Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Complains blabbers complain!


Argh, i walked to class just now from the parking place... I SWEAT LIKE MAD!!!

And how come some bloody humans can just WALK, or can i say STRUT, along the shoplots to college?
They can walk slowly, laugh with their friends, shake their bums, AND CONTINUE WALKING SLOWLY!
Not even giving way to people who are probably in a hurry and rushing like mad behind them!

Ok, maybe they are not in a hurry, BUT BLOODY HELL!!! I'M BEHIND THEM AND I AM IN A HURRY!!!
But they can continue strutting along the shoplot as if nobody's business!
Worst is those HUMANS who walked SLOWLY, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE "ROAD"!
Or they walk, suddenly stopped to laugh with their friends, resulting in me almost knocking into them... ARGH!!! BLOODY HELL!!!

How i wish i can run as fast as RoadRunner and push all those humans to the side of the road as i rush to college!
Hah, its good if i can run as fast RoadRunner also...
  • I'll never be late for class.
  • I can always take my own sweet time to look for parking, since i only need less-than-a-minute to run to college.
  • I won't be sweating like mad while walking to college.

Ah, the sweetness X3!!!~

ARGH, let me go finish up my CCA now, FIGHTING!!!~

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