Thursday, July 24, 2008


... is an understatement.

Might as well ask me to drive a car up a hill and then drive it over a cliff into the sea, and get my car to go across the ocean all the way to Seoul may i hopefully, would feel better.

Not because the boys are there (ok, maybe that's one of the reasons XD), but because this stupid person who left me here all alone and is all the way there is there.


Hah, it's so me to incorporate humour into everything (always positive) even though i'm down right emo right now that if you ask me to die i would follow suit no questions asked. Nothing is going right for me these days, so i figure at least my consolation would be able to follow the boys everywhere and give (the real) Kim HeeChul a nasty shock when he wakes up in the morning, since he enjoy scaring people so much.

Or maybe SiWon, since i'm Buddhist, i should see if his prayers can shoo me.

Nah i'm crapping. But you can't deny the idea sounds good.

Seriously, where is a Cow and a Ju-On when you need one?

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