Saturday, October 29, 2005


I should stop using the laptop my bro borrow me to its full advantage... i mean... i'm currently using its "full advantage" now, which is its ability to move it around, it being portable...

But anyways... tee-hee XP...

This entry is totally devoted to 2 movies; one i haven't watch but so totally-looking-forward to it... and another is one i watched yesterday with my wife Loo2...

Actually want to write for 3 movies, but erm... i realise i talked too much, so it'll be like... REALLY LONG if there's 3 so... hehe paiseh ^^...

Chicken Little

Did i mention before that i just love Chicken Little???

That well, erm... "chick", is just the cutest XD!!!~ Just love him X3!!!~

Oh btw, i've told the wrong storyline to everyone who've asked "What is it about?"... My friends ask me that because everytime i see its ad, i go XD and start squelling and screaming with joy (Accompanied with a BIG BIG BIG smile on my face ^-^!!!~)!!!~ And the ad doesn't really tell of the storyline, just that cute little thing dancing (Thats when i fell for him X3!!!~).

Anyways, just now i was watching Disney Channel, and i saw the "real"??? ad of it.

Chicken Little was always bullied and all with his friends; then one day, something sparkly dropped from the sky, and i assumed that its the aliens or something thats trying to invade earth (Because that thing is like those space stuffs...), and they (CL and his friends...) want to warn the world with it... or something...

Blah, i'm bad at explaining this (Because i was busy screaming with joy then =P!!!); so go watch it yourself!!!

BTW, one of his friend... is a fish...

NO KIDDING... a fish... wearing those helmets you wear when you go underwater... but his is with water inside instead...

Talk about cuteness no.2 XD!!!~

Some pics i got online...

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Disney's Chicken Little

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Too big of a head XD!!!~

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He and his cute geeky glasses and silly expression... just LOVE IT X3!!!~


Koma 2

A movie with a meaning. Its suppose to be a horror movie i assume, but i like to think of it as a touching and emotional movie which is very sad...

Though, i would have to say the character she potray is not 100% convincing (Maybe just 90%??? 95%???); probably because i'm too use to her pretty, beautiful, cute, sweet and kind character she is in other movies X3!!!~

But its still good, and she really sacrifies her image for it!!!

YOU GO GIRL!!! May you win the Best Actress for the next award-ceremony-thing!!!~

Spoilers ahead!

Shu Qi, Fong Zhong Shun's character and their son, BB (Its his name in the movie, forgot his real name =P!!!)...

Let me say something first...

Their son, BB... oh my God... OH MY GOD!!!


Mind, i don't usually proclaim my love for a little boy (Its like so "bian tai" and "guai zi po"!!!) - with the exception of the little boy, Yuuji, in Ima, Ai ni Yukimasu, which i still so love X3!!!~ - but he, BB, is really SUPER SUPER SUPER ULTIMATELY ADORABLY INCREDIBLY CUTE XD!!!~ And a good actor, not 100% good, but definately a 95% for a boy his age!!!~

Though Yuuji in Ima Ai is a much better actor - because for me, he is the ultimate good little boy actor- but BB definately comes second!!!~

Maybe for adorably ultimate cuteness, they are even???

I don't know!!! I just love them both XD!!!~ Make me and my wife Loo2 go "Ahhhhh XD!!!~" in EVERY SINGLE scene he appeared with his ULTIMATE CUTENESS; although we shouldn't because its a horror movie.

Oops... sidetracked again =...

Anyway, the storyline is like this...

They move into a new apartment, and its a happy thing, but on the first day while moving, BB went missing awhile (When he cried, although i think i shouldn't feel this way... but... CUTENESS XD!!!~).

Luckily found him, but then there is this "monster-like-thing" (Karena Lam) who keeps stalking BB, actually ever since they arrived or something (She stayed in the apartment's ventilation system.).

Eventually, Karena Lam's character manages to catch him (Because he looked like her son...), and the whole movie is on how Shu Qi's character tries to find her son (Because Karena's character stayed in the ventilation system, its kinda difficult??? And she climbs around real fast too!!!), and finding out Karena's character's history and stuffs...

On Karena's character's history in the movie, which made me cry (Though Loo2 didn't =/...) because i really pity her...

Last time before the new condos were build over it, it was the squatter areas. Karena's character had a happy family, although they were poor, but they were very happy.

But then the government want to claim the land, the people protest, and Karena's husband died then.

She and her son move back to that area, although no one else was left there, and they survive by finding food at the rubbles and stuffs.

Karena's character went a little mental then because of the lost of her husband, and still acted as if her husband hasn't died, although not that serious yet...

Then one night, she was real sick, and her son acted like an adult (REAL CUTE XD!!!~) and goes to find food for her.

While picking up can food at this place, the zinc roof fell on him T-T...

Karena's character still stayed there, and cook for 3 and acted as if they all were still there, and went really mental and this is where i think her acting really "shined" because its like... so sad imo T-T...

And yeah, her character didn't really cared about her appearance and all, and went quite erm... i can't find the word, but its really scary 0_0 (Thats why i say Karena REALLY sacrifies her image!!!).

p/s: She didn't know her son had died, didn't find the body, thats why when she saw BB she thought he was her son!!!

It was really sad, i really pity her character, thats why i went T-T... hehehe =P!!!

One pic only, because my com can't read and write chinese (T-T...), and i BADLY want to show everyone the little boy (XD!!!~), so this is the best i could get!!!

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Karena and her son!!!
Isn't he cute XD???
Maybe not "the-ultimate" here, but you'll agree with me after you watch the movie ^-~!!!

I don't want to add this pic in me Blog lar (Because if i saw it unexpectedly, i frightened myself =P!!!). It is a pic of BB and Karena's character after her family's death (Quite scary one...)!!! And the only other one with the little cute boy inside!!!~


Did Loo2 laugh at me (Because i cry...)??? Nah, i didn't think she did... because she's nice and when the movie ended, i asked her if she cried (She say she didn't...) and after that we immediately went into the "THE BOY IS STILL SO CUTE XD!!!~" mode!!!~ Hehehe X3!!!~

Actually the 3rd movie is "All About Love" by Andy Lau, Charlene Choi (Ah Sa XD!!!~) and Charlene Yeung, but i guess it'll be too long ne ^^... next time ne!!!~

Ok, before i leave to read my new Princess Diaries books (YEAH XD!!!~); now the list of movies I REALLY WANT TO WATCH!!!

- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Daniel Radcliffe XD!!!~)

- Chicken Little (I must be stupid if i didn't add this!!!)

- Memoirs of a Geisha (Then i can rest my mind on no need to read the book... but how if i went "I MUST READ THE BOOK!!!"??? Like Harry Potter @.@??? Nvm, books are good ^-~!!!)

- Chronicles of Narnia (Unlike Harry Potter, i'm not over enthusiasm for this, but it'll be so uncool not to add it, so =P!!!)

- Ok... i need my newspaper's Cinema listings ^^...

Unlike last time, when me and my lao po "very free" (Watched 5 movies in a week @.@... but still unable to beat my dad's record of 7 movies a week @o@...), we finish all "watchable" movies that time, and after that was like "WHY ISN'T THERE ANYMORE NEW MOVIES TO WATCH"!!!

But now, Loo2 broke and no time (Cause working...) and me no time, so rarely went for movies dee T-T... so theres like so many movies i want to watch in the cinemas currently (But still less than the average people ^^... i'm such a super movie-goer X3!!!~) ToT... haih...

The Sad Confession of a Movie-goer =P??? Hehehe X3!!!~

Gotto go read the diary of Princess Mia dee (I agree with Ee May... Michael sounds hot XD!!!~)!!!~ Hehe XP!!!~

Ja, have a nice day everyone X3!!!~

1 comment:

wHOisBaBy said...

i've read the memoir of the geisha a few years back and indeed is a book worth reading. very interesting. most probably the movie and the book will not be the same.
