive like mad cows running/ flying away from slaughtering factories... except if you're on the PLUS highway ^^|||...

#2 - PJ drivers age 100 and above are always respected by us young ones, so even if they drive slow, we'll understand and let him be and try not to scare him by driving safely and properly around him (And resuming to their own scary speed when out of the uncle and auntie's sight...)...

#3 - PJ drivers (Some... wll, those who don't are from KL anyway...) respect, sayang and always allow "P" drivers first... but there are some stupid fools, one of them by the name of eiko-chan, who don't do so no matter to fellow "P" or other more old drivers (Whether experienced or not, as some old drivers are worst than us "P"s - they should be thrown back to sit next to the big belly examiner XD... except that this time no "kopi duit" allowed =P!!!~), unless if the other fellow driver smile smile and wave thank you (WTH XD!!!~) ^^|||...

#4 - PJ drivers curse only in their heart, because they prefer not to cause trouble with another friend PJ driver, unless if its too "over", only the horn will be used...

And the champion reason...

#5 - PJ drivers are not like their KL counterparts, hmm...


p/s: I'm a "PJ DRIVER" ne!!! Although i live more than half of my life in KL, and am from KL!!!

Because ne, half my driving time (Drifting time XD!!!~) is spent on PJ road, i first drove on PJ road, i learn to drive on PJ road, i took exam on PJ road etc etc...

And of course, don't forget that i live near PJ, i studied all my life in PJ, i always drift on PJ road (Muaheeeee X3!!!~), i am usually always found in the mall with a big "O" and "U", which is in PJ, and i drive every morning to college on PJ road, and many many more reasons ^^|||... Muaheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee XD!!!~

Oh and btw, hehe, never follow Malaysia signboards -o-|||...


Hehehe, above is a "short" summary of me drive to KLCC today =)!!!~

And trust me, never drive with a woman who is already married and have kids (Especially if you are HER kid...), and is older in age than you... the more older they are than you, the more cranky it can be... i lazy explain now dee, i want to go see the AE86 in my room dee, and drift to dreamland to meet Jay =3... Muahahee XD!!!~


Thursday, July 07, 2005

I sat inside Toyota's Trueno AE86 =3!!!~

(To Auntie's comment: Pupu's services is VERY much needed, please get Pupu do for me XD!!!~ Hehehe =P!!!~)

After my emo days, finally, yesterday at least a happier day =3!!!~

I've finally decided to wait in school ler, got reason to finish off my homework and won't do last minutes anyways, and i'm glad i think so... because...


Initial D was sponsored by the Drinho thing, and they came to my school... together with the Trueno (Its same colour, same model, and the "Fujiwara Toufu Shop" sticker is there too X3!!!~) that i saw in Atmosphere that day (Went Atmos to see Jay mar, during Initial D promo ^-^!!!~ Forgot to put an entry for it, and also hehe, very tired day thanks to it, so lazy dee =P!!! Hehehe!!!~)!!! Its the same and i'm sure because i roughly remember its plat number!!!~

I was walking to the guard house and from far i went...
"0_o whas that... is it... no, its not 0-O... it... IT IS XD!!!"
And i swear i flew to the car ne!!! Hehehe!!!

And then starts admiring it from the "Fujiwara Toufu Shop" sticker there!!! Then my cous came, and i quickly grab her handphone to take pics, because her hp's resolution is much much much better!!!


Because some people before me was sitting in the car taking piccus ler, so after they left i mar do so, and ask my cous take more piccus of me in car (Wanted to act like Jay when i'm in it but hehehe, i malu because alot of people looking =^-^=!!!)!!! I really don't want to get out ne, but then this other guy ask me to go because he also want to take!!! He ask politely mar, so mar get out lor (86 T_T... i want 86...), and then i continue taking pics of the Toufu sign... hehehe, wu liao XD!!!~ But got loads nice ones dee, very happy =3!!!~

And two guys who went after me, they really sit in the car and act like Jay Chou ^^|||... hehehe XD!!!~

Afterwards, the guy ciao dee, and no more chance for me sit inside T_T...

But its still a GREAT experience, one i'll never forget and will always remember, and I LOVE THE FEEL XD!!!~

An attempt to act like Jay Chou =P... hehehe XD!!!~

But though, i didn't hold steering wheel and all, so abit sad ler T_T...

Cincai ler, ITS GREAT XD!!!~ Its not the one in the movie and all, but its still Toyota Trueno AE86, and looks like the one in the movie XD!!!~

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Just want to express something...

Bloody asshole, tahi lubang!!! You like to wait so much YOU go wait yourself!!! I've much better time to do my other stuffs, my OWN stuffs, then to wait for someone with no apparent reason and to stuff myself to finish my homework (Ok, its a good thing, to finish it first and no need do last minute work... but how if i no homework???), or forcing myself to go searching for random stuffs online which is to no apparent use, or playing games online and got scold by the idiotic "Web Mistress"!!!

When i want to wait i'll wait ok, no need your bloody fface to tell me what to do. I'm going on with my life as normal as i can, as it'll be and as i WANT it to be. I don't want to change anything and I WON'T change anything unless if i myself wants it. Nothing is going to change!!!

I request for a new computer, or at least, a new hard drive so i can move everything there and format my current one, to prevent my precious files from losing incase my darling com kong, but no~~, and now you request this and that. F off!!!

Clean his table??? Hell, i didn't even notice his table's messy!!! And for God's sake he only left today and i didn't went into the study room until now (Well, just awhile just now to put stuffs but i notice nothing else except my table!!!)!!! How do you expect me to "Sometimes must help clean automatically, no need people ask", or "Must help others sometimes" or what the f tahi i don't give a hell damn about it!!!
Besides its my own policy, your stuffs you sendiri clean ler. Hell with the help others clean stuffs sometimes!!! I find my table messy as always, why not the f you help me clean my table before you order me around to do stuffs which is unrelated to me??? And i'm not using THAT particular table also!!! You help me clean then ONLY you have the rights to say "Sometimes find messy must automatically help, no need wait for people to tell"!!! F off!!!

And one of my greatest joy in life, driving, is losing its fun dee. I can't curse and scold people, mumbling how an idiot the car infront of me was, without feeling the stiff and dull atmosphere!!! The atmosphere in the car is just too stiff for me to just mutter curses to the car infront or somewhere and feeling good from it!!!

And driving must also be careful, and nicely and all those tahi!!! Because don't want other people in the car to get shaked up by my bad driving (Sometimes i accidenally break too hard etc...)... last time, accidentally break too hard or whatsoever, just mutter curses to myself under my breath enough dee, but now no~~, and bla bla bla, yadda yadda yadda...

It just sucks. Don't try advising me and all those stuffs, because no one will understand how i feel at this very moment because you're not me... hell, no one will ever understand how i feel...

Hell, even muttering "sai gai gun guan" has lost its fun!!!

Not to say i've not tried, i've tried but then it really felt weird!!! Compared to doing so when i'm in the car with my lao po, its like Heaven and Earth!!!

Life sucks when you're in it and feeling "bout it" (Count Jay out from this phrase, because its otherwise when its about Jay... anyway, i don't want my darling angel to get involved with this because no one is worth to get my baby involved in this...)...

Monday, July 04, 2005

eiko-baba's, Remedy for Emoness XD!!!~

Welcome to "The eiko-baba time" with by everyone's favourite host (Yeah right...), eiko-baba (Means Auntie eiko -o-|||...) XD!!!~


*Puts on Auntie voice, like those cooking demo Aunties type* Hehehe, hello, everyone, good night, good night *smiles sweetly but somehow seems scary 0_0...* =)!!!~

Well humans, today is indeed, a very emo day due to alot of benda that happened, despite the fact that the horoscope last night predicted it'll be a lucky day today *gets precious baseball bat out to trash the predictor guy's house*... But i've learned not to trust that horoscope anymore, to many con-nies dee *calms down and hides baseball bat, but vows to get back at that fella...*...

Neeways, back to what i was saying, today whatever it is, i'm going to teach you the Remedy for Emoness!!! Now everyone, get your pens and paper ready, and jot down as i say, ok???

*Waits for crowd to answer...*

... Ok, er, very silent crowd 0_o??? Neeways, hope this remedy helps you, its a secret newly found old family recipe (What 0_o???), enjoy ^_^!!!~

"eiko-baba's Remedy for Emoness XD!!!~"

Emoness with a tad of over-sensitiveness...

You get emo over every single thing possible...

"War of the World", unsensitive human beings and bloody living things (Refer to previous post...)... plus also bloody fools who only call you when they need you (Ooh, i am getting so British =3!!!~)...

Cure/ Remedy:
Easy way: A dash of ice-cream (X9!!!~), a tad of blurring out everything to somewhere (Preferably online journal etc, as it works better than on normal humans...), and a superly incredibly enormously huge heavy dosage of Jay Chou (X3!!!~)... pan-chan, Initial D, Tachibana Keita, w-inds., animals, Edison Chen (As my favourite Takahashi Ryosuke *v*!!!~ Ryosuke rocks XD!!!~), drifting and pearl milk tea works as well too ^-^!!!~

Hard way: Sensitive human being with a kind heart and ears which can carry a huge load and a heart which sincerely cares from the bottom of their heart... (eiko-baba: These humans don't exist anymore, but hey, eiko-baba's here to help you people XD!!!~)

Aftermath of remedy:
Drifting off to a wonderland where the cure (The easy way cures...) are *v*!!!~

WARNING: Illness may relapse if not well taken care of!!! Stay away from the cause as far as possible (eiko-baba: And stay as near as you can to the cure, preferably the one which requires superly incredibly enormously huge heavy dosage XD!!!~)!!!

And that conclude this week's episode of...

"The eiko-baba times" XD!!!~

See you peeps soon, but hopefully not, eiko-baba off to trash someone's house!!! Muahahahahahahahahaha *evil witch laugh*!!!~


Wth, i've become eiko-baba 0_o??? Just suddenly got the idea of becoming some "Auntie-talk-show-style" to intro the remedy but wth, it turns out eiko-baba's a great character XD!!!~

But then she won't always appear, you'll sense trouble or something wrong when she appears (Ooh, she's freaky X0!!!~)!!!~ Muahahahahahahahaha *evil witch laugh*!!!~

Wth, did i just did an imitation of eiko-baba 0_o??? Or am i becoming her 0_0???


-o-|||... wth...


Off the record notes: Bloody living things explained, so bloody fools are those who when they are in desperate need of some bloody help whatsoever in NS camp they look for you and you are there, but when you in desperate need of help they didn't even care, but maybe they didn't receive msg so i don't know, but i don't even want to care dee because just wasting my energy (Might as well waste it on something more useful, like duh...)...

Unsensitive human beings who, i don't know how to explain, but knowing each other so long dee must've known each other's attitude what... and when see a huge big change in attitude, sure something wrong one right??? Unsensitive is uncurable, and it doesn't matter last time, but just that this time it has become unforgivable for this period of time...

But regarding previous post, would like to apologize to someone, although nothing is specified out, though, she herself had her own problems, which is like huge backside (I shy say ass *blush*...) bigger than mine (And thats saying something *blink blink*...) and also when compared to mine!!! So i should understand and not say or think of anything further ler... sumimasen X0!!!~

Bad tempered + Emo = eiko-chan today...

Emoness strikes again XD!!!~

Why do i seem so happy about it 0_o???

Tell you what, when you're emo, you seem to be super sensitive towards everything, though, you tend to appreciate everything special more too...

Eversince aliens landed as from "War of the Worlds", i felt completely zap to dust always, but i think i'm being like Tom Cruise instead (Spoilers ahead, beware!)... Kena loads of powder, but then still alive, hahaha =3!!!~

Lets just hope our beloved planet earth's microorganisme does its job well =)!!! And lets hope i survive like him and Dakota Fanning did...


Emo emo emo now, feel so lonely, need Jay badly ;_;...

I miss Jay so much T-T... which is why i hope his here now, so i can concentrate on plans to stalk and kidnap him, and won't think too much of anything else (Though studies could be at risk 0-O... its so easy to wander into "Jay's Wonderland" while the lecturer goes on about how Portuguese take over Melaka, or what resident residence thing, and our 2020 cabaran Malaysia stuffs... i don't know, i not sure cause i've been wandering that time @.@...)!!! Hehehe XD!!!~

Stalk and kidnap Jay and put him in my room, this is one of my greatest dreams... hehehe XD!!!~

Tonight got tuition somemore... XIAN!!! But i'm sure after next month i'm quiting dee, can't bear it anymore somemore with all those studies... though i haven't even start next sem yet, hehehe, so where does my "reason to study" come from 0_o??? Well, its me so yeah, my reasons can come from everywhere possible, as long as i can blurt out from my mouth can dee, so... yeah...

I want go watch movie (You guess it... yes, Initial D... again XD!!!~) tonight one, but then stupid tuition got in my way!!! But at least, it saved my wallet... tomorrow night is "Ladies Night" =3!!!~ Muaheeeeeee XD!!!~


Hmm... i have been thinking (Wowza, eiko-chan's been thinking!!! Hurry, run to the west!!! The sun is rising there!!!... Wth -o-|||...), you know whats the problem with being there for people when they need it, and when you need it people's not there for you???

Refer to the beginning of this post: you're damn sensitive when you're emo; so maybe thats why i suddenly feel all so alone now. Everything will hurt like tahi (Tahi hurts 0_o??? I don't know that...)... It sucks man, and just for an account, not just friends, but every single bloody living thing in the world, except possibly Grandma and Jay... but Grandma was mean and left me dee, so i'm only left with Jay... but i love Jay as much and as well too, so, ok ler ^-^!!!~

Jay is an angel Grandma sent to accompany me because she can't =3...

And of course, don't forget darling Keita too, and noisy pan-chan, my fat chubby cute fat rabbits =3 (But they not close to me as last time dee T_T...), softtoys, music, movies... at least i have those to keep me company XD!!!~

I've tried ignoring pleas of help or ears to listen to problems tahi knows i even care about, but then i can't and i don't know why. Maybe i should try harder next time, becoming mean is not that hard, hehehe *grin*... I'm one now (Mean girl eiko-chan ^(-v-)^... tahi, it suppose to look like a Red Devil (MU ROCKS XD!!!), not bat ler -o-|||!!!), all thanks to driving =P... Driving can change people, driving really can (Shut up wabbit, you're changing because you want to change ler!!! Don't blame it on the beautiful, innocent, angelic driving *v*... tahi, my inner mind loves driving now too @.@...)...

Last time, when people walk slow infront of me and i'm in a hurry, the most i'll just "tsk" (The clicking sound you make with your lidah =P...), but now, when the person is slow infront of me, i'm in a hurry, and especially, walk like a slow poke after a ride at the escalator, i'll mumble this...

"Walk so slow, don't know how to walk don't walk lar..."

Holy marshmellow bunnies, i sound so mean XD!!! Its so mean 0_0!!!

And when driving, sometimes people can be so idiotic, such as talking on the phone and driving like 10KM/J, and then i say...

"Drive so slow, don't know how to drive stay at home, don't drive..."

And when you discover his on the phone when you drive pass him...


... and you start swearing in your heart at the bloody asshole driving a red Mazda (Or whatever it is...) jeep talking on the phone and driving super slow... uncle somemore!!!

Or if you want to save your energy, just mutter one simple four letter word...

"Oh my God, another "sai gai gun guan"..."

"Sai gai gun guan" means "World Champion". In the movie Initial D, Chapman To, acting as "Ah Muk", always calls himself that, though, his driving skills are horrible!!!

So i guess calling people that is nice and sweet, no curses required and its a compliment =)... unless you know the real meaning to it =P!!! Muahahahaha!!!

Besides, it reminds me of Initial D ^-~!!!~

Anyhow, er... i think his driving skills should be better than mine x.x??? *Faints*...


Oh yeah, my darling bro leaving to Aussie tomorrow, will miss him T_T... in the mean time, thanks for "passing down" Baby to me XD!!!~

I love MY (Ok ler, respect abit, tomorrow only start saying "MY" XD... hehehe *grin*!!!~), i mean er, my "brother's" car!!! I name him/ her Baby =3!!!~ She's such a darling, but then, a small little scratch or bang on door or anything hurts my heart ;_;... and then there goes eiko-chan holding a baseball bat and chasing after the fella who hurt Baby XD!!!~

If eiko-chan's the one who did it... er *covers mouth of the person talking*... we'll skip that part first ler ^^|||...

Heee, later go clean up the car abit, decorate because starting tomorrow, officially tomorrow, will be mine =3!!!~ Driving it to school and everywhere i want dee XD!!!~ BABY XD!!!~


Ok ler, better ciao and do something cleaning first!!! Later going shopping somemore with bloody tuition at night *shivers*... now i feeling better after talking about curses and my Baby ^-^!!!~ And Jay of course, Keita too!!! Arigato XD!!!~ Muaheeeeeeeee X3!!!~

Ja XD!!!~

p/s: New sem starting tomorrow, and i dressing up like Jay in "Yuan You Hui" =3!!!~ Pray pray everything smooth smooth XD!!!~