Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I have black hair. again.

I just cut my hair.

I looked like a porcupine with a long tail.

The brown-coloured part are all cut off, leaving only a slight shade of dark brown; the base colour which was used.

So much for buying the dye to dye my hair back to BLACK.

Lucky i cut my hair first.

Very bloody unlucky today.

Don't want to mention any of it.

But to "top-it-off"... my teeth are spoiling. SOMEHOW.

Don't ask me, i don't know WHAT HAPPENED!

I don't floss, but i brush my teeth every morning (or when i bath in the afternoon) and every night.

I tried my best to take care of my teeth. But my "best" doesn't seem to be enough.

So much for losing weight over the holidays... i gained more.

So much for studying-plans over the holidays... i slacked throughout it.

So much for being emo... i've never been so emo for so many times throughout my life.

Is holiday good?

Or is holiday bad?

I have no idea.

Maybe i should start playing online games, like HeeNim.


Or maybe find my own KiBum and HanKyung, and move in together.

Or at least, find my own DongHae and JungWo?

Whatever it takes to stop my emo-ings?

I don't know, but somehow i've always felt that HeeNim and i are somewhat similiar.

Maybe cause of our weird "artist-emo-ways".

Plus the fact our birthdays are quite close to each other. Sorta.

Though my birthday is closer to my RyeoWook in EVERY WAY, i still feel, personality-wise, closer to HeeNim.

My Wooky is too sweet, innocent and naive. SIMPLE!

However, HeeNim and i are always having huge rollercoaster of emotions!

But however, maybe RyeoWooky, like me, sometimes fail to show our emotion.

Who will ever know?

HeeNim. HeeNim.

Not that i know him exactly, its more of how i perceived him from his diary entries.

I've always love oppa's diary entries.

Its because oppa is always so "true to himself", and is really himself in it. In his entries.

Its only in our entries which we're always truest.

And seeing our "emo-rates".

Yeap, concluded.

Pretty much alike... somehow.

Just oppa is much luckier in some sense.

KiBum. HanKyung. JayKim. DongHae. YunHo. SiWon. JaeYoung.

I've always admired oppa.

From one of the members i quite dislike, to one of the member i really respect and love as a dongsaeng now.

HeeNim is always himself.

For that i seriously admire him.

You may say i'm jealous of him... to some extent.


As the saying goes, the grass is always greener on the other side.

Heaven, if Super Junior is on the other side, i wouldn't mind jumping over the fence all the time for greener grasses.

Can keep fit somemore. Heehee.

Nyat, one things for sure, i should stop emo-ing, and start getting a life.

I'll find my own KiBum and HanKyung, and i'll name my dog (or cat) KyungKiChul if its necessary.

Yes, even play Niniji!

Though, i would want to celebrate all special occassions with close family and friends.

Especially my birthday.

That, is our only differences. Apart from the likeable factor as well o(=v=")o...

Fighting! I'm sure i'll find it one day =)!

Unless if my health or bad tooth kills me first.



Take care of yourself!



ps: The truth behind my hubby's background, which i'm sure everyone would've know who he is now, is making me o(@@)o...

But whatever it is, i still love him =)!

And my darlings!~

Strange how sometimes "things bring you around" yah?

I'll explain it next time. I want to sleep and cuddle with my Simba and dongsaengs now!


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