Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Do you believe in Horoscope?

Honestly, i don't like to read too much on horoscope, even though i'm very interested in it (how horoscope effects someone's personality and everything) because some is just completely off, while some is... you know...

But this one, wow, i wouldn't say it's "100% true", but i think it's kinda creepy how i find there *are* some facts in it... It's as if someone is helping me to express myself. Not all, but good enough!
I took around 15-30 minutes to read this, but i think it's worth it! Hmm... but maybe if i don't multi-task i can be quicker? Hehehe!

(ps: More like their brains are always changing, lols!)

>> >   >> >     笑>> >   >> >>> >
雙子們的笑永遠都是最單純的,無論什麼時候你都會看到一直都在笑的雙子,因為他們一直都只想把自己的快樂帶給別人,卻只把悲傷留給自己,你沒有看到過雙子 的眼淚是因為他從來不會在被人面前哭,當你看到雙子的眼淚的時候,那麼說明你是真的把他們的真心奪走了,因為雙子真的很需要一份值得的依靠,他會每時每刻 的在乎你的一切,他們很敏感的,會跟著你的快樂而快樂,跟著你的憂愁而憂愁,跟著你的改變而改變,但在你面前他們從來都是快樂的。
(ps: Nah, this one ma-ma nya. For starters, i always cry. Second, the highlighted phrase sounded more "noble" than it really is. Like what Harry told Ron (if you read HP!). I'm not that, it's more like i'm a "mirror", i reflect emotions =D!)

>> >   >> >     愛>> >    >> >>> >
一提到雙子的愛,一般人肯定都會說:>> >>> >雙子座的人最花心。可是是真的是這樣嗎?雙子和異性的關係好只是因為他們非同一般的親和力,而雙子的真心只有一個,當他找到的時候,他就會付出自 己的一切讓對方得到幸福,他要的不是他自己能和對方在一起,他要的是對方的幸福,和雙子在一起會感到很隨和,因為他會包容你的一切,你的一切優點和缺點, 和雙子在一起絕對不會覺得被鎖住,你只要做自己就好,因為雙子喜歡的就是真實的你,做作的人根本不會得到雙子的心。
(ps: Oh yeah, 13 boys! See it the way you want =D!)

>> >   >> >    堅強>> >   >> >>> >
有人說雙子很堅強,什麼都不在乎,是阿,表面的雙子確實很堅強,但是內心他們比任何人都脆弱,也許這也是風向星座的人的一個特性,決不會讓別人看到自己脆弱的一面,因為他們都是一個有一雙別人看不見翅膀的天使,天生就會給別人帶來快樂,雙子們的眼淚是透 明的,別人看不見,可是自己卻能看得很清楚這樣的透明的淚給自己開來雙倍的痛。
(ps: No lor, more like i have a very bad case of selective-amnesia. Hehe.)

>> >    >> >    人際>> >   >> >>> >
雙子們的人緣很好,因為他們懂得你什麼時候需要什麼樣的幫助,而且雙子們會根據不同的人有不同的交往方式,雙子很容易相信別人,所以經常會被欺 騙,可是在欺騙後他們仍然會輕輕的笑笑然後說:沒關係的,他騙我肯定會有原因。雙子從來不會知道後悔是什麼,因為他們時時刻刻都在為別人想,總會設身處 地,可是這樣別人根本就不知道,就是因為他幫助別人太多了,所以在他需要幫助的時候卻總是孤立無援,然後繼續的笑著,笑著找到一個角落,留下那顆透明的 淚。
(ps: True, but i've also learned that there'll always be someone for me when i needed them most... whether they like it or not (^^ )!)

>> >   >> >    朋友>> >    >> >>> >
當雙子的朋友真的很幸福哦!因為當你遇到什麼困難時,他會比你更著急,甚至會失去自己寶貴的東西也會幫助你,他會帶給你快樂幫你分擔憂愁,可是你 卻看不到他的孤獨和無助,當雙子看到你不高興的時候,無論這時他有多麼的鬱悶,他也會立刻露出最真實的笑容來幫助你。
(ps: Hah! Don't take me for granted, or i will too! Lols!)

>> >   >> >    執著>> >     >> >>> >
說雙子善變,那隻是片面之詞,對於雙子真正喜歡的東西,它是會執著的讓人害怕的,就是因為內心太像小孩子太單純,所以對於他們真正喜歡的東西,他 們是根本就不知道放棄是什麼的,除非是他們自己發現這個東西不值得,否則他們是絕對不會放棄的,只要是他們肯定的,他們就會有超出別人很多的堅持和執著。

>> >   >> >    自尊>> >     >> >>> >
雙子的自尊很重要,對於他們最重要的恐怕就是這個了,他們懂得原諒,無數次的去試著原諒,就算別人讓自己千瘡百孔,他們也會無條件的有自己的寬 容,有自己的原則和原諒,就是因為他們的自尊,他們的自尊心讓他們相信這個世界永遠都是最美的,因為他們的自尊不允許自己放棄這個世界。

>> >    >> >   分享>> >     >> >>> >
在雙子的世界裡沒有分享,只有是你的或者是我的,他們不會把一樣東西去和別人分享,因為他們認為這樣對那樣東西是不公平的,因為他在乎每一個人每 一樣東西的感覺,只要他認為這件東西是自己可以割捨的,他絕對會無條件的退出,去成全別人,對於欺騙過他們的戀人,他會選擇原諒,但絕對不會再和他們在一 起,因為他懂得這樣不值得

>> > >> >>> > 雙子座的人真的很可愛,真的很需要人的保護和安慰,他們不會放棄世界,卻會放棄自己,去成全別人,他們懂得原諒和理解,無論這一秒他有多討厭一個 人,下一秒看到那個人脆弱的一面,他還是會去無條件地幫助他,真的很傻吧?但是傻的好可愛,好讓人心疼,痛過以後,他們依然會笑著面對以後未知的路,繼續 原諒,繼續理解,繼續快樂,繼續的傻著,改變雙子真的很難吧?因為他們的心都是金剛石作的,但不是說他們無情,他們的執著只是針對自己的,那麼孤傲的一個 人,也只是針對自己,因為他們不知道怎麼表達自己的內心,所以他們選擇了沉默。 >> >
(Last line a bit off, it's actually more like i don't know how to express myself properly, so i choose to make a lot of noise on other matters, HAHAHA!)
Ok, i just contradicted myself in the replies. Not the first time.
This is why Geminis are Twins see; they are not "scary" per se, they are just difficult (and very fussy!)!!

But honestly, don't read this then go around like "This is you! You should be like this!" etc. Like the first phrase said, Gemini changes easily (but not exactly because of the world, rather the brain is just especially hyperactive... and maybe also because of the "Twin" contradiction part... ok, don't mind me, lols!!). One minute they may be like this, who knows the next? Personally, i don't like to "cast things into stone", because i know i change quickly.
Put it short, it's just: judge me, define me, come to conclusions on me... and i may surprise you. (Not in a bad "HAHA i'm out to get you *cue evil laugh*" type of "surprise", but just i may do something which you did not expect me to do in the first place, so don't say i didn't warn you =D!)

Besides, why go around judging a Gemini, or telling them what type of person they are? Because that might be the last thing you do =P! (Ok, now i sounded scary ㅋㅋㅋ!)

ps: Ok, OCD acting up.
The whole thing was actually in Simplified Chinese... but because i've always prefer Traditional Chinese (and because i started with Traditional Chinese too), and it looks a lot nicer, so...

pps: One thing why i don't like writing all this kinda stuffs, is because i know there are people who read some, interpret it their own way, then go along thinking "Oh it's this way..." without bothering to clear up the misunderstanding. To simplify, they'll just judge me further... etc etc...
But oh well, can't win them all =D!

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