Thus, i slept from around 5pm to 11pm just now.
Having waking up 6am this morning to accompany mom to the temple!
I had been sleeping late and forcing myself to wake up early in the morning due to events!
Actually, its really not-that-early, but considering the time i had slept the night before.
Yes, it is "early-in-the-morning"!
Super Junior-t - 로꾸거!!!

Super Junior-t will be debuting tomorrow 3.30pm KoreanTime on SBS Inkigayo!
Pray everything will go well and smooth, and ALL THE BEST TO THEM!
As nervous they are for tomorrow's debut, I'M FEELING NERVOUS AS WELL!
Though i can't catch the LIVE BROADCAST, for obvious reasons...
I can feel that i'll be there tomorrow to support them!
*dances to the song*
Its just such a nice, catchy and funny song XD!~
Everyone has did a GREAT JOB for the MV!
I've watched it like, a lot of times!
Its just so nice and addictive!
Although i would've prefered it if KangIn had more appearance time, but i'm grateful for the BIG TEDDY BEAR's TROT-DANCE-STYLE in the MV!
YoungWoon-yah, YOU ARE LOVED XD!~
Although i've had a very full lunch this afternoon, i'm feeling hungry now.
Shouldn't eat anything now, since its already late... but i can't help and ate two
Tomorrow guarantee face will appear bigger than it already was.
Actually i feel its more due to MOUTH ITCHY.
And because i went to the loo for some withdrawal just now?
However... still...
How to lose weight if so?
I've already had QueenOfTheFreakingUniverseAmanda biting my head saying i'm FAT this morning o(ㅠ.ㅠ)o!
But somehow it coming from QueenOfTheFreakingUniverseAmanda, i've no bad feelings towards it.
It just makes me feel like FIGHTING and WORK HARDER!
After biting her head that is.
But back to my "work harder"... always end up... *sigh*...
Continuously cheering and encouraging myself... but...
RyeoWook should come back and supervise his nuna's eating habits from now onwards.
No, let me move there and accompany them when they do their schedules!
Guarantee i'll lost weight immediately!
Apart from wanting to look my best for them...
Because looking at them... they are TOO YUMMY...
... i'll forget to eat XD!~
Anyways, they are too yummy i'll be FULL all the time adee, won't i?
Super Junior is kimchi LOVE o(≧▽≦)o!~
~~ ♪~~~ 로꾸거 로꾸거 로꾸거 말해말 ♪~~~!~
ps: Class starting soon.
Bugger. Tomorrow's my last holiday day.
I miss my classmates. But at the same time i don't want to see them as well =P!
It signifies CLASS IS STARTING o(ㅠ.ㅠ)o!
However, being positive:

*dances to the song 로꾸거*
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