... DBSK are RETARDS XD!!!~
Especially Baby MinMin X3!!!~
Was watching them in the BanJun Movie!!! IT WAS SO FUNNY!!! I laughed like mad (Until mom came rushing in see whats up!!!) especially the part Joongie-oppa fell down!!! Hehehe =P!!!~
But so "sim-tia" (Heartbroken!!!), when MinMin had to bang his head against the gong a lot of times o(;o;)o!!! Its because others NG!!! Poor MinMin!!!
One scene, because he was angry when Joongie-oppa fell down, he walked up to him and walk back down!!! His clothing made him seem more retard, OH SO CUTE X3!!!~
It seems only MinMin and JunSu-oppa no NG??? But their part are the easiest ler X3!!!~
Oh, its so funny X3!!!~
There was some variety show before the movie, and MinMin act cute, AHHHHH X3!!!~
Don't like Micky... !@#$%^&*...
The BanJun movie!!! Chinese subtitled!!! Enjoy o(^-^)o!!!~
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Of all the agony...
I purposely wake up early to finish my homework and watch Goong.
After i happily finish Ep6 of Goong, due to some "technical error", i could not watch Ep7...
But its a good thing, i can finish my homework now o(^^;;)o...
Going out tonight, so most probably can't watch too! "Just Goong it" tomorrow lar =D!~
I love Nike X3!!!~
BTW, i was bo-liao again...
... and did the chart below =D!~
Click to see before continuing this post =D!!!~
Muahahahahahahahahahahahaa X3!!!~
Actually the original chart was DBSK being King Eric-oppa and Queen Auntie Mi-Ui's sons (Wow, King and Queen GENG!)... however, i could not find a good way to put myself married to all of them (Angle-wise, inside the chart!), so i did this instead lar =D!~ SMART right X3?
Now i'm King Eric-oppa and Queen Auntie Mi-Ui's Princess =D, and i'm married to the 5 Princes XD!~ YEAH X3!~
SAIgongPupu is King Eric-oppa's concubine o(=x=")o...
Muahaheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee X3!~
Enough bo-liao, go finish stupid assignment now lar !@#$%^&*...
After i happily finish Ep6 of Goong, due to some "technical error", i could not watch Ep7...
But its a good thing, i can finish my homework now o(^^;;)o...
Going out tonight, so most probably can't watch too! "Just Goong it" tomorrow lar =D!~
I love Nike X3!!!~
BTW, i was bo-liao again...
... and did the chart below =D!~
Click to see before continuing this post =D!!!~
Muahahahahahahahahahahahaa X3!!!~
Actually the original chart was DBSK being King Eric-oppa and Queen Auntie Mi-Ui's sons (Wow, King and Queen GENG!)... however, i could not find a good way to put myself married to all of them (Angle-wise, inside the chart!), so i did this instead lar =D!~ SMART right X3?
Now i'm King Eric-oppa and Queen Auntie Mi-Ui's Princess =D, and i'm married to the 5 Princes XD!~ YEAH X3!~
SAIgongPupu is King Eric-oppa's concubine o(=x=")o...
Muahaheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee X3!~
Enough bo-liao, go finish stupid assignment now lar !@#$%^&*...
Monday, February 27, 2006
I've heard about this K-drama from wFlforums, but it was just the cast and no sypnosis!!!
Then Auntie introduced it to me!!! Its so nice X3!!!~ Addicted like Auntie too now XD!!!~
Read the storyline in Auntie's Blog, i lazy write =P!!!~
Then today, eiko-hime cheekily called Auntie "Haegongmama Auntie" (Actually is "hoanggu nangnang", but nvm, i prefer the earlier one =P!!!), and she called me "Bigong" (The wife of the crown prince in the drama is called "bigong nangnang"!!!)!!!~ Then with this and that, our "Goong characters" took its place!!!
Eric-oppa is "Piha", the King!!!
Auntie is "Haegongmama Auntie", the Queen!!!
DBSK are "Junha"s, the Princes XD!!!~
I am "Bigongmama", the Princess married to the Princes X3!!!~
BTW, Pupu is SAIgongmama =D!!!~
Muahahahahahahahahahahaha XD!!!~
No, i'm not kidding X3!!!~
Piha and Haegongmama Auntie =D!!!~ So matching X3!!!~
Bigongmama and Teddy Pride =3!!!~
The Junhas and Royal Cat kimchi o(=^-^=)o!!!~
Muahahahahahahahahahaha!!! I'm eiko-hime XD!!!~ Now, bow to me my minions =D!!!~
... o(=v=")o...
Until here lar, i want to go watch more "Goong" =D!!!~ ITS SO NICE XD!!!~ Ja X3!!!~
BTW, in this pic, the crown prince looked like YunHo-oppa XD!!!~ Hehehe X3!!!~
But YunHo-oppa is better =3!!!~ NYAN XD!!!~
p/s: Yes, regarding the photoshopped pics... i REALLY bo-liao o(=v=")o...
Credits: MBC and eiko-hime! No stealing without permission!
Then Auntie introduced it to me!!! Its so nice X3!!!~ Addicted like Auntie too now XD!!!~
Read the storyline in Auntie's Blog, i lazy write =P!!!~
Then today, eiko-hime cheekily called Auntie "Haegongmama Auntie" (Actually is "hoanggu nangnang", but nvm, i prefer the earlier one =P!!!), and she called me "Bigong" (The wife of the crown prince in the drama is called "bigong nangnang"!!!)!!!~ Then with this and that, our "Goong characters" took its place!!!
Eric-oppa is "Piha", the King!!!
Auntie is "Haegongmama Auntie", the Queen!!!
DBSK are "Junha"s, the Princes XD!!!~
I am "Bigongmama", the Princess married to the Princes X3!!!~
BTW, Pupu is SAIgongmama =D!!!~
Muahahahahahahahahahahaha XD!!!~
No, i'm not kidding X3!!!~
Piha and Haegongmama Auntie =D!!!~ So matching X3!!!~
Bigongmama and Teddy Pride =3!!!~
The Junhas and Royal Cat kimchi o(=^-^=)o!!!~
Muahahahahahahahahahaha!!! I'm eiko-hime XD!!!~ Now, bow to me my minions =D!!!~
... o(=v=")o...
Until here lar, i want to go watch more "Goong" =D!!!~ ITS SO NICE XD!!!~ Ja X3!!!~
BTW, in this pic, the crown prince looked like YunHo-oppa XD!!!~ Hehehe X3!!!~
But YunHo-oppa is better =3!!!~ NYAN XD!!!~
p/s: Yes, regarding the photoshopped pics... i REALLY bo-liao o(=v=")o...
Credits: MBC and eiko-hime! No stealing without permission!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Just you wait...
... i'm going to lose weight...
... and do this to my Princes... ALL OF THEM o(^o^)o!!!~
... and pray they won't break their backs (CHOY!) in the process o(=v=")o...
Muahaheeeeeeeeeee o(^^;;)o... kimchi FIGHTING FIGHTO XD!!!~
Micky is so CUTE X3, to jump on YunHo-oppa like that XD!!!~
I'll also be doing it =D... in the near future o(=v=")o...
... and hope the rest won't come jumping on my back ler @.@!!!~ Hehehe X3!!!~
They won't mind, because they LOVE me o(=^ω^=)o!!! Nyan X3!!!~
p/s: My owner DongWan-oppa has a nice butt btw X3!!!~ Hehehe XD!!!~
WanJi ipnida X3!!!~ *Immitates MinWoo-oppa* Ige WanJi-eyo!!!~ Muahaheeeee X3!!!~
Credits: 야후! 블로그 - ###I With My Secret###
... and do this to my Princes... ALL OF THEM o(^o^)o!!!~
... and pray they won't break their backs (CHOY!) in the process o(=v=")o...
Muahaheeeeeeeeeee o(^^;;)o... kimchi FIGHTING FIGHTO XD!!!~
Micky is so CUTE X3, to jump on YunHo-oppa like that XD!!!~
I'll also be doing it =D... in the near future o(=v=")o...
... and hope the rest won't come jumping on my back ler @.@!!!~ Hehehe X3!!!~
They won't mind, because they LOVE me o(=^ω^=)o!!! Nyan X3!!!~
p/s: My owner DongWan-oppa has a nice butt btw X3!!!~ Hehehe XD!!!~
WanJi ipnida X3!!!~ *Immitates MinWoo-oppa* Ige WanJi-eyo!!!~ Muahaheeeee X3!!!~
Credits: 야후! 블로그 - ###I With My Secret###
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Everyone, MEET kimchi o(=^-^=)o!!!~
Ah, 안녕하세요 o(=^.^=)o!!!~
Nice to meet you, kimchi 입니다 o(=^ω^=)o!!!~
Yoroshiku o(=^0^=)o!!!~
My cute kimchi X3!!!~ Now i have ME as my stupid panda pan-chan, and also ME as my cute fat kimchi =D!!!~
So the fat, hehehe, but also so the cute X3!!!~
Aiyar... kimchi-yah don't want to choy me dee o(=v=")o... must feed him food later!!!
Hehehe, i love Auntie =3!!!~
She's into the new K-drama "Goong" (So do me now X3!!!~ Its really very interesting although i've only watched the first episode!!!~), and while searching for its pics, she came across this... and sends 5 Princes to me X3!!!~
Hehehe, kimchi is jealous i pay too much attention to my Princes ^^;;...
eiko-hime, TVXQ-ouji (Princess eiko and Princes TVXQ XD!!!~), FIGHTING X3!!!~
Thursday, February 23, 2006
I'm supposed to do my homework... but i can't concentrate !@#$%^&*...
... oh well, at least can email to my teacher tomorrow night... NO YOUNGJI!!! CANNOT PROCRASTINATE ANYMORE!!!
Must FINISH TONIGHT and hand it in tomorrow!!! Or else DongWan-oppa will say...
Ok fine, faster finish it(So got yummy steak to eat tonight X9!!!~)!!!~
TVXQ shows their support too o(^-^)o!!!~
사랑해 too, to my JunSu-oppa, Micky-oppa, Joongie-oppa, Baby MinMin and YunHo-oppa X3!!!~
Joongie: "What 사랑해? Our LOVE are more than just 사랑해!"
YoungJi: "Joongie-oppa o(=^-^=)o!!!~"
Yeah, FIGHTING o(^-^)o!!!~
... oh well, at least can email to my teacher tomorrow night... NO YOUNGJI!!! CANNOT PROCRASTINATE ANYMORE!!!
Must FINISH TONIGHT and hand it in tomorrow!!! Or else DongWan-oppa will say...
Ok fine, faster finish it
TVXQ shows their support too o(^-^)o!!!~
사랑해 too, to my JunSu-oppa, Micky-oppa, Joongie-oppa, Baby MinMin and YunHo-oppa X3!!!~
Joongie: "What 사랑해? Our LOVE are more than just 사랑해!"
YoungJi: "Joongie-oppa o(=^-^=)o!!!~"
Yeah, FIGHTING o(^-^)o!!!~
... i owe Auntie this...
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Happy birthday Baby ChangMin ^-^!!!~
Yeah, today Baby ChangMin's birthday XD!!!~
Big boy dee yo ^-^!!!~
"Ho!!! Really???"... yeah ler, otherwise what o(=v=")o...
생일축하함니다 XD!!!~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!~
You can finally drive adee??? No need pose pose anymore =D???
Don't sulk like little boy anymore!!!~ BUT SO CUTE X3!!!~
Study hard (Actually, i think you study too much dee o(=.="...)!!! But its good =P!!!~)!!!~ FIGHTING!!!
Be yourself, but also be my same usual cheerful noisy MinMin o(^-^)o!!!~
"Yes nuna (Older sis...)!!!", says my HamuChangMin!!!
"사랑해요 누나 (Saranghaeyo nuna - I love you sis!!!)!!!" says ChangMin, and kisses kimchi, aka ME =D!!!~
Oh no, so paiseh XD!!!~ Muahaheeeeeeeee X3!!!~
Credits: Yahoo! Korea etc. PLEASE DO NOT STEAL!!!
Big boy dee yo ^-^!!!~
"Ho!!! Really???"... yeah ler, otherwise what o(=v=")o...
생일축하함니다 XD!!!~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!~
You can finally drive adee??? No need pose pose anymore =D???
Don't sulk like little boy anymore!!!~ BUT SO CUTE X3!!!~
Study hard (Actually, i think you study too much dee o(=.="...)!!! But its good =P!!!~)!!!~ FIGHTING!!!
Be yourself, but also be my same usual cheerful noisy MinMin o(^-^)o!!!~
"Yes nuna (Older sis...)!!!", says my HamuChangMin!!!
"사랑해요 누나 (Saranghaeyo nuna - I love you sis!!!)!!!" says ChangMin, and kisses kimchi, aka ME =D!!!~
Oh no, so paiseh XD!!!~ Muahaheeeeeeeee X3!!!~
Credits: Yahoo! Korea etc. PLEASE DO NOT STEAL!!!
Happy birthday Baby YunHo ^-^!!!~
Actually, today is ChangMin's birthday... YunHo's on the 6th of Feb ^^;;...
But since i didn't do anything special, i guess i owe him one!!!
생일축하함니다 윤호오빠 XD!!!~
(Happy birthday YunHo-oppa!!!~)
"Good, you finally remember!"... hehehe, woops ^^;;...
Be the same good and cute leader you always are!!!~
Remember to watch over your "little-babies" XD (Means watch over the rest of the guys!!!)!!!~
I like this pic alot X3!!!~
"Yeah, food!!!"
Oppa o(=.=")o...
But since i didn't do anything special, i guess i owe him one!!!
생일축하함니다 윤호오빠 XD!!!~
(Happy birthday YunHo-oppa!!!~)
"Good, you finally remember!"... hehehe, woops ^^;;...
Be the same good and cute leader you always are!!!~
Remember to watch over your "little-babies" XD (Means watch over the rest of the guys!!!)!!!~
I like this pic alot X3!!!~
"Yeah, food!!!"
Oppa o(=.=")o...
The evolution of eiko-hime...
Yes, i "evolve"... name-wise nya lar actually =P!!!~
I don't want to dig out the ancient histories (Swat!!! I sound so old @.@!!!), just recent ones, because Auntie reminded me that I HAVE TOO MANY NAMES XD!!!~~
From Nicole, Jessie, Jessie-Clare, all evolving and changing, till my recent "english-name" - Erenjeal (Hah, i created that name myself!!! STAY AWAY LEACHERS!!!)... for now, i've decided to ditch "english" for all, and stick with eiko.
Yeah, eiko!!! I have my own japanese name too, KAJIWARA EIKO!!!~
Nice right??? Yeah i know!!! It just adds more class to my eiko-hime XD!!!~
Ok, enough of craps, i seriously DON'T KNOW why i type the paragraph above... my "new-self" (Read along and you'll understand!!!) must be the cause o(=.=")o!!!
I am eiko-chan, THE eiko-sama, or eiko-hime... or you may call me eiko THE GREAT =D!!!~
CRAPS AGAIN !@#$%^&*...
Anyways, i'm eiko-chan, to eiko-sama, and now, i'm eiko-hime o(^∀^)o!!!~
With my trademark MUAHAHEEEEEEEE XD!!!~
I'm still eiko-chan now ler, but you may call me eiko-hime o(^Ⅲ^)o!!!~
Then Auntie appeared, and i became KITTY =D!!!~
*No pics, because Kitty says NO o(=^ω^=)o!!!*
Afterwards, pan-chan came into my life from Japan (Actually, FROM JAPAN through my bro's smelly luggage o(=.=")o!!!)... and i happily embrace him =D!!!~
Meow!!! I'm pan-chan!!!~
Yes, there are TWO pan-chans!!! One official and REAL one which is the panda in the pic above, and another pirated one who goes by the same name, ME =P!!!~
Then for a brief period end of last year, i became Maggie!!!
Because Anna jie jie and Auntie also thinks that Maggie, looks like me X3!!!~ Plus the fact that i always use her emoticons XD!!!~
After some peaceful moments, came DBSK and Shinhwa o(^∀^)o, muahaha, ATTACK OF THE 신s or 神s, and i became...
Owner DongWan-oppa's beloved cat, kimchi o(=^ω^=)o!!!
Meow!!! Like owner, like cat, ever so cute X3!!!~
And if you read my previous post, you know i want to someone from Shinhwa *smirks*...
VRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scary XD???
Because of the stupid HDTV he got from his GOOD fans X3!!!~
Muahahahahahahaha, i'm so happy XD!!!~
And yes, call me MinWoo, but NO Mr M!!! I still think its corny =P!!!~
But just these days (Actually, yesterday ^^;;...)... i realise... i've got ANOTHER new name!!!
Pi-e-ro??? (Its a random sound usually made by random peoples o(=.=")o!!!~
Its true o(><")o!!! Because i've become SUPER RANDOM, which explains the pointless paragraph above, and also telling Auntie and Loo2 last night THAT i was hungry in the afternoon... and that i slept the night before as well...
Doggies are scared of HAMUTAROs XD!!!~
But its cute, yeah XD!!!~
Yes, i realise this post is very pointless as well, but oh well o(=v=")o!!!~
I don't want to dig out the ancient histories (Swat!!! I sound so old @.@!!!), just recent ones, because Auntie reminded me that I HAVE TOO MANY NAMES XD!!!~~
From Nicole, Jessie, Jessie-Clare, all evolving and changing, till my recent "english-name" - Erenjeal (Hah, i created that name myself!!! STAY AWAY LEACHERS!!!)... for now, i've decided to ditch "english" for all, and stick with eiko.
Yeah, eiko!!! I have my own japanese name too, KAJIWARA EIKO!!!~
Nice right??? Yeah i know!!! It just adds more class to my eiko-hime XD!!!~
Ok, enough of craps, i seriously DON'T KNOW why i type the paragraph above... my "new-self" (Read along and you'll understand!!!) must be the cause o(=.=")o!!!
I am eiko-chan, THE eiko-sama, or eiko-hime... or you may call me eiko THE GREAT =D!!!~
CRAPS AGAIN !@#$%^&*...
Anyways, i'm eiko-chan, to eiko-sama, and now, i'm eiko-hime o(^∀^)o!!!~
With my trademark MUAHAHEEEEEEEE XD!!!~
I'm still eiko-chan now ler, but you may call me eiko-hime o(^Ⅲ^)o!!!~
Then Auntie appeared, and i became KITTY =D!!!~
*No pics, because Kitty says NO o(=^ω^=)o!!!*
Afterwards, pan-chan came into my life from Japan (Actually, FROM JAPAN through my bro's smelly luggage o(=.=")o!!!)... and i happily embrace him =D!!!~
Meow!!! I'm pan-chan!!!~
Yes, there are TWO pan-chans!!! One official and REAL one which is the panda in the pic above, and another pirated one who goes by the same name, ME =P!!!~
Then for a brief period end of last year, i became Maggie!!!
Because Anna jie jie and Auntie also thinks that Maggie, looks like me X3!!!~ Plus the fact that i always use her emoticons XD!!!~
After some peaceful moments, came DBSK and Shinhwa o(^∀^)o, muahaha, ATTACK OF THE 신s or 神s, and i became...
Owner DongWan-oppa's beloved cat, kimchi o(=^ω^=)o!!!
Meow!!! Like owner, like cat, ever so cute X3!!!~
And if you read my previous post, you know i want to someone from Shinhwa *smirks*...
VRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scary XD???
Because of the stupid HDTV he got from his GOOD fans X3!!!~
Muahahahahahahaha, i'm so happy XD!!!~
And yes, call me MinWoo, but NO Mr M!!! I still think its corny =P!!!~
But just these days (Actually, yesterday ^^;;...)... i realise... i've got ANOTHER new name!!!
Pi-e-ro??? (Its a random sound usually made by random peoples o(=.=")o!!!~
Its true o(><")o!!! Because i've become SUPER RANDOM, which explains the pointless paragraph above, and also telling Auntie and Loo2 last night THAT i was hungry in the afternoon... and that i slept the night before as well...
Doggies are scared of HAMUTAROs XD!!!~
But its cute, yeah XD!!!~
Yes, i realise this post is very pointless as well, but oh well o(=v=")o!!!~
Friday, February 17, 2006
Do you know...?
... i have MORE HyeSung-oppa's pics, than Micky's???
... i have MORE HyeSung-oppa, DongWan-oppa, Eric-oppa, JunJin-oppa, MinWoo-oppa's pics... than most DBSKs???
... i have MORE PICS of "my-new-self" than Micky's also @.@!!!
Lol, this is so random, but i'm random, so yeah o(^^;;)o...
Although there are more DBSK group pics altogether, with some repeats, but if you're talking about individual pics, i have more of Shinhwa-oppa's o(=.=)o!!!
Hehehe =D!!!~
But i don't want to be Mr M... it sounds so corny =P...
During Shinhwa's birthday bash thing, fans gave MinWoo, get this, a HDTV!!! 76cm, SUPER SLIM *v*!!!~
HyeSung-oppa got a DIGITAL CAMERA (Exifilm, same brand as mine XD!!!~), JunJin-oppa and DongWan-oppa got a CPU each (I am going to attack owner's one tonight o(^o^)o!!!~) and Andy-oppa got a wallet and t-shirt!!!~
I don't even get a normal television for my birthday o(><)o!!! But then again, i have only 1 fan (Name pan-chan =D!!!~) to Shinhwa's millions o(@.@)o (There's me, Auntie, and erm, the rest, no names, cause too many of them my whole Blog won't fit =P!!!~)!!!~
*whacks self*
Anyway, I AM MINWOO!!!
Hehehe, Auntie complains i have too many nicknames ^^;;...
... check out the "evolution" of eiko-chan in the next post =D!!!~
Credits: ShinhwaChangJwo
... i have MORE HyeSung-oppa, DongWan-oppa, Eric-oppa, JunJin-oppa, MinWoo-oppa's pics... than most DBSKs???
... i have MORE PICS of "my-new-self" than Micky's also @.@!!!
Lol, this is so random, but i'm random, so yeah o(^^;;)o...
Although there are more DBSK group pics altogether, with some repeats, but if you're talking about individual pics, i have more of Shinhwa-oppa's o(=.=)o!!!
Hehehe =D!!!~
But i don't want to be Mr M... it sounds so corny =P...
During Shinhwa's birthday bash thing, fans gave MinWoo, get this, a HDTV!!! 76cm, SUPER SLIM *v*!!!~
HyeSung-oppa got a DIGITAL CAMERA (Exifilm, same brand as mine XD!!!~), JunJin-oppa and DongWan-oppa got a CPU each (I am going to attack owner's one tonight o(^o^)o!!!~) and Andy-oppa got a wallet and t-shirt!!!~
I don't even get a normal television for my birthday o(><)o!!! But then again, i have only 1 fan (Name pan-chan =D!!!~) to Shinhwa's millions o(@.@)o (There's me, Auntie, and erm, the rest, no names, cause too many of them my whole Blog won't fit =P!!!~)!!!~
*whacks self*
Anyway, I AM MINWOO!!!
Hehehe, Auntie complains i have too many nicknames ^^;;...
... check out the "evolution" of eiko-chan in the next post =D!!!~
Credits: ShinhwaChangJwo
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Happy Birthday Eric-oppa!!!
Yes, i got addicted to photoshop =D!!!~
Mi-Ui: I love you too Eric-oppa!
Specially for Mi-Ui too X3!!!~
Eric-oppa, Auntie Mi-Ui, PLEASE HWAITING!!!
Yes, the head a little bit weird, but its still SUPER ERIC =D!!!~
Super Eric always fight, wins, and never loses X3!!!~
Mi-Ui: I love you too Eric-oppa!
Specially for Mi-Ui too X3!!!~
Eric-oppa, Auntie Mi-Ui, PLEASE HWAITING!!!
Yes, the head a little bit weird, but its still SUPER ERIC =D!!!~
Super Eric always fight, wins, and never loses X3!!!~
Korean Street ATTACK!!!
Went Korean Street on the 5th of Feb 2006!!! THE FOOD WAS GOOD X3!!!~
And the night before, Mi-Ui and SamSoon came to overnight =D!!!~
Hehehe, so here are some overdue pics =P!!!~
My cousin sister, Ya2, have some weird sleeping habits @.@...
"*gasps* WHAT IS THAT =D???" wonders Mi-Ui.
The night is young, and there was nothing else more worth it to do, then to disturb the sleeping SamSoon, who fell asleep as soon as she hit the pillow *coughpigcough*!!!
Mi-Ui: "Wake up darling!"
"Pupu attack!!!"
"I think she saw me!"
"Don't have??? Good =D! ATTACK!"
"Oh no, she've caught me!"
"Ok ler, sorry darling, SAYANG!~"
... o(=.=")o...
And taking a note out of HyeSung-oppa's book, instead of pulling away Eric's Shin-chan blanket to find hairy legs, i pull the squarish pattern blanket to find someone's legs...
Not hairy one =(...
Hehehe, i even took a similiar video =P!!!~
The next morning, Ya2 refuses to wake up... even when Pupu attacked her!!!
Pupu failed, surprisingly @.@...
Then SamSoon threatens her...
"You don't wake up, i'll jump on you!!!"
Pupu attacked!!!
Btw, want to know how we slept last night???
Like "that", ZzzZzzZzz...
Hahaha, just copying Shinhwa-oppa's style =D!!!~
But SamSoon is ALOT luckier!!!
Shinhwa's style is... Eric-oppa at the bottom, then HyeSung-oppa, DongWan-oppa, MinWoo-oppa (Aka ME =D!!!~), then JunJin-oppa stand BOTH LEGS on top of them all, and Andy-oppa one leg...
... @.@...
Sunday noon, after we all wake up and ready, KOREAN STREET ATTACK!!!
Went to some restaurant as recommanded by Theng jie!!! IT WAS GOOD X9!!!~
Banchan, sizzling marinated beef... YUM X9!!!~
Everything has miracly GONE... into our stomachs X9!!!~
Finish everything =D!!!~ Including the !@#$%^&* RM5 small bowl of rice o(=.=*)o!!! But its good ler =P!!!~
Some of my favourite banchan X9!!!~
Yummy steam eggs!!!~
Nyat!!! No kimchi!!! kimchi don't eat kimchis =D!!!~ We are FRIENDS X3!!!~
Auntie is very happy she is havingEric Korean BBQ!!!~
Mi-Ui: "What? They really don't serve Eric one ar *-*?"
SamSoon: "Cheh, i no Daniel also lar..."
YoungJi: "Hehehe, i got Micky, HyeSung-oppa, YunHo-oppa, etc... X9!!!~"
Mi-Ui and SamSoon: "-_-..."
Mi-Ui: "At least the food is as goodas Eric!!!"
SamSoon: "Tell you what... i got an idea, hehehe..."
This is better, hehehe XD!!!~
Mi-Ui looks like HyeSun-oppa's expression from some clip X3!!!~
This is funny nyan X3???
SamSoon: "Lets shake on it!"
Mi-Ui: "Don't want... your hand..."
"... is poisonous!"
SamSoon: "Oh fine...", and use chopstick to take something...
SamSoon: "... LETS EAT kimchi!!!"
Btw, Auntie turned into a vampire @.@...
BLUE LIPS ORANGE FINGERNAILS with a kimchi next to it =D!!!~
Hehehe X3!!!~
And also...
Yummies i bought =D!!!~
Yeap, thats about it =D!!!~
And the night before, Mi-Ui and SamSoon came to overnight =D!!!~
Hehehe, so here are some overdue pics =P!!!~
My cousin sister, Ya2, have some weird sleeping habits @.@...
"*gasps* WHAT IS THAT =D???" wonders Mi-Ui.
The night is young, and there was nothing else more worth it to do, then to disturb the sleeping SamSoon, who fell asleep as soon as she hit the pillow *coughpigcough*!!!
Mi-Ui: "Wake up darling!"
"Pupu attack!!!"
"I think she saw me!"
"Don't have??? Good =D! ATTACK!"
"Oh no, she've caught me!"
"Ok ler, sorry darling, SAYANG!~"
... o(=.=")o...
And taking a note out of HyeSung-oppa's book, instead of pulling away Eric's Shin-chan blanket to find hairy legs, i pull the squarish pattern blanket to find someone's legs...
Not hairy one =(...
Hehehe, i even took a similiar video =P!!!~
The next morning, Ya2 refuses to wake up... even when Pupu attacked her!!!
Pupu failed, surprisingly @.@...
Then SamSoon threatens her...
"You don't wake up, i'll jump on you!!!"
Pupu attacked!!!
Btw, want to know how we slept last night???
Like "that", ZzzZzzZzz...
Hahaha, just copying Shinhwa-oppa's style =D!!!~
But SamSoon is ALOT luckier!!!
Shinhwa's style is... Eric-oppa at the bottom, then HyeSung-oppa, DongWan-oppa, MinWoo-oppa (Aka ME =D!!!~), then JunJin-oppa stand BOTH LEGS on top of them all, and Andy-oppa one leg...
... @.@...
Sunday noon, after we all wake up and ready, KOREAN STREET ATTACK!!!
Went to some restaurant as recommanded by Theng jie!!! IT WAS GOOD X9!!!~
Banchan, sizzling marinated beef... YUM X9!!!~
Everything has miracly GONE... into our stomachs X9!!!~
Finish everything =D!!!~ Including the !@#$%^&* RM5 small bowl of rice o(=.=*)o!!! But its good ler =P!!!~
Some of my favourite banchan X9!!!~
Yummy steam eggs!!!~
Nyat!!! No kimchi!!! kimchi don't eat kimchis =D!!!~ We are FRIENDS X3!!!~
Auntie is very happy she is having
Mi-Ui: "What? They really don't serve Eric one ar *-*?"
SamSoon: "Cheh, i no Daniel also lar..."
YoungJi: "Hehehe, i got Micky, HyeSung-oppa, YunHo-oppa, etc... X9!!!~"
Mi-Ui and SamSoon: "-_-..."
Mi-Ui: "At least the food is as good
SamSoon: "Tell you what... i got an idea, hehehe..."
This is better, hehehe XD!!!~
Mi-Ui looks like HyeSun-oppa's expression from some clip X3!!!~
This is funny nyan X3???
SamSoon: "Lets shake on it!"
Mi-Ui: "Don't want... your hand..."
"... is poisonous!"
SamSoon: "Oh fine...", and use chopstick to take something...
SamSoon: "... LETS EAT kimchi!!!"
Btw, Auntie turned into a vampire @.@...
BLUE LIPS ORANGE FINGERNAILS with a kimchi next to it =D!!!~
Hehehe X3!!!~
And also...
Yummies i bought =D!!!~
Yeap, thats about it =D!!!~
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