Saturday, May 10, 2008

Last weekend...

For once let the pictures do the talking!

Last weekend went for lunch with Bro and DaiSou at Pavilion!
Not forgetting Ju-lia (^^ )!~

Nice environment with yummy food!

This is my main-course, didn't get to finish the rice (= =").

Should've suspected something when bro and daisou is sharing... woops...

This is the love of my life there!

Absolutely lovely! LOVE IT SO MUCH XD!~

So does this!

Absolutely heavenly! The best drink ever XD!~

Of course, to me, every meal isn't complete without desserts!
As said before and always will, i have two stomachs; one for main course another for dessert.
In no way i will ever skip dessert. I love desserts too much!

Ice-cream with nuts and tong yun! Yum!
Shall get round to try the mango snow-mountain or something next!

We shopped around to get a blazer for me etc etc, then we went to Times for a break while Ju-lia had her milk!
Me and Ju-lia (i'll say however way i want to, so what with grammar?)!

She loves to go kaikai btw XD!


I love desserts ♡!~
I really really do!~

11th Hour

Last weekend i also went to KLpac with Amanda for the screening of the 11th Hour!
Thanks to her for the free tickets and her friend Shaun for fetching us there (^^ )!~

This is the Queen of the Freaking Universe!

She must be the only one with most nicknames ever given to by me XD!

After the documentary...

Lols, we live up to our names XD!

We didn't had any dinner, so from KLpac we went to Bangsar for mamak!

Yummy! 8/10 verdict!

Saw this really cute cat with a very pretty face while having our "dinner"!

Poor thing, a gum was stuck to her back legs!!
I was rather angry wondering who did this to her, but its possible that she rolled on the floor and the gum stuck there. But still, you shouldn't throw gum on the floor, its unethical.
It totally didn't cross my mind that i could've helped her remove it actually... what an idiot (= =")...

We didn't had anything we could feed to her, so i ran to 7-11 to get a pack of cat food for her! She was really happy (^^ )!~
Hope wherever she is now that she's happy and healthy! Fighting girl!

We went home afterwards, Amanda was dead as a cow (lols), and i got licked throughly by my goddaughter Roxy, lols XD!

Overall it was a fun and interesting outing!
I wouldn't say i learn much from the documentary (having attended World Issues @ ICPU), but it was still very educational nonetheless, to hear how we are actually committing suicide and how we'll all going to die soon from it XD!

So yeah, unless if we start caring about the environment now, what those professionals said in the documentary is going to come true.

And don't you hate it when nerds and smart-alecs are true?

So to make them eat their own words, we should start conserving and caring for the environment, and STOP GLOBAL WARMING!
So for once we can go "TO YOUR FACE" and smack their face, having prove that we might not be as smart (as them), but we're still capable of not killing ourselves as they had predicted!!

So for once we'll actually be SMART and not idiots like we always are XD!!
(That said, whoever who still eats Shark's Fin Soup are still fools and forever will be)


ps: There's a reason why it's important to spay your cats seriously!
The reason why there are so many strays around is because we are so ulu-minded that we think that we're being mean to the cat and deprive them of one of the pleasures of life.

My dear ulu-friend from the jungle...
For one, cats are not as perverted as humans (or you). So if we spay them from young, they won't and will never have the need ever.
Even if they do have the need, it'll only be the need to reproduce, which even if they do do it there's no harm done. Just cannot give birth nya mar, isn't it?
Second, everyone (or ulu-people only) thinks its "cruel", isn't it more cruel to have unwanted stray cats roaming around the streets with hungry stomachs, cold weather and no place to call home?

Think about it.

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