Monday, June 27, 2005

eiko-chan the saviour XD!!!~

Hehehe, don't call me perasan, but then i was a saviour today nya X3!!!~

Just now i was walking back to the library after lunch. I was walking through the parking lot place when i heard some cat meowing at the side there!!!
I don't know why, but i'm just really sensitive/ alert to meowings, especially kittens!!!
So i quickly run to find where the sound came from ler, as kittens only meow when they are hungry, or in trouble!!! It was a kitten's meow.

At the side there was this place where they put alot of those tables and chairs. Unlike the ones we use in class, its those that can seperate the table board with the legs one ler.
And between the roundish table board heads, this kitten was stuck between it O_O (Don't know how to explain, but one things for sure its stuck ler!!!)!!!

I quickly move the board thing straight up so the kitten could move out lar, but it still meowing and hardly moving out, so ask my friend come help, but after a few seconds when she arrived, the kitten move out dee!!! Hurray XD!!!~

He/ She either got eye infection, or only one eye open nya!!! Still very small and very cute =3!!!~ The kitty meowing and moving around, and she is like greyish brown with white chest and paws!!! And blue eyes!!! Super cute XD!!!
But then the face like something wrong, like longer... i got suspect maybe because kepit between the board too long dee the face... CHOY!!! He/ She still very cute ler X3!!!~

Me and my friend squat there and look at it awhile, and i use my finger poke poke his/ her head massage him/ her ler (So small, no need to use hand ler =P!!!), then i heard cat meow, so ask my friend faster ciao, because it means the mother's around!!!

And then, i saw the mother XD!!! Its the big fat black and white cat who roams around the cafetaria, and we always thought it was pregnant, but actually, today find out, it is a mommy =3!!!~

And my friend left for library dee, i curious what the cat doing to kitty so stood around to see, and i saw her bite the scruff behind the kitty's neck to bring him to somewhere else!!! Then i curious want to see where she stay ler, and followed!!!


Because the silly mother cat actually took "shelter" under a car 0_0!!! All her kittens there too (And they are so cute too X3!!!~)!!!
Must be the table place she staying, but then people move stuffs there so she move away, and one of them must be unluckily so got stuck between!!! But then the person who moves the stuffs there must be blind not to see the kittens ler, or maybe the kitten got stuck itself, who knows @_@... one thing for sure the mother cat can't get kitty out so thats why only left him/ her there!!!

It must've happen today anyway, cause today Monday, so there shouldn't be any car parked overnight from Sunday right? Unless the car spoilt one ler =P...

I quickly report it to the security guard and tell him, and ask him to alert the car owner ler!!! Because the kittens still so young and so small, and if the car owner didn't know, when he/ she start the car engine, the mother sure scare and move away but then the kitten don't know one!!! They still shivering and stuffs from walking etc!!! How if unluckily and... CHOY!!!

Hopefully they will be safe ler!!! After that the security guard go tell another person, and i also leave to library dee (Which is where i am NOW!!!). But anyhow, later go home that time will go check again!!! Pray pray they ok X0!!!~

They are just so cute =3!!!~

But surprise is i'm sure people would've heard the kitten's meowing (Quite loud...) but no one save the poor kitty also one!!! Grr!!!

Conclusion, we humans, like or don't like, love or no love animals also, they are still living things!!! If you saw an animal in distress, if you can't save it or even if you NOT willing to save it, at least alert someone who can and will!!! Animals are living things too!!!

If you are willing to save humans, then you must be willing to the save animals too, because we too are part of the world and live together. Don't allow cruelty to animals!!!

We must save and love the animals XD!!!~

I suddenly felt so noble, even though its only one small thing =P... hehehe, thats why i say i today perasan XD!!!~

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