Thursday, October 27, 2005

In IB class XD!!!~

Hahaha, in IB class now, computer lab session ^-~!!!~

The reason why everybody loves the IB com lab session, we get to play games on the com or do whatever we want XD!!!~ Muahahahahaha!!!~

Mr Reynolds wants to mark papers, and hates the racket we make; so he just puts us in the lab and sits outside.

Unlike Ms Kristen who'll sit inside the lab, Mr Reynolds don't come inside often; unless to give us the papers or if we're too noisy ^^|||... hehehe XD!!!~

Me and my "Maggie Buddy" Joanne, was playing the games (From Maggie Market) like crazy, and then Ashleigh joined in...
But cause his com can't load the games, so he played on mine, and bullied me in the Maggie Bakery game T-T... why!!! It was just his first time playing, and he got consistently like 83XX, and i get around 63XX only, even though i've played ALOT of times ToT...

His memory power is so much better than mine...

But must ganbatte!!! Must beat him!!! GANBATTE XD!!!~

But haha, the last game i won him by around erm... 300??? Wahahahahahaha XD!!!~

Hehehe XD!!!~

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