Monday, March 06, 2006

DongWan-oppa and HyeSung-oppa are the "Mirror King"...

Only owner DongWan-oppa's pic available here, thanks to Auntie Amane!!!~

... and YoungJi-sama is the "Mirror Princess" o(^o^;;)o!!!

... and the new Joongie-oppa thanks to the Big Eyes o(=v=")o...

... ok, wake up, no need to faint lar XD!!!

I've always known myself to look into the mirror to check out my hair when i'm out, or any reflective part to check my hair... yes, i love my hair, and i want to make sure its in good shape especially when i'm outside =D... and sometimes, i don't even notice myself doing that...

But i've never known myself to be "super-vain"... to a very "scary" extent o(=v=")o...

Just now i went out with Kat to OU... and we went to Sinma, where there are alot of mirrors around, and one big one near the counter... while browsing through the store, i kept on checking out my hair and eyes (Because of the Big Eyes... and its freaking dry, don't know is it because i spoil it or what o(@.@)o...)...

Then while i waited for Kat to pay...

... i notice the mirror near the counter...

... i start staring at it...

... i start checking out my hair and tidying it...

... then i walk OVER to the mirror to check my hair closer...

Ok, let me faint with you all now *faints*...


It was only when i was like 2-3 steps AWAY from the mirror did i NOTICE what i was doing and quickly go back to the counter to pay for my stuffs!!! HOLY KIMCHI!!!

The shopkeepers must be wondering "Whats WRONG with that girl?"!!! How do i answer them (Although really, they would never had ask...)??? I MYSELF DON'T KNOW THE ANSWER!!!

This is kiakia, when did i get this "vain-habit" from my owner??? Must be the after-effect of living with him 24/ 7 aka TOO LONG o(=v=")o...

And yes, Joongie-oppa's part... today while i was chatting with my cousin sis, i laughed and the way i placed my hands on my mouth is SO JaeJoong-style o(0_0)o!!!

I don't know how to explain the "JaeJoong-style", but i'm sure those who know JaeJoong would get whats the "JaeJoong-style"...

Oh kimchi, "JaeJoong-ALERT" o(0_0)o!!!

The next thing you know, i'll start walking randomly over to some plants, looked at the plants, then walk back... become SUPER RANDOM dee o(O_O)o...

Kimchi kia now o(><)o... but it'll be funny XD!!!~

If only Joongie-oppa's prettiness is contractable too o(ToT)o...

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