Friday, April 04, 2008

Hae-ish day.

I lost my Hae and Stitch handphone strap today.

As posted before, i was devastated.

Yeah, i tried looking for it, but as expected, it's like looking for that one fur HeeChul shed last night in a deep blue ocean.

Yeap, that difficult.

Lost forever.

To make matters worst, i was listening to my mp3-walkman as i stroll around OU looking for that bloody lost-forever-handphone strap, and whenever i pay attention to the song which is playing, which is obviously SuJu's songs, it would ALWAYS be DongHae's part.

(= =")

And then while having my dinner with Auntie and Rou-Master, Auntie ordered this Grape Fruit drink, and then gave it to me.

I actually have a list of fruits i relate SuJu members to.

And Grape Fruit is the fruit i name DongHae as.

So Hae-ish.
It's like every step reminding me of my lost handphone-strap.

Unfortunately, i'll have to let this matter down after feeling emo for almost the whole day.

What else can i do? Honestly saying.

Just hope my beloved precious will be fine wherever they are now.

I'll miss you.


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