Friday, March 10, 2006

I just want to say...

... despite all the Korean w-ind blowing at my direction...

... despite the fact that i've "accidentally" missed two of your latest PVs (Hey, people at wflforums didn't upload after the links expired lar o(;o;)o, not my fault???... ah, ok, i'm pushing responsibilities =P!!!~)...

... despite the fact that i've missed the release date of your latest single 「IT’S IN THE STARS」 (I thought it'll be release in March, its actually 22nd of Feb 2006 o(=v=")o... BAD KIMCHI!!!)...

... despite the fact its already March when i heard your latest single o(=v=")o...

... despite the fact that i thought your latest album was named "Thanks to"... but "Thanks to" was actually the title of one of DBSK's songs... your latest album is 「THANKS」 o(=v=")o...

... despite the fact i've got all caught up with the Korean w-ind and didn't buy your latest single...

... i'll still buy your latest album, 「THANKS」!!!~

I still love you dudes after all o(^-^)o!!!~

w-inds. baby o(^-^)o!!!~

I LOVE w-inds.!!!~

Buy their latest album 「THANKS」 o(^-^)o!!!~

Watch their latest Bourbon CM here!!!~ Keita wink wink X3!!!~
Omg, the hotness!!! CAN go *v*!!!~ NYAN XD!!!~

Of course, i'll also never forget my ChouChou o(^-^)o!!!~
What is my "ChouChou"???
Its up to your own "imagination"!!! Hehehe!!!~

The fact still remains ChouChou and w-inds. are still at the top of my heart... we've just been through too much together o(TvT)o *tears of happiness*...

Love them X3!!!~

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