Monday, May 15, 2006

Like owner like cat...

*Please ignore this unless if you are Auntie or know what is going on behind this matter =D!~*

Owner is messy, cat is messy (What to do, learn that from him =P!).
Owner is busybody, cat is also very busybody.
Owner has big reactions, cat also very big reactions.
Owner can laugh like mad suddenly, cat can always do so too.
Then owner receives weird stare from JunJin-oppa because of mad laugh, cat also always receives so from Auntie.

Owner likes to popo when he is drunk, cat also likes to popo (Just that no need wait until drunk...).
Owner likes to pout lips when things doesn't get his way, cat loves to pout too when things doesn't get her way.
Owner is Hercules when drunk, cat is Pegasus when... erm... cat doesn't like alcohol... but whatever.

Owner eats everything that is good for him, cat eats everything that is bad for her.
Well, it is the same right? Technically...

And last but not least...

Owner loves kimchi, kimchi loves owner o(^ω^)o!~

- You should see owner's room.

- Quoted from Shinhwa-oppas during the TentGame in Making of PerfectMan.
HyeSung - once on a plane, you know how ur skin peels cuz of lack of protein sometimes, well my finger was peeling and at the time dongwan was reading the paper on some article on a new skin disease that was contagious and spreading or something, and then suddenly he gets serious and turns to me and pts at my finger and goes "thats this!!" so i was like nah~ its not and jokingly put my finger on his face~ and then his eyes went huge and he starting screaming and shoving me away~~ on the plane!! so embrassing!!!

Eric - and hes like always touching things cuz hes so curious, and like when we're filming and theyre like "dont touch the set its fragile!!" and dongwans like "OK~~~!!! *PUNCH*" (punches set straightaway)

HyeSung - "dont touch the painted walls they peel easily!!" dongwan~ "OK~~~!*SCRATCH*"
and hes still like that now! when dongwan walks past, theres always something that falls down
So what i would do too . Typically me.
But i more of a good cat than owner =P!

- The popo-part? Ask SamSoon =D!~

Thats all kimchi can think for now, mwehehe =3!!!~

Quote credits:

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