Today is the last day of the year XD!!!
Lol!!! I lazy talk about how i felt about the new year (Typical me -_-"...)! Just talk about what happened today ne?
Today is Ah Qiang gor gor's wedding day!!! The "yup mun" part!!! So early morning the "heng dais" all mar go get the bride lor!!! Em... i woke up late again -_-"... but still arrive early there at Ah Qiang gor gor's house lar, and waited for them to come lor!
Than the "yum char" and take angpow (eiko-chan yells XD!!!), than makan than balik rumah!!!~
Auntie Bee Cheng's dress very nice!!! Got take pics etc too!!!~ The "siu yok" very salty XP!!! But very tasty, not bad XD!!! And erm... i'm Pepsi's spokesperson -_-"... haha, free-of-charge spokesperson XD!!!
Hahaha!!! Actually today i was "supposedly" go register for HELP one... but i've decided...
If i go Jan intake, i have to start college this coming Monday, and its a little too rush for me dee, so i've decided to go for March intake.
Yes, it'll be a little hectic... but going this Monday really too rush and probably more hectic 0_o??
I haven't prepare a single thing... Clothes etc... i DO have to change clothes everyday!!! No more uniform dee =(!!!~)!!!
Ok lar, even if don't care about clothes also, my "feelings" all etc not prepared! So its March lar!!!
Plus have lotsa things i haven't do (Laze around too much during Dec XP!!!), so before my college life starts, better clean up everything, do everything nicely!!! Somemore going to shift house, if got college dee so give reasons etc, so aiyar, one things for sure is March dee lar!!!
Haha, my fault too cause i didn't go check about colleges earlier!!! Sue me XP!!! Lol, that was a joke!!! Its my fault, so i can't sue myself right???
-_-"... eiko-chan's lame joke again...
Ok, back to before i went blabbering about my college XP... haha...
After getting back home, do my stuffs all, than... WAHAHAHHAAA!!! I went online shopping via YesAsia XD!!!
Yes, after weeks of unneccessary worries and waits etc etc, i've finally bought what i wanted before the New Year XD!!!
Thank you Mom and Dad ^-^!!!
I bought all w-inds. stuffs (XD)!!!
w-inds.'s Works Vol. 3, System of Alive and PRIME OF LIFE's concert DVD and their latest single, due released on 1st Jan 2005 (But some people already got theirs earlier...), Yume no Basho he!!!
If you noticed, the single's name is also my Blog's title name XD (Thats why also put the single's pic as this entry's image XD!!!)!!! Hahaha!!!
It means "To the land of Dreams"!!! Its also for the 83rd Japan High School Football Tournament!!! Its like singing the player's feelings and all!!!
Its a great song XD!!! I love it XD!!!~
Hmm... than very sorry to my darling Ayu dee ne, because the last CD i bought in 2004 will be "Yume no Basho he" instead of her "My Story"!!! But hers is album, and w-inds. one is single, so erm... fair and square XP??
After buying, went to watch Kouhaku!!! w-inds.!!! Keita XD!!!
But than have to go for New Year's eve dinner together with Dad's friends and family... Aiyo, boring lor!!!~ So have to tape Kouhaku, cannot finish watching it =( (I'll talk more about Kouhaku tomorrow ^-~!)...
Went for New Year's eve dinner (Boy, the food was good XD!!! Especially the fish, oyster, sashimi, strawberry etc XD!!!) at... don't know how to spell =P!!! Aquavite? Hehe, at first when i heard of the name, i went "There got A-qua one ka"? Lol!!! Me and my stupid jokes XP!!!
As a sort-of, can say "mark-of-respect" for the Tsunami victims, there were no celebration of any kind at all! The whole KL city was kinda quiet, totally unlike Christmas Day and last year! There was hardly any celebration!
After makan, than went to dad's friend's house! At first i thought, aiyar, come awhile, than later ciao dee lar, i want go home online... but i found the love of my life (Lol! eiko-chan with her lovey-dovey again XD!)!!!
Uncle Adrian's daughter, Kimberly's dog, Kristy XD!!!
Haha, at first very xian, want to go home, than heard dog's bark, and Edwin (My cousin bro!) told me they have a dog so i went "0_0 Really?", and ask Kim and she bought us to see Kristy!!!
She is such a darling!!! BTW, my first "doggy-kiss" was with her XD!!! She is soooo cute!!! When we first go in she went jumping all around us, than later got use to us, and i like scratching her ears which i guess she loves it too, because she was wagging her tail!!! Lol!!! She was soooooo cute!!!~
She is an Australian Silky Terrier, goldish brown and silvery!!! When she was a pup it was like brown, dark brown, black... but the colour somehow changes... She's 3 years old and... KAWAII-CHAN DA XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And occasionally she wants to jump at my face to lick me!!! Hahaha!!! And when i put my face down to let her lick, after getting use to being lick, try lips part, but she ended up licking almost my nose there!!! Hehehe!!!~
Just put your face there, she'll be very happy to lick you XD!!!
And she's sooooooo well trained!!! She can do tricks like play dead, roll over, paw paw, guess which hand the treat is, etc etc... She'll also wait for you to say when its ok to go after the treat!!! Smart doggy!!!
Because Edwin is small boy, shorter, so Kristy loves him XD!!! Always chasing him around want to lick him etc, and when Edwin sit on the floor, unlike us, Edwin is shorter and his face is more easy to reach compared to us, so Kristy always climb to his face want to lick his face!!! Hahaha!!!
Just love her!!! Can't wait to see her again XD!!!
Makes me want to have a dog too *eiko-chan drools over the thought of owning dog XD*...
Haha, than celebrated New Year there!!! Stayed until around almost 2am only left...
Haha!!! I love Kristy XD!!!~
And yeah, HAPPY NEW YEAR XD!!!
p/s: Ignore the date and time XP!!!~ Wrote this after 30th but need to keep the date as 30th to make it more... official?? Hehehe!!!
Friday, December 31, 2004
Thursday, December 30, 2004
My Story by Hamasaki Ayumi

Hamasaki Ayumi :: MY STORY (CD+DVD) (Limited Edition) (Overseas Version) [Review by]
The two year wait is finally over, Japanese superstar Hamasaki Ayumi's forthcoming full album MY STORY is set for an explosive release soon! Containing 17 tracks including the three singles released this year: "Moments", "Inspire" and "Carols", as well as songs Ayumi has recorded for various adverts: "About You" for Beiku Chocolates television commercial, "Walking Proud" for Panasonic's MD TV ad, and "My Name's Women", for Panasonic Digital Camera D-Snap's TV advert.
The initial press will have four different covers that we will ship out at random, as well as a bonus DVD contains 11 tracks including music videos for "Moments", "Inspire", "Game" and "Carols", as well as making of videos for these MVs!
Ayumi's album is finally released!!! I bought my copy today from Rock Corner!!! Its one of the limited editions too XD!!!
There is 4 types, 3 of it are limited edition! Another is the normal edition lor! Felt so happy ne XD!!!~
I love Ayumi (But i'm no les!!!)!!! She's soooooo my "nuu shen"!!! Hahaha!!! If i start praising her, i can never stop dee, so i better stop myself before i continue my blabberings XP!!!
Do you know Ayumi is soooooo talented? She's pretty, talented, can write songs, cute, can host, can act... *Sa-chan smacks eiko-chan's head to wake her up and to stop her ranting about Ayumi*... ITAI XD!!! Thank you Sa-chan ^-^!!!
*Sa-chan is Izaki Hisato from FLAME!!! My machi XD!!! Will post his pic up soon ^-^!!! He and his "head hitting" habits!!! Hohoho!!!~
Ayu's album is my last CD before the new year arrives!!! Hehehe!!! A little costly, but worth it ^-~!!!
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
"Kang Xi Lai Le"~~ XD!!!

Haha!!! Today is Tuesday!!!~ I woke up late (As usual)... again -_-"...
Went to Auntie's house today!!! Jing also went too!!!
But bad thing is... i suffered a SUPER HORRIBLE neckache thingy... hurts when i move my head abit, and all the yadda yaddas... Sometimes even hurt when i didn't move!!!
And when i look into the mirror, my shoulders like one side lower than the other... my head like senget also dee!!! Pain like don't know what 0_0!!!
But have to say padan my own muka, i didn't slept in a good position night =P...
Nevermind the neck pain, somemore because have to go see curtains after Auntie's house around 3pm... or else can see more of Jay!!! Auntie has loads of good collection XD (And me is going to her house to steal it all *grins*!!! Wahahahahahahaha!!!)!!!~
One of my fave is Jay and Show Luo Zhi Xiang (My Luo pa pa!!!~) in "Kang Xi Lai Le"!!! Xiao S is starting to be one of my favourite host dee!!! She's really outgoing and all cause!!!
Lets start with Show's one lar! He immitated Jay in the show! FUNNY XD!!! Since they are best friend... anyway, i'll give him a 99.9% alike!!! Its just the voice sounded different only, but he copied Jay's way of speaking and all!!! FUNNY!!!
(eiko-chan's gonna make sure this one is in the loot XP!!!)
He also did the same thing for this other Ent Show by Da Xiao S!!! Haha!!! Kinda same and FUNNY XD!!!
Xiao S loves the immitation of Jay by Show btw!!! On the contrary, i love it too XD!!!
Than Jay in Kang Xi... XD!!!
You watch it and you can know more about Jay!!! He's sooooooo cute XD!!!
And haha, at the beginning of the show, when Jay was playing piano, Xiao S hugged him from behind, making him all shy shy and blush, and attempts to runaway from the studio XD!!! Kawaii!!!~
Haha, i lazy to describe the whole show now =P!!! Go watch yourself *grins*!!! Its worth it ^-~!!!
Oh yes, this one is worth a mention *smirks*...
Xiao S is curious about Jay's first time... Jay told her about his first kiss (Haha! This one is funny too!), but actually, she is more curious of the "other" first time *blush* (Haha, you guys understand lar!!! Go ask Auntie Amane if don't =P!!!)!!!
He went all shy shy and tries to change topic!!!
Than Auntie went for a hunting photo frenzy, because got say before, if you not "first time" dee, around waist side there got this erm... aiyar, i don't know how to explain lar!!! One thing for sure is different one lar your body structure turn!!! So trying to hunt for pic Jay didn't wear top, see if... hahaha...
But his 25, so not weird or anything if his not...
*blush* Don't want to talk about this now lar XD!!! I hard to explain!!! Go ask Amane everything else!!! Don't bother me dee!!! Shoo!!!~
p/s: Cause maybe got little kids come to me Blog, so best don't put not suitable materials lar, ok? Understand ^-~?
Hahaha! I want go tidur dee lar!!!~ Next time chat ne? Ja XD!!!~
Monday, December 27, 2004
The biggest earthquake!
On the 26/ 12/ 2004, the biggest earthquake in 40 years had struck Sumatera, Indonesia, causing Tsunami which hit several areas around it, and claiming ALOT of innocent lifes...
I was in Penang that very day! My mom's bro came back from Thailand to visit grandma, so mar... go back Penang lor... actually i very lazy go back one XP!!!
We stayed in Villa Mas, a condo just nearby the Penang bridge!
It was around 8am-9am like that. I slept in the living room, right next to the cabinet which has the tee-vee on top!
My mom was on the handphone, talking to my grandma. She sat on my matress, with me lying there, awake, but lazy to get up...
My eyes were closed than, i was too lazy to get up XP, when suddenly, i felt the matress shaking!
At first, i thought it was my mom (Its kinda like someone sitting on your bed and shaking their leg...), than the shake suddenly became harder. And heard the noise of the wood on the wall go "eyk eyk eyk" noise!
My mom felt the shake (And she thought it was me shaking the matress -_-"...), she stood up, felt the shake on the ground, and asked "Is it earthquake?"...
And well, being erm... me... i went "Malaysia had no earthquake!!!"... honestly...
I was still lazy to get up, when i was thinking... how if the tee-vee fell on me? I'm just next to it...
But still lazy to get up -_-"...
Than heard noises of other residents of the condo slamming shut their door and evacuating the building! So ask mom faster go wake up dad and bro, and we left the condo!
Hehe... we're the last to leave the building!!!
1- Mom not sure whats happening, and went to ask the neighbours for full confirmation!
2- Dad didn't believe its earthquake...
3- We're all blur (Hey! Its early in the morning ok?)...
There were others downstairs too, than after awhile, only we went back upstairs lor.
And at first, i didn't think it was anything serious! I just thought that maybe Indonesia has a big earthquake, so it affected us! Didn't know what was really happening at the very time...
SMSed friends, call friends... another friend, Lean Gee, who was also in Penang at the very time (Haha, actually say want to go watch movie one! But didn't =P!) said she felt it too when she was in the kopitiam!
But at night... found out and... WOW! It WAS serious!
Alot of lives were claimed... people lost their homes and all...
I cannot put myself to write dee lar! I really don't know what else more i can say etc...
Please do whatever you can to help the victims! They are in need of serious help!
Together we stand strong!
I was in Penang that very day! My mom's bro came back from Thailand to visit grandma, so mar... go back Penang lor... actually i very lazy go back one XP!!!
We stayed in Villa Mas, a condo just nearby the Penang bridge!
It was around 8am-9am like that. I slept in the living room, right next to the cabinet which has the tee-vee on top!
My mom was on the handphone, talking to my grandma. She sat on my matress, with me lying there, awake, but lazy to get up...
My eyes were closed than, i was too lazy to get up XP, when suddenly, i felt the matress shaking!
At first, i thought it was my mom (Its kinda like someone sitting on your bed and shaking their leg...), than the shake suddenly became harder. And heard the noise of the wood on the wall go "eyk eyk eyk" noise!
My mom felt the shake (And she thought it was me shaking the matress -_-"...), she stood up, felt the shake on the ground, and asked "Is it earthquake?"...
And well, being erm... me... i went "Malaysia had no earthquake!!!"... honestly...
I was still lazy to get up, when i was thinking... how if the tee-vee fell on me? I'm just next to it...
But still lazy to get up -_-"...
Than heard noises of other residents of the condo slamming shut their door and evacuating the building! So ask mom faster go wake up dad and bro, and we left the condo!
Hehe... we're the last to leave the building!!!
1- Mom not sure whats happening, and went to ask the neighbours for full confirmation!
2- Dad didn't believe its earthquake...
3- We're all blur (Hey! Its early in the morning ok?)...
There were others downstairs too, than after awhile, only we went back upstairs lor.
And at first, i didn't think it was anything serious! I just thought that maybe Indonesia has a big earthquake, so it affected us! Didn't know what was really happening at the very time...
SMSed friends, call friends... another friend, Lean Gee, who was also in Penang at the very time (Haha, actually say want to go watch movie one! But didn't =P!) said she felt it too when she was in the kopitiam!
But at night... found out and... WOW! It WAS serious!
Alot of lives were claimed... people lost their homes and all...
I cannot put myself to write dee lar! I really don't know what else more i can say etc...
Please do whatever you can to help the victims! They are in need of serious help!
Together we stand strong!
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Do i look "la la" 0_o??
Hehehe! Just dye hair yesterday wut... but i quite scare look "la la"!!! Hehehe!!! Serve me right for keep on calling people "la la" last time =P!!! Now they can call me back XP??
But actually if style up ok one lar! If didn't than mar... ehem... abit... like that lor XP!!! Hehehe!!!
Hehehe, maybe its me lar, but i got the Keita and Ryohei feel abit ne XD!!!
One, because Ryo's hairstyle is almost like mine, and he dyed full blonde now! My hair got highlight blonde... so, explains the Ryohei part!
As for the Keita part, during "Super Lover..." period, he dyed his hair with patches of blonde (See the pic lar!!! Explain like that feels weird ne XP!!!), and my hair when i see, although not patches, its still around the areas Keita dyed blonde so... Hehehe XD!!!
Em... do i look "la la" 0_o??? Hopefully not XD!!!
Tomorrow going out with Loo Yee, Chean Voon and probably Lee Yiung to S&M!!! Yeah XD!!!
I want to go shop some stuffs *grins*... shee~~ Don't want to say yet XP!!!
Today i bath everything almost 3pm+ dee, and wanted to go KLCC one, but *sob*, when i done will almost be 5pm-6pm dee, and because habis kerja, everyone will be rushing home so... haih... didn't go dee lor! Maybe tomorrow or next time =P! Hehehe!
Oh yeah, Jing called me in the afternoon! So i complain to her about the high heels thing! She told me she first time wear high heels walk like normal pace (Super fast, she walk until!) and after wearing it for 3 hours like nothing only, no pain and everything -_-"... say until like everyone else in the world also very char... hehe, because alot of people i ask that day also say wear high heels is like that one!
But she got me confused lar... she talking one is platform shoes or high heels? At first she say platform than high heels! Than don't know what 7 cm or 6 cm?? I hear wrongly lar should be (As always *blushes*)!!! Hehehe!!!
And very like Jing!!! Hehehe!!! Jing's ego always too over one XP!!! Jing will kill me when she hears this?? But i think she admit too ne? Hehe!!! Shee~~ its "mi mi" (Secret!) yo!
If wear platform sure no problem lar XD!!! Need to careful abit only lor!!! Because it is flat, so will not be that pain one!!!
But unlike high heels 0_o... feet bend one... so that part pain...
Which makes me blur... bend feet until like that will not pain one meh? Jing is Super Woman??? Hehehe, like Mandy always say one XD!!!
Spend the afternoon after bathing, mar play computer lor! And got chat with Keiko XD!!! She's in Japan currently for student exchange!!! Lucky girl!!! So jealous lar!!!
But she say hor, in Japan wFL actually not very famous =(! Its a "Johnny's World" there but i don't care lar! I love wFL more and i think wFL rules more! Whatever also, wFL is better than Johnny's ALOT in my heart! In no matter what form, wFL also better XD!!!
Hmm... it seems that wFL more famous outside Japan and the forum!!! Hehehe!!! So hopefully they'll faster come to Malaysia and Singapore ne? Hehehe!!!
I dreaming again -_-"...
Because Keiko using MSN in her foster parent's office, and she can see my picture lar (MSN Version 6.2 mar!)! And the picture i'm using is this guy lar (Hehehe XD!!!)! Very cute one ne!
And guess what... hehehe... Keiko's dad saw it, and thought it was my boyfriend XD!!! Well, hehehe, ye... erm... er... i faithful to Jay and Keita lar!!!
But thanks Keiko's foster dad XP!!! Hehehe!!!
Go see my MSN lar! Because now using dad's laptop, cannot post it up here lor!
After that, chat with a new friend, Vivian! She's 15 years old, but she sounds so mature (Actually, i think cause i sound childish lar -_-"...)!!!
Wow! In Singapore theres actually this shop which imports OFFICIAL Japanese merchandise one! I'm so jealous of Vivian ne! She gets to purchase alot of w-inds. stuffs and all, makes me feel like going to Singapore dee lar! Hehehe!
Than makan, than erm... hehe, watch TV use com lor! Haha! My pictures alot on the com ne! I very confused how to arrange dee @-@!~~
Em, Mandy leaving tomorrow for Sweden and New York! She follow her mother go work cause! Coming back next year *sob*... don't worry, next year Jan 8 XP!!! Hehehe!!! Mandy, don't miss me yo =P!!! Hehehe XD!!!
Ok lar, until here!!! Hehe, my shoulders sakit dee (Don't know how to explain -_-"...)!!! Hehehe!!! Next time ne!!!
Ja ^-^!!!
But actually if style up ok one lar! If didn't than mar... ehem... abit... like that lor XP!!! Hehehe!!!
Hehehe, maybe its me lar, but i got the Keita and Ryohei feel abit ne XD!!!
One, because Ryo's hairstyle is almost like mine, and he dyed full blonde now! My hair got highlight blonde... so, explains the Ryohei part!
As for the Keita part, during "Super Lover..." period, he dyed his hair with patches of blonde (See the pic lar!!! Explain like that feels weird ne XP!!!), and my hair when i see, although not patches, its still around the areas Keita dyed blonde so... Hehehe XD!!!
Em... do i look "la la" 0_o??? Hopefully not XD!!!
Tomorrow going out with Loo Yee, Chean Voon and probably Lee Yiung to S&M!!! Yeah XD!!!
I want to go shop some stuffs *grins*... shee~~ Don't want to say yet XP!!!
Today i bath everything almost 3pm+ dee, and wanted to go KLCC one, but *sob*, when i done will almost be 5pm-6pm dee, and because habis kerja, everyone will be rushing home so... haih... didn't go dee lor! Maybe tomorrow or next time =P! Hehehe!
Oh yeah, Jing called me in the afternoon! So i complain to her about the high heels thing! She told me she first time wear high heels walk like normal pace (Super fast, she walk until!) and after wearing it for 3 hours like nothing only, no pain and everything -_-"... say until like everyone else in the world also very char... hehe, because alot of people i ask that day also say wear high heels is like that one!
But she got me confused lar... she talking one is platform shoes or high heels? At first she say platform than high heels! Than don't know what 7 cm or 6 cm?? I hear wrongly lar should be (As always *blushes*)!!! Hehehe!!!
And very like Jing!!! Hehehe!!! Jing's ego always too over one XP!!! Jing will kill me when she hears this?? But i think she admit too ne? Hehe!!! Shee~~ its "mi mi" (Secret!) yo!
If wear platform sure no problem lar XD!!! Need to careful abit only lor!!! Because it is flat, so will not be that pain one!!!
But unlike high heels 0_o... feet bend one... so that part pain...
Which makes me blur... bend feet until like that will not pain one meh? Jing is Super Woman??? Hehehe, like Mandy always say one XD!!!
Spend the afternoon after bathing, mar play computer lor! And got chat with Keiko XD!!! She's in Japan currently for student exchange!!! Lucky girl!!! So jealous lar!!!
But she say hor, in Japan wFL actually not very famous =(! Its a "Johnny's World" there but i don't care lar! I love wFL more and i think wFL rules more! Whatever also, wFL is better than Johnny's ALOT in my heart! In no matter what form, wFL also better XD!!!
Hmm... it seems that wFL more famous outside Japan and the forum!!! Hehehe!!! So hopefully they'll faster come to Malaysia and Singapore ne? Hehehe!!!
I dreaming again -_-"...
Because Keiko using MSN in her foster parent's office, and she can see my picture lar (MSN Version 6.2 mar!)! And the picture i'm using is this guy lar (Hehehe XD!!!)! Very cute one ne!
And guess what... hehehe... Keiko's dad saw it, and thought it was my boyfriend XD!!! Well, hehehe, ye... erm... er... i faithful to Jay and Keita lar!!!
But thanks Keiko's foster dad XP!!! Hehehe!!!
Go see my MSN lar! Because now using dad's laptop, cannot post it up here lor!
After that, chat with a new friend, Vivian! She's 15 years old, but she sounds so mature (Actually, i think cause i sound childish lar -_-"...)!!!
Wow! In Singapore theres actually this shop which imports OFFICIAL Japanese merchandise one! I'm so jealous of Vivian ne! She gets to purchase alot of w-inds. stuffs and all, makes me feel like going to Singapore dee lar! Hehehe!
Than makan, than erm... hehe, watch TV use com lor! Haha! My pictures alot on the com ne! I very confused how to arrange dee @-@!~~
Em, Mandy leaving tomorrow for Sweden and New York! She follow her mother go work cause! Coming back next year *sob*... don't worry, next year Jan 8 XP!!! Hehehe!!! Mandy, don't miss me yo =P!!! Hehehe XD!!!
Ok lar, until here!!! Hehe, my shoulders sakit dee (Don't know how to explain -_-"...)!!! Hehehe!!! Next time ne!!!
Ja ^-^!!!
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Just dye hair XD!!!
Aiyo!!! Auntie, gomen nasai ne!!! Really gomen nasai!!!
Yesterday ne, gave Auntie her birthday present... but... -_-"... tonikaku gomen ne Auntie X/!!!
Em, today is Ah Qiang gor gor's wedding dinner ne!!! And the afternoon before the dinner, around 3pm, i went with mom to dye my hair XD!!! Yeah, Sam help me to set the hair until very yeng ne!!! Thank you!!!
My hair is 2 colours, the base is brown, and highlight blonde! Because if just highlight blonde, will be very dirty wor, black and blonde... so mar, hehehe!!!
Wah! When go to the party that time no one recognises me ne XD!!! Because i wear contacts at that time, and hair somemore like that, and wear dress so -_-"... hehehe...
Ah Boy gor gor very mean! Say i finally become girl dee -_-"...
Wow!!! Kaki really sakit ne XP!!! Wear the high heels... oh mami... can die lor (Choy!)!!!
Stand for like one hour++ outside before the banquet starts... walk pain, stand pain... only sit feels better (Duh!)!!!
Than after that makan lor!!! I love the first dish!!! AND I HATE THE erm... 2nd or issit 3rd dish... BECAUSE IT IS SHARKS FINS SOUP!!!
I said before I WILL NEVER EVER TOUCH sharks fins for the rest of my life and i want to keep it! I don't even want to touch the soup or anything to do with it! Even if its fake, its still encouraging! Its evil and cruel the way they kill the sharks!
But Anna jie jie said that serving sharks fin soup in wedding shows em... like, not "kiamsiap" lar... but i think its best not to serve! This is my own opinion!
Moreover, even though it is fake, people who don't know after eating it will crave for more, than they go restaurant order, so obviously, they'll serve them real ones because expensive mar, than the sharks mar ke lian lor!!!
If you're not inhuman, DON'T EAT SHARKS FIN!!!
Yeah, i eat meat too, but i don't eat exotic animals! Only lifestocks! Because i can't tahan if eat only vege although i'm a big animal lover! That i feel really sorry ne!
Em, back to the wedding =P!
Than later continue makan, than "yum seng", than habis dee lor! Hehehe! No singings and all! Alot of tables ne!
Than after that balik rumah, rest, hehe, didn't wash my hair because set hair dee, don't want waste it =P! Don't worry, i got use towel to cover pillow! No use probably, but... hehehe! Cincai lar!
Yesterday ne, gave Auntie her birthday present... but... -_-"... tonikaku gomen ne Auntie X/!!!
Em, today is Ah Qiang gor gor's wedding dinner ne!!! And the afternoon before the dinner, around 3pm, i went with mom to dye my hair XD!!! Yeah, Sam help me to set the hair until very yeng ne!!! Thank you!!!
My hair is 2 colours, the base is brown, and highlight blonde! Because if just highlight blonde, will be very dirty wor, black and blonde... so mar, hehehe!!!
Wah! When go to the party that time no one recognises me ne XD!!! Because i wear contacts at that time, and hair somemore like that, and wear dress so -_-"... hehehe...
Ah Boy gor gor very mean! Say i finally become girl dee -_-"...
Wow!!! Kaki really sakit ne XP!!! Wear the high heels... oh mami... can die lor (Choy!)!!!
Stand for like one hour++ outside before the banquet starts... walk pain, stand pain... only sit feels better (Duh!)!!!
Than after that makan lor!!! I love the first dish!!! AND I HATE THE erm... 2nd or issit 3rd dish... BECAUSE IT IS SHARKS FINS SOUP!!!
I said before I WILL NEVER EVER TOUCH sharks fins for the rest of my life and i want to keep it! I don't even want to touch the soup or anything to do with it! Even if its fake, its still encouraging! Its evil and cruel the way they kill the sharks!
But Anna jie jie said that serving sharks fin soup in wedding shows em... like, not "kiamsiap" lar... but i think its best not to serve! This is my own opinion!
Moreover, even though it is fake, people who don't know after eating it will crave for more, than they go restaurant order, so obviously, they'll serve them real ones because expensive mar, than the sharks mar ke lian lor!!!
If you're not inhuman, DON'T EAT SHARKS FIN!!!
Yeah, i eat meat too, but i don't eat exotic animals! Only lifestocks! Because i can't tahan if eat only vege although i'm a big animal lover! That i feel really sorry ne!
Em, back to the wedding =P!
Than later continue makan, than "yum seng", than habis dee lor! Hehehe! No singings and all! Alot of tables ne!
Than after that balik rumah, rest, hehe, didn't wash my hair because set hair dee, don't want waste it =P! Don't worry, i got use towel to cover pillow! No use probably, but... hehehe! Cincai lar!
Monday, December 20, 2004
いま、 会いにゆきます!

いま、 あいにゆきます...
Ima, ai ni yukimasu...
Direct translate as "I want to see you now"!
A very sad and touching story!!! Really recommand ne!!! No... SUPER RECOMMAND XD!!!
This story the plot kinda like "Sekai no Chuushin De, Ai wo Sakebu", but its more onto the family side!!! Suitable for family (Hehe, not that "Sekai..." not suitable lar!!! Because its more on life and love, couples... this one on life, love and family type!!!... YOU GOT WHAT I MEAN XD!!!)!!!
Go watch the trailer...
いま、 会いにゆきます Official Webby!!!
The menu is in english, so it doesn't matter if you don't understand japanese =P!
I chose the last option in the trailer only i understand the whole storyline!!! The 1st and 2nd option not really telling about the story one lor!!!
Warning, spoilers ahead!!! I want to elaborate on the storyline cause XD!!!
Hehe, well, actually the storyline below i "agak-agak" some parts one!!! Because i haven't watch the movie, i just say what i see from the trailer!!!
About this guy whose wife died, leaving him and their 6 year old son behind (Their son is choooooooooooo kawaii BTW XD!!!)...
They miss her... The husband watches the videos taken with her, and the son sits infront of her grave reading a book to her or something...
One day, during the rainy season, they were going somewhere or something... when they saw her at this old abandoned broken house!
But... she cannot remember them...
From what i think, she went home with them, and he tried to make her remember back their past by telling her the stories of how they met, fell in love, etc etc...
And... they fell in love again...
She also do her "mother duties" to her son (This one i guess, because of one scene in the trailer!!!)...
The rain rained for 6 weeks... But after the 6 miracle weeks... when the rain stops...
... she disappear again...
The father and son rushes back to the old abandoned broken house and found her there again... but this time... she have to leave...
Hehehe, maybe i elaborate until not so touching lar!!! Sumimasen XP!!!
But seriously, although my japanese super bad, i kinda understand what they are saying abit and it was sooooooooooooooo touching i cried for a few times when i watch it!!!
Most is i pity the poor boy *sobs*!!!
Plus, the theme song of the movie is "Hana" sung by Orange Range, a really cool japanese group!!!
That song is very nice!!! Got chance must hear too ne ^-~?
Maybe if that song was not there when i watched the trailer, i might not've cried! Because i remember the minute the song plays, tears roll down dee...
*sob sob*
Got chance really must watch it XD!!!
Going to S&M soon to search for it XD!!! Hope got ne ^-^!!!
But knowing me... it might be ages before i open it to see... because i sometimes can get scared of watching a movie i know i'll cry when i watch it (Example: Quill, the movie about a Labrador's life!!! Plus somemore I LOVE ANIMALS!!!)!!!
Alot of japanese movies this days very nice ne!!! Can't wait to watch all XD!!!
Sunday, December 19, 2004
May Yee's 18th Birthday!!!

Today is Auntie's birthday XD!!!
Happy birthday Auntie ^-^!!!
Sorry ne, present have to be late =(!!! Tomorrow will fly to OU to give you the present ne? Gomen!!!
Let me explain why today genius here (Means me...), cannot make it to OU today...
Well, as said in the previous Blog, that night, i slept around 6am... and i slept late almost every night lar (Hehe, i guess tonight too =P?)!!! And quite a couple of times, i had to wake up early (For undang etc etc), luckily most of the times, i slept until quite late and got enough sleep lar!!!
Ok, so this morning, i also sleep until quite late -_-"... and yesterday, i told my mom want to go OU, so need to wake up early... but genius (Me *points at self*!), cannot wake up... woke up around... 12pm-1pm... and later need to go out with Ah Theng jie jie dee, so erm... cannot go OU dee -_-"""!!! Gomen Auntie *sobs*!!!
Don't worry!!! Tomorrow "Kitty Express Mail" to OU!!! Wait for Kitty, ne?
After woke up, makan, than go see movie with Ah Theng jie jie and her boyfriend, Uncle Ah Guan...
Note: I call all my cousin sister's boyfriends "Uncle"!!! Hehehe!!! Cute mar XP!!! Hehehe!!! And cannot miss out Auntie Bee Cheng too, Ah Qiang gor gor's future wife (Wedding dinner this Tuesday XD!!!)!!! Call all "Uncles" cannot let her escape too XP!!!
Haha, my cousin sister say will call back my boyfriend "Uncle"! Pity him XP!!! But i made a joke...
Cousin sis: ... i'll call back your boyfriend "Uncle"!
eiko: Ooh, "Uncle Jay Chou"... i don't think he'll mind lar, go ahead XD!!!
Hehehe XP!!!
Hehe, but Uncle Ah Guan is the only one kinda sporting about it! He never when "Huh 0_o?" when i call him that! He just smile and answered back! Hehehe, maybe Ah Theng jie jie told her before hand... now she also call him "Uncle" dee -_-"... i spread the virus =P!!!
Ooh, side tracked again XP!!! Back to my day...
Went out with Ah Theng jie jie around erm... 4pm (Sorry Ah Theng jie jie! Had to make you wait! Gomen!)...
Because my beloved shoe broke that day (During prom night *sob*!), so i need to hunt for a new pair of shoes! To be honest, alot of those high heel shoes i wear not nice, so i planning to just wear my favourite, sport shoes, if cannot find! Along with my dress XP!!!
I don't mind! I think its really hot! Upper part is like, so politely dress, but lower part is soooooo sporty XD!!! Makes me look like Julia Roberts' character in "Runaway Bride" (To those who don't know, the movie's poster features Julia Roberts wearing a wedding gown... with sport shoes XD!!!)!
But i know mom will sure shoot me one, if i wear those -_-"...
But luckily, after walking for around an hour or so, went to Vincci (Planning to go there one anyway!) and found this pair of shoes XD!!! And luckily, wear dee quite nice!
Somemore got 2 of 'em! But Ah Theng jie jie said the other not as nice as this one, and i trust her advice, so got the "this one"!
Honestly lar, its very high 0_o (ALOT higher than my previous one - the one i wear to prom!), and wear dee not as nice as previous one too, but have to go with it lar!
Hehe, walk dee still not very natural, and after wearing it legs very pain (Not use to "walking-this-high" yet!), but it'll have to do! So buy lar XD! Anyway, i love it too so don't mind practising it awhile at home XP! Mom will think i'm crazy!!! Hehehe!!!
Em, yes, actually, apart from "hunting shoes" for Ah Qiang gor gor's wedding this Tuesday, we went OU today also to watch "Shutter"! A horror movie! Because the tickets are only available for 9.25pm one... so we shop until than XP!!!
Ah Theng jie jie also bought a pair of shoes herself!!! Very nice and elegant XD!!!
After that, we went shopping somemore, see stuffs, accessories etc... Bought a few nail polish XD!!! Hehehe!!! Very funky colours ne!!!
And went to this stall... THEY GOT THE EARRINGS LIKE KEITA WORE DURING '1st Message Tour' XD!!!
Not exactly alike lar (If exactly, i would've buy it no matter wut XD!!!), but got 90%++ alike!!! I've been searching for it high and low eversince i saw those earrings (Apart from the reason Kei has them, i also like it!)!!! But to no avail!!! Got square... but nothing alike X.X!!!
But unfortunately, at the stall there, the earring only one last pair left, and one of it like bended abit, and very longgar dee! The lady refuses to give discount, although faulty, so i didn't buy lor! But i ask her to call me when new stock arrives! Hopefully she'll remember and really call me because i really love it X/!!!
I already told the lady, if its perfect, i wouldn't have ask for discount, will just buy it (RM9.90)... but since faulty, if got discount, will buy it, no than tak mau... but she refuse so mar cannot buy lor *sobs*!!!
We went makan at McD!!! Bought the rounded pillow of Jack-Jack's from McD!!! Ahhh!!! I love Jack-Jack ^-^!!! Hehehe!!! Also buy it because travelling can use... although "chor deng" abit, but nvm lar!!! I love it XD!!! Its nice to use too btw!!!
Auntie also ask me to go see her Blog!!! Kya!!! Very nice!!! Go see yourself XD!!!
Amane's Blog
Ok lar, until here than!!! Next time only talk about the Japanese movie i said yesterday!!! Because talk too much dee XP!!! Hehehe!!!
Ok, good night!!! Ja ^-~!!!
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Ryohei's 20th Birthday!!!

今日の一月前、 涼ちゃんの誕生日だ!
Hehehe!!! Although today not Ryo's birthday, but this day last month is his XP!!! Hehehe!!!
Just thought i make it look more erm... er... hehehe, organised?? United?? XP?? Hehehe!!!
Ooh!!! BTW, hehe, erm... er... eh... ei?
XP... don't know what to say lar!!!
What i did today... Oh!!! I sleep like DAMN LATE LAST NIGHT X(!!! I know its pass 6am when i fell asleep!!!
Scary right?
I remember it around 2.30am when i start reading this book, than it was 4.26am like that when i want to go to sleep! After that... i cannot sleep dee!!! I don't know why!!! And i remember hearing my watch signalled its 6am one!!!
The next thing i know, i have to wake up for my amali test!!!
The results?... sleepy~~ ZzzZzzZzzz...
Hehe! Went for amali test, and i was damn sleep XP!!! Cannot sit still, keep on moving, finally dozing off!!! Must be very funny, the way i look XP!!! Oh well, too bad dee lar!!!
Than went to learn more about the engines and stuffs, practical work... than...
I DROVE A CAR FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY ENTIRE LIFE (Not including Daytona, Initial D, PS2, Sega etc...)!!!
So happy!!! Luckily tidak mati engine!!! The instructor keep on holding onto the steering wheel lar (Me and another 2 girls tried driving!), but still fun, controlling the pedals and all!!! I want to take Ah Theng jie jie's car out for a spin XD!!! Lol, did i say that out loud? Hehe! I don't think she'll let!!! Kekeke!!!
It was fun lar, but like Mandy and Ah Theng jie jie say... you'll get sick and tired of driving after a while!!! Lol!!! Agree!!! Next time people ask me to drive them where2 etc etc sure lazy dee one!!! Now still fresh so still love it!!! So will enjoy to the very last minute of it ^-~!!!
But one bad thing outta the amali test... my darling beloved discman broke *cries loudly and runs to Keita for hug*...
Because i placed it on my lap, than when get out of the car, i don't know whats going on with my head lar, one minute reminds me discman on lap, one minute i stand up and get out of the car...
Well, the discman which was on my lap fell and the cover broke X0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tried to fix it back, but cannot, so i just put it in the cover and pray2 go home call Sony lar...
And my w-inds.'s "w-inds. ~ bestracks ~" CD i just left it there only... when come home take out... got abit scratch *sobs louder*...
Called Sony lor, but have to wait until Monday only can send there to fix *sobs louder as Keita hugs her to calm her down*... No CDs to hear this few days... hope my darling discman will be fine *prays*...
After Amali, i came home, want to bath and sleep one, but chat with mom and dad awhile, than go out with Ah Theng jie jie dee!!! Hehehe!!! Went to Tangoo to bought the dress she loves!!!
Aiyo, i really love that brown "Ayumi-feel" dress lar!!! I've decided!!! Since the price is costly, somemore it doesn't look good on me, especially the brown one, so when got discount, cheap dee, WILL BUY XD!!!
But if when discount dee no more, mar just take it that we all no luck lor!!! She's not destinied with me XP!!! Hehehe!!!
Because i really love the brown one lar XD!!!
Ah Theng jie jie dress looks really good on her BTW!!! But too bad maybe Kaima don't really like her wear black for Ah Qiang gor gor's wedding!!! Or else she can dress up like Ayumi also XD!!!
Her dress is a little alike dee, got the "hua li gan" (Elegant feel? XP!)! Than go buy the black rose brooch, clip on the dress's strap (Its sleeveless, maxi type!), and wear a not too thick black choker with a pendant or something dangling out... WOW!!! SUPER "HUA LI"!!! LIKE AYUMI DEE XD!!!
Because Ayumi always have the "hua li", beautiful, intelligent, independence, elegant... etc etc (Too much too say dee ^-^!!! Of course, Ayu mar!!!~) feel one mar!!! Hehehe!!! Hopefully can suceed lor that outfit XP!!!
Yeah, my precious shoes broke dee, spoil dee, throw dee *sob*! Now must go look for shoes for Ah Qiang gor gor's wedding!!! I very hard find shoes one lar *sob again*... haih... just ganbatte lar ne?
I so wish my dress is like Ayumi's in the Carol's video XD!!! Lol, dreaming again *blush*!!! Hehehe!!!
But its good to dream, you know ^-~!!!
Than later, go see Auntie, than came home, and watched "いま、 会いにゆきます"'s trailer!!!
Because i wanted to know more about the storyline... hehehe, but i don't understand japanese =p!!!
I watched the first trailer (There were 3 choices)... don't understand storyline still... but its made until very artistic!!!
Than watched second trailer... got more on the characters... but still don't fully get storyline...
Than watched the third trailer... *sob sob sob CRY*!!!
So touching!!! I understand the WHOLE storyline, and also the ending can guess what happened dee!!! Very touching *sob sob*!!!
Will elaborate more on that next time lar, hehe!!! Today elaborate not good? Kekeke!!!
Hehe, haven't finish watching Quill yet!!! Must faster go watch XD!!!
And *sob sob again*... this few days very packed 0_o... aiyoyo!!!~
涼平20歳の誕生日、 おめでとう!!!
Ryohei's 20th birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Friday, December 17, 2004
Ryuichi's 19th Birthday!!!

Today's Ryuichi-kun's 19th birthday!!!
Otanjoubi omedetou!!! Happy birthday ^-^!!!~~
Hehe! Today went out to watch movie with Amanda! Hehe! Watch the korean horror movie! Night somemore! Kia kia!
Before watching movie go kacau Auntie!!! Hehehe!!! Auntie seorang jaga kedai =(!!! Luckily she wasn't harmed XP!!! Hehehe!!! CHOY XD!!!
New hairstyle so nice, later all the hamsap guys... eiuuu X|!!!
Hehe, honestly Auntie, your hairstyle very cute dee XD!!!
But i love mine better *admires self at mirror*!!!
Hahaha XP!!!
After watching movie, hehe, i ask Mandy want to "yum char" anot, than she say she want to go home. So mar, ok lor! But i want to go to Power Station check out first!
Walking there than half chatting, half browsing CDs, i say, since she'll be leaving soon (Going holiday XD!), we go "yum char" and can chat longer mar! She agreed! Than we say faster go to the Bubble Tea house drink lar! Still open cuz XD!!!
And Mandy suggested go to pool later, i also long time haven't play and wanted to play, so mar go lor XD!!! But go "yum char" first =P!!!
Hehe, played chess there XD!!! So funny!!! Like cannot end one, and we want to rush to play pool dee than hentak!!! Cincai play dee lar!!!
And it ended with Amanda laughing so loud she accidentally hit drop some of them XD!!! So funny!!! Must've scare the other customers and waiter, waitress!!!
We nice people =p, so we arrange nicely only go to play pool lor!!!
Hah!!! My skills rusty already XP!!! Mandy's one still not bad ne!!!
Than saw Chris and Joshua!!! Late owls (Say people, yourself ler? Hehehe...)...
Well, actually, i only saw Chris, Shaun and Cynthia at that time lar, when we were halfway playing pool!!! They came in to play fusball!!! Strange thing is... i didn't notice Joshua at all XP!!!
Yeap!!! We were in the same room, they playing fusball, and me and Amanda played the pool... the distance was like... 10-15 steps?... But... i didn't notice him at all XD!!! I only noticed Chris, Shaun and Cynthia, because heard them talking, and they walk pass our table cuz!!! Got greet each other lar!!!
But to be honest, i didn't notice Joshua walking pass wor XP!!! Hehehe!!! Must be i blur dee!!! Lol!!!
Than left around 12.30am!!! Hehehe, luckily dad knows about it, so nothing lar!!!
And btw, Yes Asia replied!!! Wow, if i ordered more than USD49, no need shipment unit and shipping charge XD!!! Yatta!!! Hopefully "'PRIME OF LIFE' 2004 TOUR" faster release!!! Than i can faster get my stuffs dee XD!!! YATTA XD!!! THANK YOU XD!!!
龍一くん19歳の誕生日、 おめでとう!!!
Ryuichi-kun's 19th birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Keita's 19th Birthday!!!

誕生日おめでとう ^ω^!!!
Today is my darling Keita's 19th birthday!!!
Keita-chan!!! Otanjoubi omedetou!!!
Happy birthday!!!
Hope he'll have a great birthday!!!
With wonderful presents... ei: Me XD!!!

Keita: Yeah! Of course!
XP Hehehe!!!
Today also my undang-undang test ne! Thanks to everyone, and especially to Keita, hehe, i pass my test ^-^!!!
Pass just nice only (42/ 50!!! Passing mark 42!!!)!!! Well, i didn't study cause -_-"... started around 1am this morning one...
But really lucky!!! Yokatta!!!
And i said, if i pass, i'm going to dance "Super Lover" infront of my family!!!
Well, i dance this really retro dance infront of me mom dee (Plus ALOT of stupid moves XP!!!), and as for THE REAL Super Lover dance, going to watch it, than tonight go back to room dance XD!!!
Hehehe!!! Really have to shake it cause!!!
Ooh!!! I need to write a story for my darling Keita ^-^!!! Birthday mar!!! Hehehe!!!
Details later lar XP!!!
Ooh, btw, found really cute pics of w-inds. from their POL DVD!!!
REALLY CUTE ONES NE XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
慶太19歳の誕生日、 おめでとう!!!
Keita's 19th birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
SMKDU 2004 Prom Night (14/ 12/ 04) [2]
Continue from the last one...
We arrive... SUPER LATE XD!!!
Around 8.00pm-8.30pm only arrive!!! But luckily, haven't start yet!!!
And hehehe, Amanda had some problems with her dress!!! So funny!!!
But luckily, we got all back ok!!!
Unfortunate for me, well... i was SUPER bad luck that day...
First, my darling beloved beautiful shoe, broke halfway during prom X\!!! Means i have problem walking... that one nevermind, Amanda accompanied me to the lobby, we borrow tape to temporary tape the shoes together!!!
Another bad luck is i can't find the lipgloss Ah Theng jie jie borrowed me X/!!! I suspect i left it in the car... but i could've dropped it too!!! Not nice mar, her darling lipgloss also i lost, and she help me make-up and everything dee... sob... but luckily, its in the car lar in the end!!! Phew *wipes sweat*!!!
Hehe, back to the prom...
(The reason i started on the bad lucks that happen to me first, because later no need explain again XP!!! Hehehe!!!)
There were some who were late too that day!!! We're not the only one!!!
Wow!!! Everyone dress like SUPER elegant or something, like Amanda's range of dress! Made me feel like i did not dress-up enough!!! Hehehe!!!
Everyone was crowded at the hall area, and i went to get our tickets to enter lar!
Boy, Malaysian guys ARE NOT GENTLEMAN AT ALL!!!
I was in the line, and instead of letting me go first (Ladies first what!!! Heng!!!), HE JUST CUT MY LINE!!!
Nevermind the "ladies first"... HE CUT MY LINE!!!
Ok lar, don't care about him...
Anyway, got our ticket, went in...
And well... i saw him...
I went all "gin" (Chinese), like froze-up! Just want to get my tickets and run outta there! Into the ballroom XD!!!
But actually i don't really care dee lar XP!!! Hehehe!!! Just the feeling actually *grins*...
Anyway, met Julie, Sze and Shi Yin!!! Unfortunately, to be honest, kinda dissappointed that Sze didn't make-up and all lor!!! I'm sure she'll look damn gorgeous if she makes up (Last time she shoot the studio pics... Wow! Pretty ne! Why this time didn't put huh *pouts*!!!)!!!
Em... aiyo, i very lazy say story dee XP!!!
Roughly the points lar...
- I love the dessert XD!!! Damn nice!!! Strawberry Cheesecake XD!!! Love it love it love it!!! Too bad only one slice =p!!! Hehehe!!!
- Election for best dress male and female...
- Aaron Kuan (Or issit Kwan?) dresses up in a kinda shiny leather jacket and his hair is like erm... sleek down one... Looks ALOT like one of Keita's previous style ne!!! Oi Aaron... did you copy my Keita's style *grr*...?
*Will post the pic up if saw*
- Aaron won best dressed male (Naturally! Keita's style wut *wink*!), and erm... this Malay girl, sorry, not close to her cuz, won best dressed female!
- Prom King and Prom Queen nomination XD!!!
- Prom King nominations are: Christopher Wong, Aaron Kwan, Yew Keong and Ken Ming!
- Prom Queen nominations are: Chai Lee, Penny Loo, Cynthia and ???... sorry, i'll update XD!!!
- Prom King and Queen are Ken Ming and Penny XD!!!
- Although i thought Aaron Kwan and his girlfriend, Khae Shyn will win... but, oh well, i supported them (Penny and Ken Ming) too!!! They're cute together!!!
- The Prom King and Queen's crowns are so funny XD!!!
- The Prom King and Queen opened the first dance, than all couples went in to dance! I wanted to dance (Promised Amanda i'll dance if my shoes are fixed!), but very weird if me and Amanda just start dancing in a midst of couples 0_o!!! So we were planning of just asking someone... but no one lar... anyway, went out for a couple of shots when the music suddenly plays club music (Beyonces etc) so we faster rush in and dance XD!!!
Yeah!!! I love it!!! I can't dance, and i sucked at it, and i think i look like an idiot XP, but i still love it!!! Hehehe!!!
- After a couple of songs, its getting late, so just leave dee lor, but after getting another couple of pics lar XP!!!
- Ooh, Shi Yin got a few scratches from Chun Tuck's flower thingy because he hugged her from the back!!! Hehehe!!! Hopefully nothing dee lar now XD!!!
- Ooh, before the Prom King and Queen, this Malaysian band who'll release their album soon next year came and performed! Don't know who they are though (Sumimasen!), but Amanda say the drummer is her friend or something!!!
- BTW, Mahani and Sarah opened the Prom Night!!! Fantastic singing and dance!!! Sarah is soooooooooooo like a future singer material!!! So do Mahani!!! And Mahani dress IS TO KILL FOR!!! Very elegant XD!!! Gold one!!!
-En Hui's outfit, makeup is sooooooooooooooooo cute and pretty!!! So do alot of my school pals!!! Actually, everyone looked BEAUTIFUL that night ^-^!!!
- And during the slow dances, a few couples kissed, and some of my school mates's family members came to pick them up, and also peep/ see inside the hall and the little kids (Their younger siblings obviously!) were like pointing at those couples!!! Cute!!! Hahaha!!!
- Its not a bad night ^-^!!!
Hehehe!!! Ok lar, until now!!!
Will try to find that pic of Keita and will post it up here ASAP *grins*!!! Its definately Aaron copying my Keita because my Keita did that like long time ago XD!!! My Kei Kei looked better (Of course!) anyway XD!!!
Hehehe!!! Got anymore pics will also post here!!!
Sore ja!!! Mata!!!
p/s: This girl i'm not very close too (Just the "hello", "bye-bye" type...) say i looked different (Of course, no glasses XD!), i ask, "Is it good or bad?", she said "Of course its good!"!!!
Hehehe!!! She made me sooooooo happy!!! But i looked damn ugly and fat (Except my beautiful hair XD!!!) lar!!! She's just trying to make me happy... aww... thats sooooo sweet...
THANK YOU XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Continue from the last one...
We arrive... SUPER LATE XD!!!
Around 8.00pm-8.30pm only arrive!!! But luckily, haven't start yet!!!
And hehehe, Amanda had some problems with her dress!!! So funny!!!
But luckily, we got all back ok!!!
Unfortunate for me, well... i was SUPER bad luck that day...
First, my darling beloved beautiful shoe, broke halfway during prom X\!!! Means i have problem walking... that one nevermind, Amanda accompanied me to the lobby, we borrow tape to temporary tape the shoes together!!!
Another bad luck is i can't find the lipgloss Ah Theng jie jie borrowed me X/!!! I suspect i left it in the car... but i could've dropped it too!!! Not nice mar, her darling lipgloss also i lost, and she help me make-up and everything dee... sob... but luckily, its in the car lar in the end!!! Phew *wipes sweat*!!!
Hehe, back to the prom...
(The reason i started on the bad lucks that happen to me first, because later no need explain again XP!!! Hehehe!!!)
There were some who were late too that day!!! We're not the only one!!!
Wow!!! Everyone dress like SUPER elegant or something, like Amanda's range of dress! Made me feel like i did not dress-up enough!!! Hehehe!!!
Everyone was crowded at the hall area, and i went to get our tickets to enter lar!
Boy, Malaysian guys ARE NOT GENTLEMAN AT ALL!!!
I was in the line, and instead of letting me go first (Ladies first what!!! Heng!!!), HE JUST CUT MY LINE!!!
Nevermind the "ladies first"... HE CUT MY LINE!!!
Ok lar, don't care about him...
Anyway, got our ticket, went in...
And well... i saw him...
I went all "gin" (Chinese), like froze-up! Just want to get my tickets and run outta there! Into the ballroom XD!!!
But actually i don't really care dee lar XP!!! Hehehe!!! Just the feeling actually *grins*...
Anyway, met Julie, Sze and Shi Yin!!! Unfortunately, to be honest, kinda dissappointed that Sze didn't make-up and all lor!!! I'm sure she'll look damn gorgeous if she makes up (Last time she shoot the studio pics... Wow! Pretty ne! Why this time didn't put huh *pouts*!!!)!!!
Em... aiyo, i very lazy say story dee XP!!!
Roughly the points lar...
- I love the dessert XD!!! Damn nice!!! Strawberry Cheesecake XD!!! Love it love it love it!!! Too bad only one slice =p!!! Hehehe!!!
- Election for best dress male and female...
- Aaron Kuan (Or issit Kwan?) dresses up in a kinda shiny leather jacket and his hair is like erm... sleek down one... Looks ALOT like one of Keita's previous style ne!!! Oi Aaron... did you copy my Keita's style *grr*...?
*Will post the pic up if saw*
- Aaron won best dressed male (Naturally! Keita's style wut *wink*!), and erm... this Malay girl, sorry, not close to her cuz, won best dressed female!
- Prom King and Prom Queen nomination XD!!!
- Prom King nominations are: Christopher Wong, Aaron Kwan, Yew Keong and Ken Ming!
- Prom Queen nominations are: Chai Lee, Penny Loo, Cynthia and ???... sorry, i'll update XD!!!
- Prom King and Queen are Ken Ming and Penny XD!!!
- Although i thought Aaron Kwan and his girlfriend, Khae Shyn will win... but, oh well, i supported them (Penny and Ken Ming) too!!! They're cute together!!!
- The Prom King and Queen's crowns are so funny XD!!!
- The Prom King and Queen opened the first dance, than all couples went in to dance! I wanted to dance (Promised Amanda i'll dance if my shoes are fixed!), but very weird if me and Amanda just start dancing in a midst of couples 0_o!!! So we were planning of just asking someone... but no one lar... anyway, went out for a couple of shots when the music suddenly plays club music (Beyonces etc) so we faster rush in and dance XD!!!
Yeah!!! I love it!!! I can't dance, and i sucked at it, and i think i look like an idiot XP, but i still love it!!! Hehehe!!!
- After a couple of songs, its getting late, so just leave dee lor, but after getting another couple of pics lar XP!!!
- Ooh, Shi Yin got a few scratches from Chun Tuck's flower thingy because he hugged her from the back!!! Hehehe!!! Hopefully nothing dee lar now XD!!!
- Ooh, before the Prom King and Queen, this Malaysian band who'll release their album soon next year came and performed! Don't know who they are though (Sumimasen!), but Amanda say the drummer is her friend or something!!!
- BTW, Mahani and Sarah opened the Prom Night!!! Fantastic singing and dance!!! Sarah is soooooooooooo like a future singer material!!! So do Mahani!!! And Mahani dress IS TO KILL FOR!!! Very elegant XD!!! Gold one!!!
-En Hui's outfit, makeup is sooooooooooooooooo cute and pretty!!! So do alot of my school pals!!! Actually, everyone looked BEAUTIFUL that night ^-^!!!
- And during the slow dances, a few couples kissed, and some of my school mates's family members came to pick them up, and also peep/ see inside the hall and the little kids (Their younger siblings obviously!) were like pointing at those couples!!! Cute!!! Hahaha!!!
- Its not a bad night ^-^!!!
Hehehe!!! Ok lar, until now!!!
Will try to find that pic of Keita and will post it up here ASAP *grins*!!! Its definately Aaron copying my Keita because my Keita did that like long time ago XD!!! My Kei Kei looked better (Of course!) anyway XD!!!
Hehehe!!! Got anymore pics will also post here!!!
Sore ja!!! Mata!!!
p/s: This girl i'm not very close too (Just the "hello", "bye-bye" type...) say i looked different (Of course, no glasses XD!), i ask, "Is it good or bad?", she said "Of course its good!"!!!
Hehehe!!! She made me sooooooo happy!!! But i looked damn ugly and fat (Except my beautiful hair XD!!!) lar!!! She's just trying to make me happy... aww... thats sooooo sweet...
THANK YOU XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SMKDU 2004 Prom Night (14/ 12/ 04) [1]
Yesterday night was our school's annual Prom Night for the leaving F5s!
Sob sob! Though, no tears were shed, everyone really put in their effort to dress up!!! All wore very elegant, very beautiful!!! Every single one of us ^-^!!!
I'll start off with me getting ready =)...
Woke up, i forgot what happened -_-"... anyway, Mandy (Amanda) came around 3pm like that (She's getting ready in my house!), and after meddling around, around 4pm i went to Snips to get my hair done!
At first is i think just go set hair lar, but i ask Sam, the hairstylist (Hah! One of the few MALE hairstylist i see who is not "la yeng"!!! Oh well, actually alot also not "la yeng" one lar!!! Its just prejudice and all those stuffs! Lazy explain XP...), should i cut my hair or just set it only...
He say that my hair is very heavy (aka THICK!!!), so cut is better lor! My hair grow very fast too!!!
So mar cut lor!!! At last, the outcome was XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its very Ella's current hairstyle, with the long tail at the back! Although my mom hates it, tails are in fashion these days! Hehe! When you see me you'll understand the tail part =P!
Hehe!!! The months i took to let my tail grow long after Sam's last haircut is not in vain ^-^!!!
Actually its not long until don't know what lar, but because my hair he help me cut very short and kinda spiky, so thats why see the tail specially long lor ^-^!!!
Back to the story -_-"...
After cutting, before washing (Or issit after wash 0_o? Sumimasen!), i look at my hair, hehe! It looks like one of Keita's previous hairstyles ^-^!!!
But not exactly lar, a bit only -_-"...
And than he help me to style it! Wow! Looks like Dragon Ball character XD!!!
Hehe! But its really stylist! Looks more like i'm going to rock concert than prom! Hehehe!!!
Than Mandy also get her hair done, just wash and blow-dry, but because hers is doing curls at the bottom of her hair (Haha! She looks like Goldielocks!), so she took more time! Anyway, i cut halfway only she do, so longer abit nee lar!
Ah Theng jie jie coming to help me do make-up! Its on the way, so she pick me up first as Mandy still needs time!
After getting home, first thing i did was change (There wasn't much time left XP!), than i tried putting contacts!!! Although scary, still put lar!!! Because my this hair if wear specs, i look like a computer genius/ freak XD!!! Somemore the shirt i wear that time... 100% computer freak type!!!
Hehe, despite Ah Theng jie jie standing next to me and all, i took around half-an-hour to wear it -_-"... Ah Theng jie jie started to get unpatient dee!
But surprisingly, i'm not that afraid dee! Maybe because rushing? And because eyelids always close, so the contacts cannot go in!
Luckily, at last, wear dee ^-^!!! And i think i discover the way to wear it dee... hopefully X)!!!
Than Ah Theng jie jie help me make-up! Wow! Alot to describe!!! I lazy dee XP... so i just say a few parts...
Because she help me draw eyeliner or something, than i have a bad habit of closing my eyes very hardly, so the mascara and eyeliner always kena my lower eyelid XD!!! Haha!!! Hard to explain too lar -_-"...
And after doing everything done, mom and Ah Theng jie jie also say i look VERY different!!! So do Mandy!!!
BTW, I HATE wearing lipstick/ lipgloss (Unless winter) ne! Felt like my lips there got something! So at first i talk very unnatural! Than i try to talk more natural lar! Ok ok lar!
Than mar go pick up Wern Tyng lor! Actually, that time we already late 1 hour XP!!! And after picking up Wern Tyng, i realise i forgot to bring my prom tickets XP!!!
So mar... hehe, turn back...
We are so SUPER SUPER late dee!!!
We say we leave around 6.30pm, as prom starts at 7pm! But we arrive at around... well, one word... LATE X(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~~ To be continued ~~
Sob sob! Though, no tears were shed, everyone really put in their effort to dress up!!! All wore very elegant, very beautiful!!! Every single one of us ^-^!!!
I'll start off with me getting ready =)...
Woke up, i forgot what happened -_-"... anyway, Mandy (Amanda) came around 3pm like that (She's getting ready in my house!), and after meddling around, around 4pm i went to Snips to get my hair done!
At first is i think just go set hair lar, but i ask Sam, the hairstylist (Hah! One of the few MALE hairstylist i see who is not "la yeng"!!! Oh well, actually alot also not "la yeng" one lar!!! Its just prejudice and all those stuffs! Lazy explain XP...), should i cut my hair or just set it only...
He say that my hair is very heavy (aka THICK!!!), so cut is better lor! My hair grow very fast too!!!
So mar cut lor!!! At last, the outcome was XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its very Ella's current hairstyle, with the long tail at the back! Although my mom hates it, tails are in fashion these days! Hehe! When you see me you'll understand the tail part =P!
Hehe!!! The months i took to let my tail grow long after Sam's last haircut is not in vain ^-^!!!
Actually its not long until don't know what lar, but because my hair he help me cut very short and kinda spiky, so thats why see the tail specially long lor ^-^!!!
Back to the story -_-"...
After cutting, before washing (Or issit after wash 0_o? Sumimasen!), i look at my hair, hehe! It looks like one of Keita's previous hairstyles ^-^!!!
But not exactly lar, a bit only -_-"...
And than he help me to style it! Wow! Looks like Dragon Ball character XD!!!
Hehe! But its really stylist! Looks more like i'm going to rock concert than prom! Hehehe!!!
Than Mandy also get her hair done, just wash and blow-dry, but because hers is doing curls at the bottom of her hair (Haha! She looks like Goldielocks!), so she took more time! Anyway, i cut halfway only she do, so longer abit nee lar!
Ah Theng jie jie coming to help me do make-up! Its on the way, so she pick me up first as Mandy still needs time!
After getting home, first thing i did was change (There wasn't much time left XP!), than i tried putting contacts!!! Although scary, still put lar!!! Because my this hair if wear specs, i look like a computer genius/ freak XD!!! Somemore the shirt i wear that time... 100% computer freak type!!!
Hehe, despite Ah Theng jie jie standing next to me and all, i took around half-an-hour to wear it -_-"... Ah Theng jie jie started to get unpatient dee!
But surprisingly, i'm not that afraid dee! Maybe because rushing? And because eyelids always close, so the contacts cannot go in!
Luckily, at last, wear dee ^-^!!! And i think i discover the way to wear it dee... hopefully X)!!!
Than Ah Theng jie jie help me make-up! Wow! Alot to describe!!! I lazy dee XP... so i just say a few parts...
Because she help me draw eyeliner or something, than i have a bad habit of closing my eyes very hardly, so the mascara and eyeliner always kena my lower eyelid XD!!! Haha!!! Hard to explain too lar -_-"...
And after doing everything done, mom and Ah Theng jie jie also say i look VERY different!!! So do Mandy!!!
BTW, I HATE wearing lipstick/ lipgloss (Unless winter) ne! Felt like my lips there got something! So at first i talk very unnatural! Than i try to talk more natural lar! Ok ok lar!
Than mar go pick up Wern Tyng lor! Actually, that time we already late 1 hour XP!!! And after picking up Wern Tyng, i realise i forgot to bring my prom tickets XP!!!
So mar... hehe, turn back...
We are so SUPER SUPER late dee!!!
We say we leave around 6.30pm, as prom starts at 7pm! But we arrive at around... well, one word... LATE X(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~~ To be continued ~~
Monday, December 13, 2004
Whats the "Ayumi-feel" XD!!!
Regarding the Tangoo dress... NOT BUYING DEE LOR XD!!!
Because Ah Theng jie jie said it doesn't really look good on me! But because i said i like it alot, so she say the green one looks better (Aiyo! You should just tell me straight away lar that day! No need i so "troubled" by it and keep on wanting mom to go see me wear it XD!)!
Neeways, i'm wearing my black one, the one i bought for the family potrait some years ago (Actually, hehe... i think last year? Because the potrait was taken before HS went to Japan!)...
And guess what... surprisingly, i still can wear it XD!!!
It seems to be erm... "fitter" than last time... which is impossible... because i DEFINATELY "grew" (You know what i mean lar! No need say until so clear XD!) this past few months ALOT THANKS TO SPM (I ate alot MORE due to the pressure from SPM! Don't say i don't have pressure etc etc (As my mom loves to say it...)... i know whats happening to myself clearer *grins*!)!
Ok, back to the topic about the dress... well, hehe... it has the "Ayumi-feel" again!!! Heee, i'm too obsess with Ayumi dee! Haha! Hey, I'M STRAIGHT!!! Because she's a female artist i totally idolize (But of course, i don't want to be her lar!!! Aiyar, hard to explain lar... explain next time XP...)!!!
My true love is... haha, no other than that 2 guys *blush*...!!!
Oh, yeah, don't get sidetracked =P (I always like that one XP!)... Why i said has the "Ayumi-feel"? Well, its mostly myself punya own feelings lar! Others cannot erm... "see/ feel" it one... i think...
In Ayumi's video, Carols, she wore this small black dress until knees with black high heels (Maybe its other colour? Because the video is black and white! But i'm just taking it that the dress and high heels are BLACK XD!!!)...
Ayu's dress is erm... actually, kinda hard for me to explain lar! Go see the video yourself *grins*...
... but since i'm so sweet (And "wu liao" and too free -_-"...), i've copied some pics off from that video...
The dress is erm... very fluffy2 at the bottom (Only word i could find XD...)... and at the top is more low-cut (More like V cut), and a big bunch of flower (Very retro type! I kinda like that flower ^-^!) at the side and "spiky-spiky" at the part above the belt-thingy with a black "flowery-like" choker!
My dress is totally different lar X/!!!
My dress is erm... like the dress Posh Spice wore when Spice Girls debuted! Except mine front there got a curvy pattern, and at the waist got chain (Fine, very "polite" type! Not the "yo yo yo" one lar! Lol!)! And its also not "tight-skirt-type" at the bottom... its also longer with a little cut line (The one in Cheongsam! What do you call that dee har?) up at the left knee...
Haha, its also not branded XP!!!
Comparing Ayu's dress to mine, well, except for the fact that its black, theres nothing alike XD!!!
But i think around same length lar our dress...?
Ok, why i say got "Ayumi-feel"? Haha! Once you put it on with the shoes, you'll understand it XD!!! But maybe because i'm Ayu's fan! Other people might not lar, unless you're a big fan too X)!!!
Don't call me perasan XD!!! Its just my own feeling mar!!! None of your business, shoo shoo XP!!! Go find your own feeling!!!
Hehehe XP!!! Just kidding lar!!! Don't take it to heart, ne?
Em yes... apart from the dress... hehe... i haven't prepare alot of things for prom yet =P!!!
That includes bag, shoes, bracelet, necklace and earrings XP!!!
Alot ne 0_o? Actually if last minute cannot find i can dig up stuffs i already have lar!
Bag... well... mom say got this bag that is suitable lar... but don't know lar, haven't see yet! If really not suitable, and cannot find any other bag dee (Going shopping/ hunting tomorrow!!!), most mar go "bag-less" lor!!! No big deal XP!!!
As for shoes... i already have one pair... but Ah Theng jie jie say higher better lar! I agree, but with feet like mine hard to find lar X(!!! So tomorrow, like the bag, unless found one, or else just wear the old one (But bag i don't have "old-one" to use!!! Hehehe!!!)!!!
Same goes with bracelet, necklace and earring lar XD!!!
But i have my eyes on a nice pair of necklace and earrings from Above!!! Tomorrow/ Tues morning go see, try and check price! Everything reasonable, BUY!!!
Bracelet... unless i found one, or else wear back my old one lor!!!
Haha!!! But still pray pray can find suitable ones to go with my dress XD!!!
Haha! I want to continue but cannot dee XD!!!
I'll continue tomorrow (Today lar... pass 12am dee XP...) on my stupid brother (Grrr -_-*...) and some other stuffs... which is regarding my "wu-liao-ness" and hehe... kinda "fei" (Mandarin)... XP... Its being me lar XD!!!
Sore ja, ashita (No need "ashita" lar XD!!!) mata ne!!!~ ^-^
Because Ah Theng jie jie said it doesn't really look good on me! But because i said i like it alot, so she say the green one looks better (Aiyo! You should just tell me straight away lar that day! No need i so "troubled" by it and keep on wanting mom to go see me wear it XD!)!
Neeways, i'm wearing my black one, the one i bought for the family potrait some years ago (Actually, hehe... i think last year? Because the potrait was taken before HS went to Japan!)...
And guess what... surprisingly, i still can wear it XD!!!
It seems to be erm... "fitter" than last time... which is impossible... because i DEFINATELY "grew" (You know what i mean lar! No need say until so clear XD!) this past few months ALOT THANKS TO SPM (I ate alot MORE due to the pressure from SPM! Don't say i don't have pressure etc etc (As my mom loves to say it...)... i know whats happening to myself clearer *grins*!)!
Ok, back to the topic about the dress... well, hehe... it has the "Ayumi-feel" again!!! Heee, i'm too obsess with Ayumi dee! Haha! Hey, I'M STRAIGHT!!! Because she's a female artist i totally idolize (But of course, i don't want to be her lar!!! Aiyar, hard to explain lar... explain next time XP...)!!!
My true love is... haha, no other than that 2 guys *blush*...!!!
Oh, yeah, don't get sidetracked =P (I always like that one XP!)... Why i said has the "Ayumi-feel"? Well, its mostly myself punya own feelings lar! Others cannot erm... "see/ feel" it one... i think...
In Ayumi's video, Carols, she wore this small black dress until knees with black high heels (Maybe its other colour? Because the video is black and white! But i'm just taking it that the dress and high heels are BLACK XD!!!)...
Ayu's dress is erm... actually, kinda hard for me to explain lar! Go see the video yourself *grins*...
... but since i'm so sweet (And "wu liao" and too free -_-"...), i've copied some pics off from that video...

The dress is erm... very fluffy2 at the bottom (Only word i could find XD...)... and at the top is more low-cut (More like V cut), and a big bunch of flower (Very retro type! I kinda like that flower ^-^!) at the side and "spiky-spiky" at the part above the belt-thingy with a black "flowery-like" choker!
My dress is totally different lar X/!!!
My dress is erm... like the dress Posh Spice wore when Spice Girls debuted! Except mine front there got a curvy pattern, and at the waist got chain (Fine, very "polite" type! Not the "yo yo yo" one lar! Lol!)! And its also not "tight-skirt-type" at the bottom... its also longer with a little cut line (The one in Cheongsam! What do you call that dee har?) up at the left knee...
Haha, its also not branded XP!!!
Comparing Ayu's dress to mine, well, except for the fact that its black, theres nothing alike XD!!!
But i think around same length lar our dress...?
Ok, why i say got "Ayumi-feel"? Haha! Once you put it on with the shoes, you'll understand it XD!!! But maybe because i'm Ayu's fan! Other people might not lar, unless you're a big fan too X)!!!
Don't call me perasan XD!!! Its just my own feeling mar!!! None of your business, shoo shoo XP!!! Go find your own feeling!!!
Hehehe XP!!! Just kidding lar!!! Don't take it to heart, ne?
Em yes... apart from the dress... hehe... i haven't prepare alot of things for prom yet =P!!!
That includes bag, shoes, bracelet, necklace and earrings XP!!!
Alot ne 0_o? Actually if last minute cannot find i can dig up stuffs i already have lar!
Bag... well... mom say got this bag that is suitable lar... but don't know lar, haven't see yet! If really not suitable, and cannot find any other bag dee (Going shopping/ hunting tomorrow!!!), most mar go "bag-less" lor!!! No big deal XP!!!
As for shoes... i already have one pair... but Ah Theng jie jie say higher better lar! I agree, but with feet like mine hard to find lar X(!!! So tomorrow, like the bag, unless found one, or else just wear the old one (But bag i don't have "old-one" to use!!! Hehehe!!!)!!!
Same goes with bracelet, necklace and earring lar XD!!!
But i have my eyes on a nice pair of necklace and earrings from Above!!! Tomorrow/ Tues morning go see, try and check price! Everything reasonable, BUY!!!
Bracelet... unless i found one, or else wear back my old one lor!!!
Haha!!! But still pray pray can find suitable ones to go with my dress XD!!!
Haha! I want to continue but cannot dee XD!!!
I'll continue tomorrow (Today lar... pass 12am dee XP...) on my stupid brother (Grrr -_-*...) and some other stuffs... which is regarding my "wu-liao-ness" and hehe... kinda "fei" (Mandarin)... XP... Its being me lar XD!!!
Sore ja, ashita (No need "ashita" lar XD!!!) mata ne!!!~ ^-^
Friday, December 10, 2004
wFL Petition outing!

The perfume (True Star) i mentioned (See journal below)! Got this from a website (Anna jie jie help me to find out the price in US! Thanks ^-~!)! Ignore the lotion! Pay attention to the perfume =P! Hehehe!
Haha! Today went out for wFL petition ne!
But haha... the whole thing was ruined...
Aiya, i lazy explain what happened and everything lar! But i made 3 new friends today (Will post up pics soon ^-^! As soon as they send it to me!)! They're really cool people and very funny!
There's Sze En, Keiko, who i knew first through wFL forums. She went for the petition with her 2 other friends, Wei Qun and Annie!
BTW, Keiko is going for exchange soon! Ahhhhh! So nice! I also want to go *v*! Go find more Hiroki lar, har! Hehehe!
We chatted for quite a long time! Everything also chat! Really funny and interesting! ^-^
Hmm... maybe i'll have to be in charge of the petition! Because Keiko's going to Japan soon, so i'll have to collect the stuffs lor! No prob! For the sake of wFL, GANBARIMASU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^-^
Aiyo, the prom dress now make me very "tao tong" ne!!! Its expensive, and Ah Theng jie jie say the green one look better on me. But she also sound like i wear the dress not nice when she explain it to me mom! But i really love it lar! Hehe, have to go there and try again to show mom because if she didn't see me wearing it, and don't want to buy dee, i very not "fun hei" lor! But aiyoyoyoyoyoyoyo! I already went there ALOT of times, i feel like, quite "bu hao yi xi", go there so often! Although HS say, "I'm the customer" mar... but still shy shy lar XP!!! Hehehe!!!
And i also saw this perfume i love! Oh! True Star! I want it lar! But also very expensive XP!!! But now Isetan got promotion, discounts lor! Hoho! Maybe go there buy buy? Hehehe!
Oh ya, i forget to write about it XD! Must be erm... last Thursday (2/12/04), me, May Yee, Loo Yee went to K! How long we sang? 7 hours XD!!! And its only RM11++! Cheap ne? Got promotion mar now!
Wow! Really enjoy lar! Hahaha! Must go sing longer next time XP!
Aiyo, worst is i forgot to bring my coupon XP! Or else got 2 extra drink!
Nvm lar, pass deee! Next time we go mar use ne?
I LOVE K!!!!!!!!!!! KYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, that day (Erm... Tuesday i think...), went with Jing, Irena and Charles!!! Aiyo, i think me and Jing too obsess with singing, Irena and Charles bored dee! Kaka! Sumimasen!
Also sing alot of songs! And i bought this thing for Jay too that day XD!
Hehe! I shall not tell ^-~!
Ok lar, till her! Ja! ^-^
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Prom dress with the "Ayumi-feel" XD!!!

Nandemo GANBTTE!!! ^-^
Yoyo! Wah! Very long didn't "report" in here dee!!! Hoho!!!
This days didn't get to go online!!! The horror!!!
Neeways, now can dee lar (=p), so just update all those stuffs lor!!!~
Em, yeah, i just changed hp with Hon Shen! Because older bro got a new one, HS uses his old one, so i mar use his one lor! Haha! Its just a temporary one anyway lar! So... hehe!
But i love the game in his handphone! Ahhh! Super addicted to it, i played until late night last night, so i could be in the high score list... but being the "dian dong bai chi" i am... haih... i still cannot beat the toppest one! Just manage to win Nicole's highscore, and my own highscore! Now is in the 4th and 5th placing XP!Must GANBATTE!!!
OOH!!! I saw a really beautiful dress in Tangoo!!! I want to buy it for prom and Ah Qiang (Jaffre) go go's wedding one, but... =( My mom say not nice wor! But i love it XD!
Its like that one (The whole story)...
That day went out with Auntie to shop for prom dress. We mar masuk Tangoo lor. This dress Auntie saw first, and she show it to me. At first i don't think i can wear it, plus, i think its "mar-mar-dei" only lor. Auntie got say very "Ayumi-feel" (I love Ayumi XD!!!). I see and think think, yeah, its like the one she wore for her MV, "Hanabi"! Or the one Jolin wear one in "Ning Meng Chao De Wei Dao" (Which one part of the MV is said to be copying Ayumi's one!).
Than Auntie tried the pink one (Which she lovesssssssssssss alot!). After that, we mar go elsewhere. The dress was still stuck in my head, together with what Auntie said (Hehe!). Than after jalan jalan, i decided to go back to try the dress lor! Auntie got add just now because the upper part is elasticy-feeling one, so i can wear.
I try dee... XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its soooooo nice!!! The dress part is like fluffy, fluffy, like princess feel one!!! Auntie say my upper part not so nice lar (Because my shoulders broad X(! I'm not meant for sleeveless clothings! Auntie say wear jacket, but lol! Prom wear jacket weird abit ne! Although if i cold i'll surely wear XP!), but down part ok. In my own opinion, yeah XD! Lol! Not i perasan or anything, but cannot really see the shape of my bod (Due to the fluffyness etc)! And the main reason i love it is because of the "Ayumi-feel" and the dress part is really "sugoi kanji da XD" (Means very good feel!)!
Now must see Ah Theng jie jie say how lor. That day Mom and Amanda see also say the dress doesn't look nice, but they haven't see me wear lor! But i really hope Ah Theng jie jie will say nice lar! Because i really love it (The whole story is, it never leaves the point that "I LOVE THE DRESS" XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)!!!
Haha! Auntie call me to get the pink one, although i prefer the brown one (The whole story also didn't leave the point of "Ayumi-feel" XD!!!)...
Conclution, if Ah Theng jie jie also thinks its not nice (After i wear it), i'll surely not buy it dee! It all depends on her now lor ^-~!
Yeah!!! Jay's concert coming dee!!! Can't wait for it!!! Kya!!!
The seats not bad lar! Should appreciate and be contended with everything you get lar actually! Also no point complaining dee! There are reasons one mar, on why you get it (Hehe! Irena mommy taught me this!), so just appreciate it and hope for the best lor ^-~
Ahh! I want to change the Blog skin to the one Auntie made for me! But now got some problems lor! Need to sort it out than only can put =(! Meanwhile, just enjoy this beautiful Blog skin of mine ^-^, with the beautiful w-inds. song, "Close To You"!
Ok! Sore ja! Off to write a "one-shot" story! Plot made up by me and Keiko (Me new friend from wFL forums ^-^!)! Hahaha! If succeeded in writting it, will post up the addy soon ^-~!
Buhbye! ^-^
Thursday, December 02, 2004
The SPM experience!!!
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPM finally over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy happy ^-^!!! But also sad in a way... because it means i've finished my high school life... OFFICIALLY and FOREVER >.
I seriously miss high school life!! No need to worry about practically anything... well, except the occasion exam and excuses should you forget to bring your book or do you homework =p...
I thought i'll like, cry or something, felt real sad... but that day when the examiner announced "Masa sudah tamat, sila meletakkan pen anda..."... its like the other exam days... i didn't felt anything like a "relief" or anything 0_0! I'm weird... maybe my emotion line got all jam up or something! Must go see doctor... choy!!!
Ok lar, i don't want to talk about it dee... i guess its taking its toll on me dee... knowing theres no more need to buy books for next year... =(
I miss school and i love school (Well... except for the ehem... erm... study part... =p)... and if can turn back time and do it all over again (Ok lar, not since Std 1! It'll be too long! Lol! Maybe F4-F5? Hehe!), i won't mind... hehehe...
... because i didn't study enough, prepared enough for my SPM too -_-"... so its a good chance for me to work hard again!!! Ganbatte!!!
But ne, my SPM really did BADLY 0-0... no point i say i regretted etc etc dee because tooo late dee >.Neeways, i'm planning to retake subjects i did badly... OOoohh, i don't want to think which subject i did badly... maybe its all ne... 0_0... CHOY!!!
But i definately will not take add maths again!!! No matter what!!! 2 years of Add Maths is ENOUGH!!! Hehehe... like i said... "Leaving school is sad... but the best part is leaving Add Maths behind..."... Hahaha!!! =p
I seriously admire Pn Tan for her ability to stand Add Maths!!! SHE'S TEACHING IT FOR YEARS SOMEMORE XD!!! But than, it differes with people lar!!! She loves it and can stand it, i hate it and CANNOT STAND IT!!!
Hmm... i talk so much now... later college have to go through it again "zhan hai sei lor"!!!
The Curve's Red Box is finally open ^-^!!! Later going with Loo Yee and maybe Auntie, unless if she works lar =(!!! Finally, somewhere NEAR and VERY MUCH REACHABLE!!! KYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KARAOKE HERE I COME!!!
Yesterday we had our farewell party (Will elaborate on it later!~), and when i remembered about Red Box's The Curve, i told everyone and me and Loo Yee went bonkers XD!!! Hehehe!!! I LOVE KARAOKE LAR!!!~
Must practise now, excuse me ne...
LA LA LA LA LA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Happy happy ^-^!!! But also sad in a way... because it means i've finished my high school life... OFFICIALLY and FOREVER >.
I seriously miss high school life!! No need to worry about practically anything... well, except the occasion exam and excuses should you forget to bring your book or do you homework =p...
I thought i'll like, cry or something, felt real sad... but that day when the examiner announced "Masa sudah tamat, sila meletakkan pen anda..."... its like the other exam days... i didn't felt anything like a "relief" or anything 0_0! I'm weird... maybe my emotion line got all jam up or something! Must go see doctor... choy!!!
Ok lar, i don't want to talk about it dee... i guess its taking its toll on me dee... knowing theres no more need to buy books for next year... =(
I miss school and i love school (Well... except for the ehem... erm... study part... =p)... and if can turn back time and do it all over again (Ok lar, not since Std 1! It'll be too long! Lol! Maybe F4-F5? Hehe!), i won't mind... hehehe...
... because i didn't study enough, prepared enough for my SPM too -_-"... so its a good chance for me to work hard again!!! Ganbatte!!!
But ne, my SPM really did BADLY 0-0... no point i say i regretted etc etc dee because tooo late dee >.Neeways, i'm planning to retake subjects i did badly... OOoohh, i don't want to think which subject i did badly... maybe its all ne... 0_0... CHOY!!!
But i definately will not take add maths again!!! No matter what!!! 2 years of Add Maths is ENOUGH!!! Hehehe... like i said... "Leaving school is sad... but the best part is leaving Add Maths behind..."... Hahaha!!! =p
I seriously admire Pn Tan for her ability to stand Add Maths!!! SHE'S TEACHING IT FOR YEARS SOMEMORE XD!!! But than, it differes with people lar!!! She loves it and can stand it, i hate it and CANNOT STAND IT!!!
Hmm... i talk so much now... later college have to go through it again "zhan hai sei lor"!!!
The Curve's Red Box is finally open ^-^!!! Later going with Loo Yee and maybe Auntie, unless if she works lar =(!!! Finally, somewhere NEAR and VERY MUCH REACHABLE!!! KYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KARAOKE HERE I COME!!!
Yesterday we had our farewell party (Will elaborate on it later!~), and when i remembered about Red Box's The Curve, i told everyone and me and Loo Yee went bonkers XD!!! Hehehe!!! I LOVE KARAOKE LAR!!!~
Must practise now, excuse me ne...
LA LA LA LA LA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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