Friday, October 24, 2008


I shall refrain from some all ANY Redang pics, for now, until i can think about it without feeling the pang which i've always felt after returning from there.
It's a feeling like "homesick", or maybe i can call it "Redangsick"... something along those lines.
Make that *anything* that reminds me of the Most Wonderful Place on Earth!!
I feel like crying every time i'm reminded of Redang. SOMEONE BRING ME BACK TO REDANG!! PRONTO!!!

Times like this makes me wish i could be a Jumper. I would jump only once to Redang, and stay there forever, so the "bad people" couldn't find me. If i need to go home, i would take the bus (or flight) instead.
(I've considered being like a "Twilight-standard" vampire, so i could run there, but that would lessen the chance of me seeing a Sea Turtle, so i decided against it.)

The Cow and the Pig misses Redang (a lot) too (but i think i miss Redang most!! Or maybe they just don't talk about it as much as i do?)!!

At least there's someone to share your "missing-Redang-woes" with!!

Someone bring me back there, please?
(David Rice, do you exist?)
(ps: And hopefully you look like Hayden Christensen.)

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