Sunday, March 05, 2006

Yeah X3!!!~

I became an aunt TWICE in a day!!!

Well, the "in a day" must count by Malaysian time lar if i'm not mistaken ^^;;...

Both my cousin sis gave birth yesterday!!! YAH X3!!!~

And i'm going to get to see BOTH OF THEM at the end of this year XD!!!~


Pics again today =D!!!~ I'm excited X3!!!~

Some Thursdays ago, Catherine and I bought Lazie for his FIRST GROOMING SESSION!!!

Hehehe, as Cat says, his "virgin" grooming session X3!!!~

Its just the basic grooming; clip nails, clean ears then bath and dry.

I actually wanted to get the groomer to shave Lazie bald, but thats another story... lets not go there o(=v=")o...

His ears are really dirty because they were not cleaned before, and it IS his first grooming session, but Cat handled it already i'm sure!!! Go go!!!~

And Lazie's really SMART!!! Because have to drip some ear lotion thingy to clean his ear, it'll get itchy and the groomer Adrian asked us to stop him if he scratch his ears, because it'll end up hurting his ear without curing the itch.
scratch a few times but we stopped him, then he knows he can't scratch his ears, and he didn't already!!! CLEVER BOY X3!!!~

Lazie doesn't like people to hold his paw, but he still let Adrian hold it to clip the nails (Although he struggled awhile... cannot give in so easy what, that big ego cat X3!!!~) and didn't even bite or scratch Adrian as some other cats will!!! Clever Lazie!!! Because otherwise it'll cost more o(=v=")o... hehehe...

After cleaning the ear and all, BATH TIME!!! Cat says Lazie hates it!!!

Lazie has a tendency to "act-tough", cause otherwise NO MUKA!!! But that time the poor baby kept on meowing... because he really don't like to bath!!!

And he became skinny!!! Hehehe, actually its his fur which made him looked FAT!!!

Big difference right???

Lazie looks all nice and fluffy and SMELLS GREAT after the grooming!!! But then he merajuk to Cat and me (We DID brought him there to "torture" him, in his opinion =P!!!~), and on the way home, he sat next to my car's rear-window and looked out EMO-ING!!! Aiyo, that emo-cat X3!!!~

No pictures after his grooming session, forgot to take =P!!!~

While we were there, some other dogs was getting groomed too!!!~

One of them got their tailed dyed yellow and orange!!! The names T-Bow??? T-Bone??? A very good boy!!! I ordered him and although i'm not his master, he listened X3!!!~



HaegongMama(Auntie Amane), BigongMama (Thats me =D!!!) and Ya Sanggong (KatYa Ya aka )went to Starbucks Uptown to wait for her "grand-arrival"!!! Her parents would dropped her there after dinner, and once it reaches midnight, we'll surprise her with a pizza with candle!!!


Mango Frappucino, I LOVE IT X3!!!~

HaegongMama's big arrival in Starbucks Uptown made everyone felt inferior!!!~

Then... Ya Sanggong did something wrong to HaegongMama...

Oh no...

And being the nice Sanggong she is, unlike that KIM SANGGONG aka Loo Yee, she felt great apologies to Her Royal Majesty!!!

Luckily HaegongMama have a BIG HEART =D!!!~

Anyways, its also becauses, if we fire Ya Sanggong, there won't be anymore GOOD sanggongs to serve us... the other sanggong Kim Sanggong is not exactly useful =P!!!


While we waited patiently for Kim Sanggong to arrive... unfortunately, around half-an-hour before midnight...

... the birthday girl couldn't make it o(=.=")o...

But instead of calling the whole thing off, we brought the party TO her =D!!!~

The new plan is, i am to ring her housebell to get her out, and then HaegongMama and Ya Sanggong will appear with the pizza!!!

When she came out to open the gate for me, she was surprised why i came to her house suddenly, so i cincai created a SUPER LAME REASON!!!

I came to her house in the middle-of-the-night... TO BORROW VCD *faints*!!!

The lamest reason i've ever gave o(=v=")o...

But Kim Sanggong's kinda blur at that moment, she didn't even suspect a thing (Her reason to why she didn't suspet me: she said i, ME, always like that one lar... chardou o(=v=")o...)!!!

But good also she didn't suspect!!! Otherwise the surprise will be spoiled =P!!!~

After i took the VCD (Cincai name one VCD, luckily she have =P!!!~), when i was about to leave, then HaegongMama and Ya Sanggong attacked!!! Should've took a pic of Kim Sanggong's face!!! She was so shocked to find two girls coming out from the flower pots near her house with a pizza and candle!!! Hehehe!!! SURPRISE!!!

Not much pics, because forgot to take =P!!! We were chatting and all, hehehe!!!

And the much regrettable one was... forgot to take pic of the "pizza-with-candle " cake o(=.=")o...

Apart from the "pizza-cake", this is the present we bought for her!!!~

Its a Doggy container filled with pudding!!! And after you finish the puddings, you can use the container as a piggy bank!!! Multi-uses har o(^-~)o???

And while we were chatting... HaegongMama was exceptionally quiet... so i turned to check her out and caught her redhanded!!!

Trying to take Kim Sanggong's puddings *gasp*!!!

Kim Sanggong's brother owned a PSP, and when we went into her house, he left it on the sofa!!! SO I ATTACK XD!!!~

And while i took pics of me with the PSP, HaegongMama purposely put her feet towards me, and the following pic came out...


OMG!!! If didn't see clearly, it really looks like i'm going to kiss HaegongMama's feet!!!


Hold on... hey HaegongMama, you broke the rules!!! I thought ROYALS are not supposed to reveal their feet???

Oh no, HaegongMama's going to be in trouble =P... hehehe XP!!!~


More pics tonight, after i finish editting it now =D!!!~

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