Monday, August 27, 2007

My life with idiot - Part 1

Do you know how hard is it to wake the idiot up every morning?

She sleeps with me in my Royal bedchamber almost every night.
As a Princess who needs her beauty sleep every night, i'll sleep while she types away on her stupid laptop, disturbing me occasionally when she gets bored, but still didn't want to sleep.

So anyways, when she finally *do* sleep, its around the crack of dawn.

The time *I* want to wake up.

I have to meow millions of time to wake my servant up so she could open the door for me!

If it doesn't work, i have to resort to climbing on her bed, climb on her and meow directly at her face to wake her up!

Ah, i don't like doing that, but its fun watching her startled expression when she open her eyes and the first thing she sees is my beautiful face.

Really funny, hahaha!

But you know what, as fun as it is, its tiring...

Maybe i should just lock her out of my room every night (-┏)...

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