Sunday, November 02, 2008

Idea of a genius.

Ice-cream (and by here i really do mean ICE-CREAM, not any funny yogurt ice-cream etc, but rather, the real ICE-CREAM, thank you very much)... mixed with cornflakes is the idea of a pure genius!

And by pure-genius, i mean me.
*evil laugh*
And you shall bow in gratitude for i had shared my pure-genius idea with you, for which not your life would've been untouched and meaningless if not for the wonders of ice-cream cornflake, muahahahahahahaha!

I love this song, i love Ella and i love Eddie 彭于晏!
I wanted to say i love the MV too, but... it's so sad *sobs*...

I'm compiling a list of guys who i think are hot, but... still pending now!!

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