Don't ask about the title, i guess you'll find out about it soon enough =P!~
After putting off my lappie for a week, i finally on it (only to be greeted by the bloody malfunctioning MSN, bah!) and i should feel happy right?
Not exactly...
The MSN made me feel like strangling it, and somehow i'm starting to feel SOMETHINGS WRONG with my freaking lappie as well.
MSN definately reinstalling, but i'll just hold off the idea of formating my lappie... for now.
Anyways, happy stuffs...
Gosh, i was so backdated in Super Junior news, but now, hehe, I'M BACK =D!
And warning, super full fangirly mode ahead!
Now that my darling collegemates are reading my Blog too, i don't want to scare them by not giving them "some warning" and all of a sudden unleash my fangirly side on them that they scare themselves, change their names and migrates to Alaska *grins sheepishly*!
Ok, thats just a joke, i think the place will be Antartica right guys =P?
I'm not going to hold back what i'm going to write anyways, i just write what i want (my Blog dei XD!~) and i'm just being me =D!
Anyways, i was happily spazing and chatting with my cousinNicole, and typically, being all fangirly and all as usual, and she called me hamsap XD!
Note, i'm not exactly delighted in being called hamsap lar! I just don't mind, cause... its true =P!
And i actually thought i scared my cousin!... but honestly, if you think deeply, she've known me SINCE BIRTH so she's used to it already!
And i wouldn't say, "if she hasn't, she'll have to get use to it", because its OBVIOUS she's used to it XD!~
Hehehe, i feel Auntie must be laughing her head off now if she reads this, and mind, she'll feel the need to want to migrate to Mars if not because she's use to me and my craziness XD!
Ditto to her =P!
Like... seriously =D!
And so do all my dear cousins, and like said, they've known me since the day i came to this world so, no surprise there ne =P?
Anyways, back to what i want to say...
Now just wait for my beloved Baby and... YEAH XD!~
But honestly, i feel like taking hyung's vest and throwing it away! I've seen it so many times its like he didn't change his clothes (= =")...
Super Junior had a group performance again after so long!
Well, not exactly "very long" lar i guess, but after all thats happen, its a happy thing XD!
So i'm not going to complain about knowing about the broadcast late or whatsoever (even though i feel like strangling Clubbox cause i can't wait to watch the performance but it isn't loading fast enough!)!
Because i was spazzing over a topless HeeChul XD! Hehehe!
Anyway it turned into a debate on whose bod is hotter later, which typically i acted like i'm an expert in Super Junior's bods (=v=")...
Which is TRUE, but i'm just going to be all humble and act like what i just said is a "joke" *angelic smile*!
I mean honestly, of all the hours i spend spazzing over them, if i didn't know who has a hot body i should just go stuff my head down my toilet bowl right?
Well, a "hot bod" to my standards anyways! With everyone having different tastes and all!
I don't really have "specific requirements" for me to consider one to be "hot" anyways! What i feel most important would be a healthy look, and "it fits you"!
Just as long as you're not like Malik Noor, or long and lanky and dancing as if your hands about to fly off like Johnny's Jr then i'm satisfied already!
So technically, Super Junior members had passed my "required-standard" 13 times over XD!~
I'm being slightly bias, but its the truth, so same-same lar!
Oh yah, and our HeeNim Kim HeeChul DOES have a GOOD BOD!
Its not "anything great", mind, but its definately not what everyone is thinking (skinny lanky etc)! He has a very nice healthy bod =3!~
Actually there's ALOT of things i wanted to say but somehow my brain can't digest them properly to regurgitate any out in proper form!
If i were to just blah it out now it would appear as if i'm gibberish, so... yeah...
I'll just leave it as it is here =P!
ps: Ooh, cousinNic (I NEED A NICKNAME FOR YOU!!) is forbidding me to eat watermelon from now onwards and i got all poutty because:
One, i LOVEEEE~~ watermelon!
Two, its like forbidding me to ever go near KangIn again (>< )! Because i call KangIn "SuBak Kang", or "Watermelon Kang" (Apart from his "TeddyBear Kang"! For being my big teddy bear XD!~), so asking me to abstain from watermelon is kinda asking me to stay away from him! Nyats!
I call my YoungWoon that because he reminds me of one of my favourite fruit, watermelon!
pps: Kim YoungWoon is LOVE XD!~
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