For starters:
Everyone knows Malaysia's fashion is... well...
i-know you-know we-know.
Let me state the fact that i'm no "
fashion-know-it-all-guru" or whatever you want to say. I just based my opinion,
my very own personal humble "very-critical" opinion, on whatever "fashion" i see or hear about. Keep in mind i'm
very critical as well. And i'm not a "
follow-the-crowd" type of person, unless if i like it, then only i'll have praises for it.
I don't think i'm particularly
fashionable as well, well maybe
i am, but i'm just
physically unable to, so too bad... but all in all,
let's just say i have A LOT to say on this matter, like i have for almost
everything else... except
politics constitution boring stuffs *yawns*.
Anyways, it's not exactly difficult to know what is the current "
in" fashion in Malaysia isn't it? If you go out and see
10 girls who walked pass you wearing the exact-same style,
that's the current fashion.
I'm not being sexist. It's
too bad Malaysian guys don't dress up.
Even if they
do as long as they dress stylishly, whether or not it's the "current fashion" or the fashion
two-seasons-ago, Malaysians will still label them as "fashionable", because Malaysian guys just don't dress up so whenever one do, we are truly grateful.
Yes i know,
we're so sad.
I'm basing on Asian fashion btw, because i don't give a
*toot* whats going on
halfway across the globe lar. I always agree that
Korea and Japan's fashion is far more fashionable anyways.
So yeah, it's no secret Malaysia fashion is *
cough cough* lor... seriously... furthermore, whats with the
lala-zai and mui infestation. Those "goth-wannabe" but dress halfway no dress fullway, "so-called lolita" but missing here and there... OMG
And i actually have
concrete evidence on how Malaysia's fashion is slow.
- Back in 2003, when i went to HongKong, it was around end-of-Summer, but anyways, the "latest fashion" there at that time is something like this (because i don't know how to describe):

What Charlene Choi is wearing, obviously.
A lot of people were wearing those styles in HK at that time, not forgetting you can see clothes of those style for sale almost everywhere.
Along with my cousin's words, she who keeps herself up to date with the latest fashion from Japan, Hong Kong or Taiwan.
When i got back to KL, i forgot what the current style was but ANYWAYS, that latest HK style of 2003, was only popular in KL like... at least one year after i got back.
Slow or not you say?
- Then there was the time when short-jackets were in style.

I know it looks really good on some people, but i will NEVER understand why... its stupid ok, what for you want a jacket which you pay full-price but only get half the cloth?
Ok, very Chinese-thinking, but whatever, i AM Chinese.
Except that Nike one, i never like short-jackets anyways.
ANYWAYS, when my cousin Kat from Thailand saw those are the "latest fashion" of Malaysia, she told me:
"Those short jackets was very fashionable in Thailand... about TWO YEARS AGO."
As if the Internet-Incident is not malu enough, i also have to bear with the malu-ness of explaining to my cousin that Malaysia's fashion memang slow.
They should put up another sign:
Welcome to Malaysia. If you think our fashion is bad, wait till you see our locally-made lala-zais and lala-muis.
They should employ ME to create signboards at KLIA. I think i'm rather talented in it.
- My Korean teacher said that all those latest fashion starts in either Korea or Japan, then to Taiwan, Hong Kong or China... then to Thailand... then Singapore... then the final aka "dumping-area"... Malaysia.
And i so agree.
So yeah, if you don't think Malaysian fashion is slow,
YOU don't know the definition of slow. Perhaps a snail's walk is already
very fast to you.
But i noticed that Malaysian fashion is improving these days!!
Is it because of the improvement of media, internet
*snorts*? Perhaps thanks to
Hallyu? Maybe because people are more willing to pay to dress up nowadays, so suppliers doesn't need to source cheap
leftover-unwanted-10season-old fashion anymore, but rather, they can get
latest fashions from Korea, Japan, Taiwan, HongKong, Thailand etc, put ridiculously heavy prices on them, and people would
STILL pay for them!
Because the buyers know they would be following the "
trend" of overseas if so!
Who cares about the price!! I'm fashionable!!!, they will think.
Whatever the reason is, i was at Korea in February 2008, and the fashion there was
leggings with large oversize shirts, or any
oversize tops are just fine! You can see like... almost
EVERYONE walking around dressed the same (Not forgetting the same hairstyle, lols!)!!
Recently, only like
THREE MONTHS after, in KL,
i came across A LOT of people dressing alike the fashion in Korea!! Whether its at
OU or
Sungei Wang!! Most shops are also starting to carry similar fashion!
Does that mean Malaysia's fashion is finally catching up?
I don't know what the current fashion in Korea is, but seriously, its a
huge improvement from being fashionably slow
YEARS apart, to just
MONTHS apart!! Maybe weeks!!!
Sometimes you seriously wonder how does it improve so fast (or so when i start to notice), are Malaysians finally feeling sick of being
slow fashionably?
I know i sound critical, but i'm really happy that
Malaysia's improving (finally!) and not the subject of being ridiculed as the "
rubbish-bin of last season's fashion" now! YEAH!
And it's really much nicer to see people walking around looking
really fashionable and "
in", as opposed to looking at people who are fashionable like
... 2-3 seasons ago in another country... seriously...
You feel
happier too seeing fashionable people (^^ )!~
Though when 10 people walked passed you dressed the same... erm...
ok too... i guess?
Ah, if only our internet line works the same (= =")... and
improves faster like... now... please... bloody internet line!!!