Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The arrival of 3.

After waiting for one whole week.

It's here!

And here's how the story goes...

It was raining on Monday.
I had been waiting for the postman every since i woke up (every morning since last week), but i didn't dare place anymore high hopes on the postman for fear of the same disappointment which has ridden me for the whole of last week, to the extend i had actually wanted to start a petition to replace our postal system with owl posts for effectiveness.
But anyways, a small part of me had been wishing that it would come today.

Then the POSLaju guy came, and i initially thought it was the postman! A tad disappointed it was not, but anyways, i asked him regarding the postman as i signed for the parcel, if he would come today and how many times they come a day.
He said the normal posts comes twice a day, and he should have made his first round already, but maybe because its raining, so he is late.

I thanked him and went back inside, slumped on the couch like a dead sea cow while i continue my wait. The clock continued ticking.

I lost track of time, but i was still lying there. Later, my ears suddenly hears the sound of a motorbike miles away. My ears are usually quite deaf, so it amazes me how sensitive it can become when it really wants to!

I kept my position, not wanting to be disappointed again. But this has got to be it, because the sound stopped once in a while.
You see, after the postman drops the mails at one house, he would have to step on the accelerator again to reach the other, thus, the "motorbike sounds" i heard.

I jumped up and run out, and stood at the porch. Evidently, the postman is still far away, and i can actually hear him clearer when i was inside then i was standing outside! Once again showing how SUPER my hearing can be when it wants to.
Then my stray cat BabyGirl came in asking for food, i thought i should feed her while i waited, so i went in to make some chow for her.

Just the moment i finish making the chow, the doorbell rang.
My heart skipped, the motorbike sound louder and clearer than ever.


I ran out with the food, dropped it at the porch for BabyGirl to eat, and ran to greet the postman. Despite the rain, the good man had come after all, and he passed me three packages bind together over the gate.

My eyes shone as i took the packages from him, thank him and ran back in. The packages was wet, but the rain could not dampened my heart from how happy i felt.

It's here, it really is finally here after waiting for one whole week, which felt like nothing but torturous!

But ah, alas, i forgotten to shout at him "Kim HeeChul NICE!", as i've said i would when i got my packages, because i was stuff full of excitement and happiness that i had finally gotten my package, i forgotten everything else =P!

Oh well, maybe the next one =D!

Here's the 3 packages responsible for elongating my neck for the past week!

Are you wondering whats in it (^^ )?

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