Saturday, December 17, 2005

eiko-chan and her oyster fetish =9

Ah, i just LOVE Oysters X9!!!~

I seriously don't get why i don't like it when i was younger last time =/... OYSTERS ARE JUST SO GOOD XD!!!~

Like what Emperor (My daddy ^-^!!!~) said, "tastes are to be acquired"!!!~

How true, just like me and Sashimi =9 (But Oyster beat Sashimi, paiseh =P!!!~)!!!~

Ah, don't you just love the taste in your mouth, after eating oysters, and also when you burped (Aloud or not =P...) after eating oysters XD???

Ok, probably a tad disgusting, but its true peepies so, yeah, YUMMY X9!!!~

Went to Manhattan Fish ??? for dinner just now, not bad the food (But service definately NOT tiptop...), but the Oysters are not really fresh T-T... can eat lar but... haih... and the Fish n' Chips is good with the cheesy sauce thingy, but without the sauce, its just fish =/ (Duh...)...

And bloody hell, one thing i don't like is that the bloody restaurant doesn't have any other knives apart from the knives for fish!!! Which, duh, is for "right-handed-people" =.=...

I'm not left-handed, but when it comes to using cutlery, I AM (Somehow, don't know why =.=...) and luckily its Fish n' Chips, otherwise it'll be hard for me to cut my dinner!!! I practically have to "cut" my dinner by using my fork to drag it apart, not really cutting it to be honest =.=...

And the waiter, aparently, doesn't know that left-handed people (In my case, "left-handed-while-eating-people"...) CAN'T use the fish-knife =.=... OMG!!!
He didn't even know there's a left-handed version of the fish knife... OMG!!!

Haha, to be honest, this post probably won't be read by many people, because celebrate people, eiko-hime will be posting pics later XD!!!~ Muahahahahaa!!!~ After i watch "Chih-Yung Power School" (He Jun Xiang XD!!!~) that is!!!~

Some pics i took the other day with me peepy friends, hehehe!!!~

Note: I can't possibly say "my peepies friends" right??? Just sound SO wrong, in EVERY angle, though my english grammar is horrible =/...

So stick to peepy lar!!!~ Hehehe!!!~

Time to ciao, JA XD!!!~

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