Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The forgotten one.

The last time round when SuJu came to Malaysia... i forgot about RyeoWook.

Like, a "totally" one except during dinner because KyuHyun was so freaking adorable with him and JongWoon.

And this time around... i forgotten...



But what the... do i really have miss at least one a member every time they are in Malaysia?
(Well, only two times, but it's still a "time"?)

Next time around when they come to Malaysia again, maybe i'll forget about KyuHyun, and then it can be "Super Junior - K.R.Y." nyah?
Sorry JongWoon!!
What irks me most is you're the one of the 13 who i want to see most... but... it just slipped when you're right there (= =")...

Er... blame my HeeChul, it's her fault she wanted me to pay extra-special attention to HeeNim and her appa.


I'm a horrible ELF (ㅠ.ㅠ)...

1 comment:

@pple pie said...

haha..u r soo fuuny..:)
