Sunday, September 11, 2005

The eiko-chan and Keita story Part 2

Due to boredomness, eiko-chan has created another story. Enjoy =).

The eiko-chan and Keita story Part 2

eiko-chan: "Bored x-x *rolls around*..."
Keita: "*Smiles* Is that all you do when you are bored ^^|||???"
eiko-chan: "Eh, is there any other methods???"
After 5 seconds...
eiko-chan: "Em... i'm bored @.@..."
Keita: "Here you go ^-^..."
eiko-chan: "LOTTE SOH XD *V*!!!"

Keita passed to his beloved eiko-chan (I just have to add that XD!!!~) her most precious and favourite ice-cream, Lotte Soh *jeng jeng jeng* *screams and cheer to the BEST ice-cream in the world XD*!!!~

eiko-chan happily cheers and hug Keita, planting a kiss on his cheek and as he blushes shyly, eiko-chan consume her most favourite ice-cream in the whole wide world that even the coldest weather couldn't't colden her love towards it *v* (Eg: Finishing around 3 cups of Lotte Soh *jeng jeng jeng* on a cold cold windy Autumm-changing-to-Winter day... including at night ^^|||...)...

After 10 seconds...

eiko-chan: "Oishii, gouchisousama X9!!!~" (I miss Lotte Soh T-T...)
Keita: "Thats fast ^^|||..."
eiko-chan: "OISHII XD!!!~"

But knowing eiko-chan, Keita expected her to finish her delicious cup of Lotte Soh *jeng jeng jeng*, within 10 seconds... maybe boredom has taken out her "superbility" to finish her favourite Lotte Soh faster...

This story proves that...

Boredom sucks @.@...


^^||| Lol, lame (But sweet X3!!!~) story XD!!!~ The outcome of eiko-chan's boredomness ;o;...

Hee, to Auntie whose in Kuching now ler!!! Hehehe XD!!!~

I very sien now *continues rolling around* -o-|||...

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