Thursday, May 17, 2007

I told myself to study.

... *ponders on the title*

I told myself to study striking this title out

I FORCED myself to study.

But i couldn't and didn't do.

I've been so stressed out i've been turning emo that even a smile or a laugh its either because the tee-vee program's really funny, or i'm just "forcing it out".

I don't really like people around me to "follow my mood", i mean, yeah, i throw tantrums and my fuse easily burns these days, and i feel bad that my family members have to suffer because of it (but like they hadn't got use to it *snigger*), but i don't like the moody feeling of mine to effect everyone as well.

I prefer i emo, you happy, so you can cheer me up, and then we can bo-liao together =D!

Hmm, scratch the "stressed out" part as well, i don't think i'm exactly stressed... its not exactly the MAIN REASON i'm turning emo, but rather...


I miss going to sleep so much i turned SUPER-EMO and got really sensitive and cried myself to sleep last night, that even the thought of Super Junior couldn't cheer me up.

And THATS *points at statement relating to SuJu above*... SAYING SOMETHING!

My eyes are getting blurry now, and it hurts (>< )! I slept at dawn last night, and then i noticed the 988 radio's MORNING CREW DJ wishing everybody "Good Morning", and the sky outside is getting brighter than the street lamps could've caused...

Then i got emo because i miss sleeping! I miss sleeping because i want to go to sleep! Not because i have to go to sleep!

I miss waking up in the morning with the feeling of "Hmm... what should i do today?"!



All in all, then the bawling part came, and i decided that i should grab KangIn and Teuky and we shall form "The Emo 3" together, because seriously, we emo too much.

Like, seriously.
We emo so much, KangIn shall be King, Teuky shall be Queen, and i shall be the Princess who originated from Mipoyo-Land, where King YehSung and Queen RyeoWook rules and i was given as a gift to KangKing in exchange for him to don't emo so much, when Prince KyuHyun from SamSungLand came and took me away to SimbaLand where i shall rule there with him and Prince SiWon as well, and SungMin is our little Princess, and HanKyung is our Royal Chef, EunHyuk our Royal Eunuch, DongHae and DongHee our Royal Entertainer, and KiBum is our Royal Guard, while HeeChul can be the bad guy with the pretty Anna Sui hand mirror!

I was about to continue it, but if i were to do so it would never end.

Honestly speaking.

If i had a fruitful study session the night before, i wouldn't mind sleeping late or even, NOT SLEEPING AT ALL (though i worship sleep)!

But i didn't, i end up slump on the sofa, watched CSI and start talking to myself how this idiot could avoid liability and that fool over there should pay damages... nada nada nada! Nyet nyet nyet! Woof woof woof!

And two hours had passed before i realised i hadn't do a very good job of talking to myself (= =")...

So i decided i should just screw the fact pattern because i didn't really have a lot of ideas how to solve it, so i decided to just read up when because my brain has already short-fused that it didn't work, so i end up staring at my book for another hour and then decided its bed time, before i get a cardiac arrest (Got it from CSI!) because my heart was beating very fast signalling BEDTIME!

At least i did some reading before i attempted the fact pattern but it was just brief notes on all the topics, that HeeChul could read it and recite the whole thing to me and still have time to catch the random insect from outside the house and bring it into the house!

Bloody hell.

I need ice-cream =(... and Super Junior... and retail-therapy...

But i'm so numb to emotions from too much emo-ing that now NOTHING is doing any help... at all...

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