Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I have a role-play tomorrow!

... and i still haven't finish anything =.=*!!!

Honestly, i really really really really really REALLY hate those anthropologist, archaeologist, pychologist, sociologist... whatever "-gist" it is, I HATE THEM!!!

They research research, find out find out, yeah, benefit mankind BUT MADE ME SUFFER!!!

Its like, i have TOTALLY NO INTEREST (Not even the slightest...) in them, and there i am FORCED to find out about them and write and generate questions... !@#$%^&*!!!

Why can i get someone cooler like Dian Fossey??? Hey, at least its about animals, i'll be thriled to research about her!!! Though, i'll probably use up one whole period talking about her in class =P!!!~ Hehehe!!!

Luckily no one else got Dian Fossey or Jane Goodall... otherwise i'll be VERY JEALOUS!!! Mind, i don't hate "-gist" or people who study about animals!!! I admire them =D!!!~ They are conservationist working to provide a better life for animals!!!~ FIGHTING XD!!!~

But anyways... i don't want to do my homework now T-T... i want to sleep... i just want to melt in HyeSung-oppa's voice... Micky's smile... but !@#$%^&*...

I. WANT. TO. Zzz ;o;!!!

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